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Connected Mums Research. July 2010. This presentation is the intellectual property of Polestar Communications and must not be sent on or reproduced without prior consent. Motherhood has changed. * TNS Digital Life Survey, 2009. A ‘Mum Mafia’ has emerged.
Connected Mums Research July 2010 This presentation is the intellectual property of Polestar Communications and must not be sent on or reproduced without prior consent
Motherhood has changed * TNS Digital Life Survey, 2009
A ‘Mum Mafia’ has emerged Happier to define themselves as ‘Mums’ but not ‘Housewives’ A more connected network than ever before ..A force to be reckoned with Online & offline too
Mums are powerful consumers Women are responsible for 83% of the household spending decisions Women are responsible for 62% of decisions behind new car purchases Responsible for 90% of food purchases Responsible for 80% of healthcare spending decisions1! 1: A.T. Kearney Research
Modern motherhood has its own pressures Competitive Mums 78% say one-upmanship at the school gates is “ridiculous”, but they “just can’t help themselves”1 Celebrity ‘bump watch’ glamorises & fetishises pregnancy alongside ‘ticking clock’ articles Yummy Mummy phenomenon 31% claim brands appear patronising and often perpetuate the “super mummy” myth2 1: Daily Telegraph, 10 June 2010 2: Joshua G2/ Marketing Week
Polestar mums research • The nature of motherhood has changed dramatically • ‘A lifestyle choice’ • Starting point of a career • More visible, more connected • More pressured, higher expectations • Polestar’s 2010 research set out to ask UK mums directly how they have responded to these changes
About the research • Methodology: Anonymous online survey • Sample: 100 ABC1 Mums with an internet connection, living in England Regionality Age profile
Broadly, Connected Mums are in work and at a senior level – but the nature of work is very varied Middle management Junior management Support N/a
How Connected Mums view their role Celeb mums have changed how motherhood is perceived (62%) But motherhood is still hard graft (94%) & less respected than ‘work’ (67%) It’s far more acceptable to define yourself as ‘a mum’ (93%) than as ‘a housewife’ (19%)
How Connected Mums view themselves as a group All agree: 89% All agree: 66% All agree: 81% All agree: 90% Mums are more influential Mums are more valued as consumers Mums are more connected
Where Mums connect online Around half of those using the Mums networks claim they get something different from each site Social Networks: 2 key players Mums Networks: More fragmented usage
Mum networks are valued.. But only up to a point Mums enjoy the reassurance that comes from connecting with other Mums But they in no way replace real life connections
These career women have found motherhood has its pressures, too Money Desperate Housewives • 69% expect money to be tighter next year • 63% worry about money • 60% spend more on clothes for their children than for themselves • 85% are ‘house-proud’ • 69% like baking for visitors Looking Good Parenting Skills • 71% wanted to shift the baby weight, fast • 69% feel pressure to look good • 62% report competition between mums • 83% say ‘no way am I mumsy’ • 88% compare notes on child development milestones • 61% say they are made to feel there is a right/wrong way to be a Mum by gurus like Gina Ford
Peers can be a source of pressure as well as support and a real-life support network comes from multiple sources
Conclusions - Professionalising the role of ‘Mum’ • Expectations on being a ‘mum’ have never been higher • Pressure to run & manage a household and its finances.... • ....be an excellent parent • ....return to work / start up a business • ....whilst still looking good • Yet, with status & pride in the role on the up, and their increasing influence recognised, Mums are grasping the initiative using the full range of tools at their disposal
Conclusions - The Connected Mum • Actively using the technologies & skills learnt in professional life to help them skill-up & cope with the stresses of modern parenthood • Online networks play a critical role • Staying connected • Over 70% feel more reassured by belonging to these networks • 80% would recommend them to friends • Reassurance & influence • Online networks support their desire to gain & transfer knowledge • One in ten uses them to drum up support around issues • Around a third posts questions and comments • Use of online networks is fragmented & not homogenous • Draw on a variety of different networks rather than dominant sources • It’s not all about community sites such as Mumsnet - product & service brands have a valued role to play
Conclusions – The Connected Mum • Primary source of support networks remains off-line • It’s here that they draw on immediate support of family, friends & neighbours • Critically for brands, face-to-face advocacy outstrips online by 7 to 1
Implications for brands • Modern mums are an audience of immense value & influence • More connected than ever, they offer the ultimate advocacy opportunity • There’s a genuine opportunity for brands to be part of their network if they empower mums with tools and add value to their lives • Think beyond community based online networks – they are only part of the solution
For more information contact:Kiran Kaur: kirank@polestarcommunications.com +44 (0)207 089 6591Megan Butler: meganb@polestarcommunications.com +44 (0)207 089 6589