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Curriculum Review

LOG 350 “Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management” Presented to the Life Cycle Logistics (LCL) Functional Integrated Product Team (FIPT) Prepared by Thomas A. Simcik, CPL, CPIM Performance Learning Director Defense Acquisition University. Curriculum Review. Discussion Topics.

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Curriculum Review

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  1. LOG 350 “Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management” Presented to theLife Cycle Logistics (LCL) Functional Integrated Product Team (FIPT)Prepared byThomas A. Simcik, CPL, CPIMPerformance Learning DirectorDefense Acquisition University Curriculum Review

  2. Discussion Topics • Key Personnel • Course Concept Card • LCL Competency – DAU Curriculum Crosswalk • PLD/Course Manager Assessment • MTM/Throughput/Demographics • FY 11 (8.5 days) & FY 12 (9.5 days) Course Outlines • Backup • FYs 11-14 LCL Certification Curriculum “Path Ahead” • TLOs/ELOs • LOG 350 Integration with “Wall Chart”

  3. LOG 350 Key Personnel • Course Manager • Ron Burroughs, DAU West Region • Course Manager Regional Representatives (CMRR) • CNE: Kevin Wedmark • West: Andre Murphy • Midwest: Mike Bayer • South: Ken Nicholas • Mid-Atlantic: Bill Conroy • LCIC Instructional Systems Specialist • James McDaniel • LCIC Performance Learning Director (PLD) • Tom Simcik • LCIC Director for Logistics and Sustainment • Bill Kobren

  4. LOG 350 Course “Concept Card” • Description Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management prepares the life cycle logistician to perform in senior-level life cycle logistics management and policy-making positions. Students are required to conduct research, engage in critical thinking exercises, and perform leadership responsibilities in a small group, decision-making environment. Students engage in a dynamic, fast-paced, threaded exercise addressing complex relationships in life cycle logistics support planning, acquisition policy, supportability analysis, program management, performance-based product support, and business case analysis. The course spans a system’s entire life cycle from concept through demilitarization and disposal, including acquisition logistics planning events, and operations and support sustainment planning. • Objectives Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: • Serve as a proactive, credible, and influential life cycle logistician; • Distinguish the life cycle logistician’s functions during each phase of the life cycle; • Evaluate the components of and the life cycle logistician’s role in the systems engineering process; • Analyze and integrate major acquisition and sustainment policy requirements from the advanced-level logistics perspective; and • Contribute to the integration of life cycle logistics processes within the operational tenets of DoD transformation, including performance-based product support solutions. • Target Audience • This course is for acquisition professionals who are Level II certified in Life Cycle Logistics, military E-7 to O-5 and above; DoD civilians GS-13 (or equivalent) and above; and industry counterparts. • Prerequisite(s) • LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support • Duration • 8.5 days (FY 11) • 9.5 days (FY 12)

  5. Level III Certification P LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management 8.5 days classroom • Case/scenario based • GS 13-14 & E7-O5 • Experience: 4 yrs • 74 total hours FY 11 Life Cycle Logistics Certification Training Level I Certification Level II Certification NOTE: There are NO prerequisites for LOG 235 LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Supportability 2 CL Modules from Core Plus List 2 CL Modules from Core Plus List ACQ 201B Intermediate Systems Acquisition 3 hrs ea, on-line 3 hrs ea, on-line 27 hrs, on-line 54 hours, online P P 3 hrs ea, on-line ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management P LOG-236 Performance Based Logistics 4.5 days classroom P P ACQ 201A Intermediate Systems Acquisition 32 hours on-line 25 hrs, on-line 4.5 days classroom 25 hrs, on-line P P LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG-206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment 37 hours, on-line P • Application/case based • GS 9-12 & E7-O4 • Experience: 2 yrs • 252 total hours • Knowledge based • GS 5-9 & E7-O3 • Experience: 1 yr • 104 total hours 21 hrs, on-line 4.5 days classroom 15 hours, on-line P = Prerequisite Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU catalog for details) Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (Includes LOG 204 CM Course) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU catalog for details) 24 Jun 11

  6. LCL Competency – DAU Curriculum Crosswalk Legend: • Principal course that addresses the competency Deployed course/significant upgrade in progress • Courses where the competency is a major learning point New course in development/planning

  7. PLD/Course Manager Assessment • Maintaining excellent MtMs and Student feedback. LOG’s top rated course! • Additional training day in FY12 will incorporate LCSP content but will require “out of town” students to travel on Sunday • FY 12 class size increase to 30 students (from 25) • Will monitor impact on: • Impact of an additional 5 student presentations on total class time • Group dynamics as size increases to 6 per team • Throughput requirements expected to increase – may begin to tax DAU’s capacity (instructors, classrooms, “in year” course adds) • Recent changes in policy and guidance have been addressed “ad hoc”. A broader update to LOG 350 should be considered to consolidate changes: • Product Support Manager - Life Cycle Sustainment Plan • Better Buying Power/Affordabilty - DTM 11-003 Reliability Analysis, Planning Tracking, and Reporting • Business Case Analysis - Technical Data Rights

  8. LOG 350 Metrics That Matter (MTM) 6.85 6.79 6.80 6.53 6.29 6.36 6.49 6.43 6.44 6.48 6.44 6.44 6.14 6.05 6.03 LOG 350 Curriculum Review 30 July 2010

  9. LOG 350 Graduates/Demographics * Projected graduates based on class load of 25 students less empty seats to date LOG 350 Curriculum Review 30 July 2010

  10. FY 11 LOG 350 Course Outline 2 Week Course – 8.5 Days

  11. FY 12 LOG 350 Course Outline 2 Week Course – 9.5 Days

  12. Back Up !!

  13. FY12-13 Life Cycle Logistics Certification Training Level III Certification Level I Certification Level II Certification LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals Choice of one of: RQM 110, ACQ 265, BCF 215 , LOG 204 P LOG-206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment P NOTE: There are NO prerequisites for LOG 235 ACQ 201B Intermediate Systems Acquisition LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support 18-32 hrs, on-line/clsrm P LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics 27 hrs, on-line 3 CL Modules: LCSP, BCA & Log Assessment 21 hours, on-line LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management 32 hours on-line 4.5 days classroom 3 hrs ea, on-line P 54 hours, online P P 3 hrs ea, on-line P ACQ 201A Intermediate Systems Acquisition LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management P LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support 25 hrs, on-line LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability P 37 hours, on-line 4.5 days classroom 4.5 days classroom 25 hrs, on-line P LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management 2 CL Modules: Life Cycle Mgt/ Sustainment Metrics & Supportability Analysis 26 hrs, on-line SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals P 9.5 days classroom • Knowledge based • GS 5-9 & E7-O3 • Experience: 1 yr • 144 total hours • Application/case based • GS 9-12 & E7-O4 • Experience: 2 yrs • 228 total hours • Case/scenario based • GS 13-14 & E7-O5 • Experience: 4 yrs • 139-153 total hours 4+8 hrs ea, on-line 35hrs, on-line Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Plus new LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course in FY13) New Certification Rqmts P = Prerequisite

  14. FY14 Life Cycle Logistics Certification Training Level I Certification Level III Certification Level II Certification LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals Choice of one of: RQM 110, ACQ 265, BCF 215 , LOG 204 or (new) LOG 215 P LOG-206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment NOTE: There are NO prerequisites for LOG 235 P ACQ 201B Intermediate Systems Acquisition LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support P LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics 18-32 hrs, on-line/clsrm 27 hrs, on-line 3 CL Modules: LCSP, BCA & Log Assessment 21 hours, on-line LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management 32 hours on-line 4.5 days classroom 3 hrs ea, on-line P 54 hours, online P P 3 hrs ea, on-line P ACQ 201A Intermediate Systems Acquisition LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management P LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support 25 hrs, on-line LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability P 37 hours, on-line 4.5 days classroom 4.5 days classroom 25 hrs, on-line P LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management 2 CL Modules: Life Cycle Mgt/ Sustainment Metrics & Supportability Analysis 26 hrs, on-line LOG 211 Supportability Analysis SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals P P 9.5 days classroom 4.5 days classroom • Knowledge based • GS 5-9 & E7-O3 • Experience: 1 yr • 144 total hours • Application/case based • GS 9-12 & E7-O4 • Experience: 2 yrs • 264 total hours • Case/scenario based • GS 13-14 & E7-O5 • Experience: 4 yrs • 139-153 total hours 4+8 hrs ea, on-line 35hrs, on-line Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Including LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course) New Certification Rqmts P = Prerequisite

  15. LOG 350 Terminal Learning Objectives (TLO) • Develop a strategy for implementing a proactive and influential Logistician’s role in the Materiel Solution Analysis Phaseof the Life Cycle of a system. • Develop a strategy for implementing a proactive and influential Logistician’s role in the Technology Development Phaseof the Life Cycle of a system. • Develop a strategy for implementing a proactive and influential Logistician’s role in the Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phaseof the Life Cycle of a system. • Develop a strategy for implementing a proactive and influential Logistician’s role in the Production & Deployment Phaseof the Life Cycle of a system. • Develop a strategy for implementing a proactive and influential Logistician’s role in the Operations & Sustainment Phaseof the Life Cycle of a system.

  16. LOG 350 Enabling Learning Objectives (ELO) #1 Materiel Solution Analysis Phase • Discuss the role of the logistician in the development of the ICD. • Discuss the role of the logistician in the development of the supportability portion of the “Integrated Master Schedule.” • Discuss the role of the logistician in the development of logistic test items for inclusion in the TEMP. • Discuss the logistics relationship with the ICD and “Key Performance Parameters (KPP). • Discuss the Pre–Milestone “A” supportability assessment process.

  17. LOG 350 Enabling Learning Objectives (ELO) #2 Technology Development Phase • Discuss the Logistician’s role in the development of “Product Support Strategies” during the pre-Acquisition Phase. • Define the logistics activities related to the Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) within the Technology Development Phase. • Discuss the Logistician’s role in the development of logistics performance measures, metrics, and accompanying incentivesduring the pre-Acquisition phase. • Discuss the key logistics activities that should be completed while the program is in the pre-acquisition phase. • Discuss the attributes of a “SMART” metric.

  18. LOG 350 Enabling Learning Objectives (ELO) #3 Engineering & Manufacturing Development Phase • Discuss the attributes of effective Performance Based Agreements” (PBA) between the PM and the War fighter. • Discuss the attributes of an effective “Product Support Integrator” (PSI). • Identify and discuss standard topics that should be addressed in a typical Performance Based Agreement (PBA). • Discuss the typical war fighter responsibilities that should be included in a PBA. • Identify incentives and remedies that could be built into the support agreement to address non-performance issues.

  19. LOG 350 Enabling Learning Objectives (ELO) # 4 Production & Deployment Phase • Describe how Independent Logistics Assessments (ILAs) are conducted within the U.S Army, Navy or Air Force Program Offices. • Discuss the key effects of program schedule change to the fielding process. • Discuss the key considerations for deploying a new weapon system. • Describe the effects of modifications and or “Evolutionary Acquisition” development on fielding & deployment. • Discuss the key provisions of a site activation plan. • Describe the important fielding issues facing a joint program office. • Describe the benefits derived from continually seeking to minimize or reduce the logistics footprint within your respective program. • Discuss the benefits and pitfalls in the use of RFID Tags to reduce the logistics footprint. • Justify which of the Twelve IPS Elements the program office should devote most of their time and resources toward preparing for a Milestone “C” Decision Review? • Describe the key ILS processes to be addressed in preparing for a Milestone “C” Review.

  20. LOG 350 Enabling Learning Objectives (ELO) #5 Operations & Sustainment Phase • Describe some of the potential solutions for reducing the impact of DMSMS on a program. • Describe how technology initiatives can be used to improve asset distribution and inventory management. • Describe how CPI could be used to improve the supply chain and life cycle supportability. • Discuss how reduction in supportability funding could be mitigated to reduce logistics impact. • Describe the main program considerations for De-Mil and Disposal of system/components.

  21. LOG 350 Logistics/ Sustainment Wrap-Up Exercise Define Supportability Objectives Evaluate Product Support Capabilities Develop Initial Product Support Capabilities Product Support Plan Demonstrate Product Support Capability Product Support/ PBL Implementation & Mgt Operations and Sustainment

  22. Concept Decision Reset Milestone A Reset Milestone B Reset Critical Design Review Reset Milestone C Reset Production & Deployment Reset Sustainment Reset Logistics/ Sustainment Define Supportability Objectives Evaluate Product Support Capabilities Develop Initial Product Support Capabilities Product Support Plan Demonstrate Product Support Capability Product Support/ PBL Implementation & Mgt Operations and Sustainment Wrap-Up Exercise

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