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PET – POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY. PET: POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY. Most used PET radiotracers. Unstable nucleus. positron antiparticle of the electron (same charge, opposite semn). electron. positronium. 2 gamma photons, 511 keV. Coincidence detection (interval 10 -9 sec.).
Unstable nucleus positron antiparticle of the electron (same charge, opposite semn) electron positronium 2 gamma photons, 511 keV Coincidence detection (interval 10-9 sec.) • detector: • Bi germanat crystal(BGO) • Photomultipliers around PET principle
Anihilation process Anihilation photon g Anihilation electron/positron b- b+ Anihilation photon g Desintegration through positron emission Device
PET: analogs metabolic Glucidic Metabolism Glicolisys in malignant cell The germinating idea of PET: Nobel Prize Medicine Laureat, Dr. Otto Warburg: <The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen by normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar>
GLUT transporters GLUT8 GLUT6
PET Indication • Miocardial Scintigraphy • Tumoral Scintigraphy : • pulmonar neoplasm • mamary neoplasm • cerebral neoplasm • ovarian • gastrointestinal neoplasia • limphoma • Head-neck tumors • endocrin tumors : thyroidian, carcinoid, pheocromocitoma
Imagini PET (18FFDG), CT şi PET-CT normale (secţiuni coronale) PET PET - CT CT