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IEP Kosice, 16 May 2007 Two-band Hubbard model of superconductivity: physical motivation and Green function approach to the solution Gh. Adam , S. Adam LIT-JINR Dubna and IFIN-HH Bucharest
IEP Kosice, 16 May 2007 Two-band Hubbard model of superconductivity: physical motivation and Green function approach to the solution Gh. Adam, S. Adam LIT-JINR Dubna and IFIN-HH Bucharest Gh. Adam and S. Adam, Rigorous derivation of the mean field Green functions of thetwo-band Hubbard model of superconductivity, arXiv:0704.0692v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] Subm. to J.Phys. A: Math. Gen
OUTLINE I. Physical Motivation II. Model Hamiltonian III. Mean Field Approximation IV. Reduction of Correlation Order of Processes Involving Singlets V. Frequency Matrix and Green Function in Reciprocal Space VI. DISCUSSION
Left: Elementary cell. Right: 3D Brillouin zone (body-centered tetragonal) and its 2D projections. Diamond: Fermi surface at half filling calculated with only the nearest neighbor hopping; Gray area: Fermi surface obtained including also the next-nearest neighbor hopping. Note that is the midpoint along Γ−Ζ is not a true symmetry point. Crystal structure and Fermi surface of La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) (after Damascelli et al., RMP, 75, 473, 2003)
i j Effective Spin States • Schematic representation of the cell distribution within CuO2 plane • Antiferromagnetic arrangement of the spins of the holes at Cu sites • Effect of the disappearance of a spin within spin distribution
xz, yz Crystal field splitting and hybridization giving rise to the Cu-O bands (Fink et al., IBM J. Res. Dev., 33, 372, 1989).
Qualitative illustration of the electronic density of states of the p-d model with three bands: bonding (B), anti-bonding (AB), and non-bonding (NB). (c) metallic state at half-filling of AB band for U = 0 (see (a) on previous slide) (d) Mott-Hubbard insulator for Δ > U> W [W ~ 2eV is the width of AB band] (e) charge-transfer insulator for U > Δ > W (f) charge-transfer insulator for U > Δ > W,with the two-hole p-d band split into the triplet (T, S=1) and the Zhang-Rice singlet (ZRS, S=0) bands. (after Damascelli et al., RMP, 75, 473, 2003)
Peculiarity of the hole-singlet band structure If (a spin state at site i belongs to the hole subband ) then it is theuniquely occupied state at site i [|i in hole subband excludes the presence of |i ; |i in hole subband excludes the presence of |i ] If (a spin state at site i belongs to the singlet subband ) then theopposite spin state is also presentat site i . State description in terms of Hubbard operators is able to handle consistently these requirements.
Basic Results of Analysis t-J Model Effective parameters fora single subband(whichintersects the Fermi level). • Describessuperconducting state • Unable to describenormal state ═> Misses consistent description of phase transition Effective parameters fortwo subbands(whichlay nearest to Fermi level). Hubbard operator algebra preserves the Pauli exclusion principle May describe both superconducting and normal states ═> Consistent description of phase transition Over- simplification Two-band Hubbard Simplest consistent model
Two-subband effective Hubbard model:AFM exchange pairing W e2 m 0 t12 e1 j i Estimate in WCA gives for Tcex : N.M.Plakida, L.Anton, S.Adam, Gh.Adam, JETP, 97, 331 (2003)
W ws m -ws 0 Two-subband effective Hubbard model:Spin-fluctuation pairing e2 e1 i j Estimate in WCA gives for Tcsf: N.M.Plakida, L.Anton, S.Adam, Gh.Adam, JETP, 97, 331 (2003)
Critical Temperature Tc(δ)(teffunits) Total Contribution to Tc Exchange Contribution Kinematic Interaction(spin fluctuation) N.M. Plakida et al. JETP, 97, 331 (2003)
The Hamiltonian N.M.Plakida, R.Hayn, J.-L.Richard, PRB, 51, 16599, (1995) N.M.Plakida, L.Anton, S.Adam, Gh.Adam, JETP, 97, 331 (2003)
Properties of Hubbard Operators
End [Properties of Hubbard Operators]
Hopping contributions to the Hamiltonianin terms of Hubbard linear forms
Need oftwo kindsof particle number operators At a given lattice site i, there is a single spin state of predefined spin projection. The total number of spin states equals 2. The conventional particle number operator Ni provides unique characterization of the occupied states within the model.
Frequency Matrix in (r,ω)-representation
IV. Reduction of Correlation Order of Processes Involving Singlets