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National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Strategic Plan

Details the strategies and outcomes for reducing tsunami risks, enhancing warning systems, and promoting community resilience. Developed by the NTHMP Working Group.

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National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Strategic Plan

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  1. NTHMP Strategic PlanInformation Briefing Jenifer Rhoades November 19, 2008

  2. NTHMP Strategic PlanDrivers • GAO Requirement • 5-Year Review Findings • Requirement to develop program guidance for future decisions • Need to define use of increased funding (Spectrum)

  3. NTHMP Strategic PlanWorking Group • David Oppenheimer, USGS • Jenifer Rhoades, NOAA • Mark Roberts, Alaska Emergency Management Agency • Christa von Hillebrandt, Puerto Rico Seismic Network, UPRM • Paul Whitmore, NOAA • Charles Williams, Alabama Emergency Management Agency

  4. NTHMP Strategic PlanDevelopment Plan • Held Workshop at the WC/ATWC in Palmer, AK in August 2008. • Developed Draft NTHMP Outcomes, Strategies, and Performance Metrics • Plan organized to follow Sub-Committee Structure • Developed Draft Outline of Strategic Plan • Revised NTHMP Mission Statement

  5. NTHMP Strategic PlanDevelopment Plan • Post Workshop at the WC/ATWC in Palmer, AK in August 2008. • Briefed the NTHMP CC on Outcomes, Strategies, and Metrics • Incorporated NTHMP CC Comments into Draft Strategic Plan • Coordinated a NTHMP CC Review of the Draft Plan • Incorporated NTHMP CC Comments into revised Draft Strategic Plan

  6. Proposed Revised NTHMP Mission Statement Provide scientifically accurate assessments of tsunami hazard, mitigate the threat through public outreach, local dissemination, planning and education, and lend guidance to optimize real-time warnings to communities on all U.S. coastlines.

  7. NTHMP Outcomes • Reduction of loss of life and property damage from tsunami • Successful execution of NTHMP tsunami mapping, modeling, mitigation, planning and education efforts • Tsunami inundation maps that support informed decision making in tsunami-threatened communities • Tsunami evacuation maps that support effective preparedness and response • A culture of tsunami preparedness and response • Establishment of more tsunami resilient communities • Effective and reliable warning dissemination to threatened citizens and visitors • Understandable and effective Tsunami Warning Center products

  8. NTHMP Strategies Overarching • Establish an accessible web-based repository for NTHMP-related products • Strengthen Sub-Committees to execute this strategic plan • Advocate tsunami research as applicable to the NTHMP • Conduct periodic external reviews of the NTHMP

  9. NTHMP Strategies (cont.) Mapping and Modeling • Develop approval procedures for tsunami inundation models to meet NOAA modeling standards • Develop guidelines for tsunami inundation maps • Prioritize inundation map development • Provide guidance to regions for which no inundation maps exist concerning tsunami threatened areas • Ensure any NTHMP funded model code is open source

  10. NTHMP Strategies (cont.) Mitigation and Education • Develop guidelines for mitigation, preparedness and education programs • Promote the integration of tsunami inundation research into building codes and land-use planning • Support coordination of NTHMP mitigation programs with other state, local, and federal mitigation programs • Develop guidelines for tsunami evacuation maps • Facilitate educational events • Explore the feasibility of integrating tsunamis into K-12 education • Promote development of tsunami emergency response procedures including collaboration among federal, state, and local agencies

  11. NTHMP Strategies (cont.) Mitigation and Education • Support tsunami outreach efforts to coastal residents, media, coastal businesses, and tourism • Propose a National Tsunami Awareness Week • Ensure communities are prepared to respond during tsunami events • Support reviews of the TsunamiReady Program • Support a research effort to develop U.S. tsunami risk assessment methodologies

  12. NTHMP Strategies (cont.) Warning Coordination • Provide guidance to refine TWC products • Encourage authorities to receive and respond to Tsunami Warning Center products • Advocate for continual tsunami detection and warning system improvements • Improve local warning dissemination capabilities to citizens and visitors • Improve community warning point reception capabilities

  13. NTHMP Strategic Workshop Recommendations to the CC • Approve NTHMP Strategic Plan • Grant applications need to demonstrate how they will support NTHMP performance measures • Sub-Committees will need to be strengthened and be held more accountable for the success of the NTHMP and the implementation of the Strategic Plan • Sub-Committee TORs need to be reviewed, adjusted and followed to ensure the success of this plan • Sub-Committees should receive funding to support strategy implementation • NTHMP Charter and RoP will need to be reviewed and adjusted to ensure successful strategy implementation • Approve the revised Mission Statement

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