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Justice Information Network Strategic Plan Development. Justice Information Network Board March 18, 2008 Mo West, JIN Program Manager. Purpose of Appearance. Review, evaluate, and modify the Justice Information Network (JIN) Strategic Plan Design Principles; Action Plan; Timelines;
Justice Information Network Strategic Plan Development Justice Information Network Board March 18, 2008 Mo West, JIN Program Manager
Purpose of Appearance • Review, evaluate, and modify the Justice Information Network (JIN) Strategic Plan • Design Principles; • Action Plan; • Timelines; • Milestones; and • Performance measures.
Mission • The mission of the JIN is to improve public safety and the quality of justice by providing criminal and civil justice practitioners with complete, timely, and accurate information and to improve operational efficiency by facilitating the integration of disparate systems throughout the state.
Goal • The goal of the JIN is to develop and maintain in a cost-effective manner, a statewide network of criminal justice information that enables the seamless sharing and integrated delivery of justice information maintained in independent the state’s federal, state, and local independent information systems.
Objectives • provide complete, timely, and accurate information to the justice community by: • maximize utilize national and state data and technology standards; • reduce or eliminate redundant data collection and input; • reduce paper exchanges; • improve work flow; and • maintain security and privacy rights.
Strategies • Enhance the JIN: Increasing the capability and user base is essential to integration in order to provide information to the justice community to improve public safety and quality of justice. • Develop and support technology and design principles: Providing leadership in technology standards and the procedures will lay the foundation for consistent and interoperable information exchange throughout the Washington justice community. This will result in reduced costs and increased cooperation among justice agencies.
Strategies Cont. 3. Develop and sustain robust and reliable integrated services in response to business needs: This will ensure that the information exchanged will provide end users with the information they require in a manner they request to enhance public safety and quality of justice at a reduced cost. 4. Maintain security and privacy rights: Ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and reliability of the information through the JIN is a priority of the Board. Protecting the privacy and providing the security of the information leads to increased user and public confidence and trust that it is being used appropriately.
Strategies Cont. 5. Establish effective means for oversight of and adherence to policies and standards: The implementation and operation of technology must be done in accordance with procedures that maximize efficiencies, isolate variables, and reduce the overall scope of effort for each project. These components lead to information being delivered more quickly to the people who need it.
Standards: JIN constituents should conform to national, state, and open industry standards wherever possible. Standards: JIN constituents should conform utilize adopted national, state, and open industry data and exchange standards wherever possible. Rationale: Builds upon JIN policies (GJXDM) for data models and exchange process (IEPD). Design Principles
Interoperability: New applications should focus on interoperability with the JIN infrastructure and data sharing as part of the design process. No changes recommended. Design Principles
Shared Infrastructure: The JIN community will use shared infrastructure appropriately and leverage existing infrastructure to the fullest extend possible. Shared Infrastructure: The JIN community will use shared infrastructure appropriately and leverage existing infrastructure to the fullest extend possible. Rationale: Simplifies intent Design Principles
Security and Privacy: Disclosure of data is the responsibility of the owner of the data according applicable laws and regulations. Applications, data, and security are the responsibility of the respective owners. Security and Privacy Data Disclosure: Disclosure of data is the responsibility of the owner of the data custodian according applicable laws and regulations. Applications, data, and security are the responsibility of the respective owners. Rationale: This ensures responsibility remains with the appropriate entity. Security is a shared responsibility of all participating stakeholders, but not a data disclosure issue. Design Principles
Applications and Data Exchanges: Applications that need to exchange data via the JINDEX should be designed or enhanced to be compatible with the JIN infrastructure. Applications and Data Exchanges: Applications that need to exchange data via the JINDEX should be designed or enhanced to be compatible with the JIN standards and policies infrastructure. Rationale: Strengthens the statement and simplifies the intent. Design Principles
Reusable Components: Applications should use common and reusable components, data, and designs wherever possible. No changes recommended. Design Principles
Business Continuity: Applications should be designed to mitigate the identified primary risks, account for dependencies among applications and systems, and capitalize on economies of scale. Business Continuity: Applications should be designed to mitigate the identified primary risks, account for dependencies among applications and systems, and capitalize on economies of scale. Rationale: Strengthens the statement and simplifies intent. Design Principles
2009 – 2011 Action Planning • The JIN Strategic Plan is required to identify specific actions for improving criminal justice information systems. • Staff developed proposals for the Board’s consideration. • Each proposal includes leveraging the JINDEX infrastructure and applications and follow the existing Information Exchange Package Documentation Policy to identify data requirements, utilize national data standards, and provide technical documentation for each exchange.
Action Plan Proposals • Provide offender photos and conditions of community supervision to law enforcement • This will hold offenders more accountable and assist community corrections officers’ enforcement capability. • This is a priority of the JIN Business Advisory Subcommittee (BAS). • This will require business analysis and funding for Department of Corrections development activities.
Action Plan Proposals • Provide driver license photos and driving history to law enforcement • This will ensure that wanted suspects, absconders, or respondents of protection orders cannot mislead law enforcement with false information. • This is also a priority of the JIN BAS. • This project will require changes to current Revised Code of Washington and funding for development activities at the Department of Licensing.
Action Plan Proposals • Enhance record reporting to federal firearm reporting systems • This proposal will address identified gaps in reporting mental health records for firearm purchase background checks. This is in response to recent federal priorities and legislation. • This will require a thorough analysis of business processes, application development among the identified stakeholders. • Funding opportunities are likely to be available through federal grants
Action Plan Proposals • Automate warrant exchange process • Automating the warrant exchange process will reduce data re-entry among court staff, local law enforcement, and criminal information repositories. • This will improve the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of warrants as they are issued, served, and closed. • This is one of the current projects included in the 2004 National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP).
Action Plan Proposals 5. Automate protection order exchange process • Ensuring protection orders are available in a timely manner will assist in protecting a vulnerable population. • This proposal will exchange electronic protection order information among courts, criminal information repositories, and local law enforcement as they are issued, served, and closed. • This is also one of the current projects included in the 2004 National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP).
Action Plan Proposals 6. Automate criminal citation exchange process • This proposal will leverage the electronic uniform citation document to route criminal citations from law enforcement, to prosecutors, and subsequently to courts if charges are filed. • This proposal addresses issues raised by law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys, and courts to expedite due process.
Action Plan Proposals 7. Provide local law enforcement data to National Data Exchange (NDEX) database • NDEX is an investigative tool for law enforcement officials to query incident and field interview reports submitted by local law enforcement agencies across the country. • This proposal would provide the ability for Washington State local law enforcement agencies to submit information to the NDEX database.
July 15, 2008 Meeting Approve budget and legislative proposal Finalize content, structure of Plan Identify stakeholder roles and responsibilities August 29, 2008 Submit the completed 2009-2011 JIN Strategic Plan Next Steps