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The American Civil War 1861-1865 Part I The Prelude to War

The American Civil War 1861-1865 Part I The Prelude to War. Is presented to you by Kathleen M. Price in association with Bishop Hafey Jr/Sr High School.

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The American Civil War 1861-1865 Part I The Prelude to War

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  1. The American Civil War 1861-1865 Part I The Prelude to War

  2. Is presented to you by Kathleen M. Price in association with Bishop Hafey Jr/Sr High School

  3. “You might as well try to put out the burning flames of a house with a squirt gun, I think it is to be a long war, a very longer war than any politician thinks.” William T. Sherman Background and Causes • Economic issues • Political issues • Social/moral issues

  4. The North Industrial region Favored tariff on imported goods The South Agricultural region Imported goods from Europe therefore not in favor of tariffs EconomicProblems:

  5. Political Problems: • The South favored State’s rights - loyalty to state before country • South losing political power to Northern and Midwestern states – larger populations • Therefore, the South was losing a balanced Senate- less amount of slave states. • And finally, a President from the North and against slavery

  6. Social and Moral Issues • Slavery – concerned over property ownership by South. The constitution guaranteed the right to own property and protected against seizure of property • Slavery – a person owning another person is wrong in the eyes of many Northern citizens.

  7. Background Events • Missouri Compromise • Compromise of 1850 • Kansas-Nebraska Act • Dred Scott Decision • John Brown’s Raid • Election of Abraham Lincoln

  8. Missouri Compromise (1820) • Country had 11 slave and 11 free states • Missouri requests statehood. • This would unbalance the Senate • Henry Clay’s plan was to admit Missouri as a slave state and admit Maine as a free state • Line was drawn across US, south of the line would be slave except for Missouri, and north of the line would be free. • Agreed by both sides

  9. Compromise of 1850 • Dealt with question of slavery in West • At time, 15 slave/15 free states in U.S. • Idea of Henry Clay & Daniel Webster • California as a free state • New Mexico and Utah territories citizens would vote on free or slave -- “popular sovereignty” • Strict Fugitive slave laws put in effect

  10. Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) • Devised by Stephen Douglas • Nebraska was a large territory, so divide into 2 territories (Nebraska and Kansas) making the “popular sovereignty” to be slave or free • South was in favor of Act because slave owners from Missouri could move their to vote for slavery • North was angry because Nebraska was always a free territory and knew South wanted slavery to move northward • Kansas territory became known as “Bleeding Kansas” as violence erupted as both sides tried to establish control of the government of Kansas

  11. Dred Scott Decision (1857) • Scott was a slave whose owner moved into a free state. When the owner died, Scott argued that he should be a free man. • Went to Supreme Court: the Court ruled that since Scott is a slave, he was not considered a citizen - -slaves were property. • Court also ruled that Congress could not outlaw slavery in a territory therefore the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.

  12. John Brown’s Raid (1859) • John Brown & followers raided a federal arsenal (gun warehouse) at Harper Ferry, Virginia. They planned to give the guns to slaves in area to start a slave revolt. • Brown was eventually captured and at his trial was found guilty of treason. Brown was sentenced to death by hanging. • Brown became a hero to many northern abolitionists. Southerners felt even more threatened.

  13. Election of Abe Lincoln(1860) Lincoln defeated 3 opponents: • Stephen A Douglas ( Northern Democrat) • John C. Breckinridge (Southern Democrat) • John C. Bell (Constitutional Union Party) Lincoln’s victory was the signal for the South’s secession and eventually war.

  14. Secession Compromise Civil war Tariffs Slave codes Abolition Underground Railroad Sectionalism Fugitive Arsenal Martial law Emancipate Bounties Civilians Draft Vocabulary Terms to Know

  15. Northern States outnumber Southern StatesThe number of senators from slave and free states were no longer even and with the election of Abraham Lincoln, the South felt he would not be sympathetic to their way of life and would not treat them fairly. This caused the South to secede.

  16. Credits Graphics used this presentation can be located at the following sites: webpages.marshall.edu/~hughesll/highlights.htm www.civilwarhome.com/csa.htm www.ilt.columbia.edu/k12/history/gb/origin.html www.eden.rutgers.edu/~sirak/uscwcc/highlights.htm www.members.tripod.com/~greatamericanhistory/grD2013.htm

  17. The American Civil War 1861-1865 Part II: The Battles and Generals

  18. Political Leaders North (Union) South (Confederate) Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis Andrew Johnson Alexander Stephens

  19. Military Leaders The Confederacy The Union

  20. Battles

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