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Kaunas Lithuania

Kaunas Lithuania. MODEL Award competition 2009. Kaunas. Municipality since 1408 year Han s a chain member since XV century Population - 352 279 Area of city - 15,7 thousand ha Electricity production per habitant – 3,59 MWh Heat production per habitant – 6,64 MWh

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Kaunas Lithuania

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KaunasLithuania MODEL Award competition 2009

  2. Kaunas • Municipality since 1408 year • Hansa chain member since XV century • Population - 352 279 • Area of city - 15,7 thousand ha • Electricity production per habitant – 3,59 MWh • Heat production per habitant – 6,64 MWh • CO2 emissions per habitant – 3,79 t

  3. Energy Management Unit • Takes part in preparing, coordinating city energy sector development strategy. • Prepares central heating and hot water supply costs, also heating systems maintenance tariff’s for the approval of City Council. • Prepares the method of heating mode changing, heating system maintenance for the approval of City Council. • Takes part in preparation of plans and programs for perspective energy sources using, coordinates the implementation of them and etc.

  4. International projects BALANCE Kaunas municipality participated (or still participates) in these European energy related projects

  5. Lighting renovation in Laisvės alėja before after After renovation (in 2008), expenses for street lighting reduced by 50%, lightness increased more than 400 %.

  6. Block of flats renovation before after

  7. Scoreboards in public bus-stops On the 31st of October 2008, 35 scoreboards were launched in Kaunas municipality

  8. MIED becoming annual event

  9. Future action During Cyber Display project 170 schools and kindergartens in Kaunas municipality will be certificated with Cyber Display posters.

  10. European Energy Award Genoa, 2005 Kaunas municipality was awarded with EEA

  11. Covenant of Mayors 10.02.2009 Brussels Andrius Kupčinskas signed Covenant of Mayors

  12. Thank you for your attention, Kaunas municipality!

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