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Nutrition. By Amy Wu Computers 8 A. Carbohydrates. - Plays major role in immune system - Simple- Sugar, chocolate Complex- banana, brown rice Provides energy for body Produces Calories Stores chemical energy.  CHOCOLATE. BROWN RICE AND BANANA . FATS. Cushions body

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  1. Nutrition By Amy Wu Computers 8 A

  2. Carbohydrates • - Plays major role in immune system • - Simple- Sugar, chocolate • Complex- banana, brown rice • Provides energy for body • Produces Calories • Stores chemical energy  CHOCOLATE BROWN RICE AND BANANA 

  3. FATS • Cushions body • Keeps body at an even temperature • Chemically active cell membranes • Without- nothing works • Sources-French Fries • Cushions organs FAT FOOD 

  4. PROTEIN • Resists diseases • Sources-Bacon, dairy • Whey, Casein • Makes up most body structure • Replace tissues • Carries oxygen around body • Two types- Complete, incomplete

  5. FIBRE • Cleans gut by removing dead cells • Fights diseases • Keeps digestive system healthy • Makes you feel full, eat less • Soluble- oatmeal • Insoluble- vegetables, fruits • Ex. Two types- cellulose, gum Oatmeal 

  6. Vitamins • Supports energy, vision, bones • Sources- Carrots, milk, cheese, spinach • Only animal fat has • 13 vitamins, 2 types • Water Soluble- Vitamin C, • Fat Soluble- Vitamin A • Helps keep body disease-free

  7. Minerals • Elements needed living organisms • Sources- bread, milk, fruits • Vital to health • Too much- leads to illness • Too little- leads to health problem • 13 main types

  8. Water • Most important resource • Covers 71 % Earth • 80 % of body • Using water over and over • Too little dehydration • Too much intoxication

  9. Bibliography • http://www.factsaboutvitamins.net/ • www.wikipedia.com • http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/5378738/351753-main_Full.jpg • http://www.eatwell.gov.uk/healthydiet/nutritionessentials/vitaminsandminerals/ • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_v8J_KTZw3Gk/SJtkHX-5vmI/AAAAAAAAAIY/SzPI7k4Emcw/s320/table+salt.jpg • http://www.allaboutwater.org/water-facts.html • http://new.wavlist.com/soundfx/023/index.html • http://www.jonco48.com/blog/water.jpg • LAUREN FISHER

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