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Use of Federal Funds in Implementing Idaho Core Standards. September 6, 2013. Shift in T hinking A bout Title I. Shift from focusing on compliance only to focusing on performance and closing the achievement gap Is Title I-A working?
Use of Federal Funds in Implementing Idaho Core Standards September 6, 2013
Shift in Thinking About Title I • Shift from focusing on compliance only to focusing on performance and closing the achievement gap • Is Title I-A working? • Are the use of Title I-A funds driving results for students who are failing or most at risk of failing? • Is Title I-A helping increase educators’ long term capacity to improve student results? • Is Title I-A helping to accelerate reform and advance school improvement?
Think about… • Does the use of Title I-A funds help foster continuous improvement and include approaches to measure and track implementation and results and create feedback loops to modify or discontinue strategies that evidence indicates are ineffective in improving student achievement? What role do Idaho’s Core Standards play in improving student achievement? How are Idaho’s Core Standards and Federal funds connected?
The Idaho Core Standards Story • College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) • Common Core Standards (CCS) • Idaho Core Standards (ICS) • http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/ICS/
Use of Title I-A Funds and Implementation of CCR Standards • Old School - • Remediation • “catch-up” • New School – • Instruction that allows low-achieving students access to advanced coursework • Specialized courses for freshman or sophomores that provide intensive instruction in subject that would allow student to take an AP or IB course • Afterschool help while student is taking AP or IB course
Title I-A Funds andCollege & Career Ready Standards Implementation • Think creatively to fund activities and strategies that will best meet students’ needs and raise achievement. Vision * Needs Assessment * Plan * Evaluation
Reviewing Title I-A Budget Expenditures Do all of the proposed expenditures meet the following criteria: • Are they allowable – reasonable and necessary? • Are they allocable – chargeable to the grant? • Are they reasonable and necessary to carry out grant functions? (OMB Circular A-87)
Targeted Assistance Programs – Allowable Expenses • Costs are governed by the applicable statute and OMB Circular A-87. • Funds must be tracked separately by program. • Title I funds must be used to supplement, not supplant the specific services funded by state and local resources. • Allowable: Professional development for Title I teachers, the regular classroom teachers of Title I students, and other school staff who work with them. Non-Title I teachers may participate in Title I-funded professional development activities so long as the training is related to the Title I program and is intended to enhance the educational program of the Title I students.
Schoolwide Programs – Allowable Expenses • No consolidation, but use Title I funds on a Schoolwide basis: • Costs are governed by the OMB Circular A-87 and the requirements to meet “educational purpose.” • Title I-A funds must be separately tracked. • Schoolwide: Complete Consolidation: • Any service or activity allowed under state and local law that aligns to schoolwide program plan. • Consolidated funds lose their identity as state, local, or federal funds. Federal funds must supplement the state and local resources the school would receive in the absence of Title I; however, there is no need to demonstrate that any particular [Title I funded (in “No consolidation”)] service/activity is supplemental to state or locally funded services.
CFSGA Examples • 300 Purchased Services/ Other Set-Aside • We are setting aside $34,699 to provide common core professional development activities. This will include speaker fees, stipends for teacher leaders, stipends for participation in PLC's, etc. • Salary and benefits for Common Core trainer for Title buildings ; release time for Common Core training; Common Core/RtI/Curriculum alignment; Multiple Common Core trainings for Title buildings • State and local professional development conferences and workshops designed to implement the Common Core Standards in reading and mathematics • Funds to address Tier II support to the Common Core training and implementation and tabulating crosswalk documents, planning ongoing district professional development; help create common core assessments • Curriculum support for our unit implementation of ELA & Math supporting Idaho Core Standards
Migrant Education Program and McKinney Vento (Homeless Education) • Proper and timely identification of migrant and homeless students ensures access to resources and supplementary services that assist in removing barriers to basic education. • Removal of barriers provides equitable access to instruction of the Idaho Core Standards. • Title I-C and Title X funds can be used to support these populations in achieving the Idaho Core Standards through the resources and supplementary services allowable under these Titles.
Title II-A: Teacher and Principal Qualityand Professional Development • Needs Assessment • Activities • Expenditures • Allowable • Allocable • Reasonable and necessary • Supplement, not supplant • Appropriate and anticipated use of Title II-A funds • If in doubt, ask . . .
Title VI-B: Rural Education Achievement ProgramREAP • Small Rural Schools Achievement Program (SRSA) • Rural and Low Income Schools (RLIS) Allowable use of funds include the following activities: • ESEA, Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs • ESEA, Title II-A, Teacher recruitment and retention, including the use of signing bonuses and other financial incentives; Teacher professional development, including programs that train teachers to use technology to improve teaching and that train teachers of students with special needs • ESEA, Title II, Part D, support for educational technology, including software and hardware, that meets the requirements • ESEA, Title III, Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students • ESEA, Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities • ESEA, Title V, Parental involvement activities
Purpose of State LEP/Title III • The Purpose of State LEP/Title III is to help ensure that Limited English Proficient (LEP) students master English and meet the same challenging State academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet. • States must establish standards and benchmarks for raising the level of English proficiency and meeting challenging state academic standards for limited English proficient students that aligned with state standards as described in section 1111(b)(1).” [Title III, NCLB, Section 3113] • By aligning ELD standards to academic content standards, this provides a description of what ELLs are expected to know, be able to do and demonstrate in English. • Also provides an opportunity to learn and master the content objectives, and attain expected academic achievement standards.
State Limited English Proficient (LEP) & Title III Programs State and Federal funds for Limited English Proficient & Immigrant Students must be used for the following: • Professional Development for ALL staff on WIDA ELD Framework • LEAs are required to provide high quality professional development to classroom teachers, ELD teachers and staff, principals, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel that is: • Designed to improve the instruction and assessment of LEP students; • Designed to enhance teachers’ understanding and use in curricula, assessment measures, and instruction strategies for LEP children; • Based on scientifically based research; • Of sufficient intensity and duration. 3115(c)(2)(A)(B)(C)(D)
Costs must be… reasonable A cost is reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost. allocable A cost is allocable to a cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to the cost objective in accordance with the relative benefits received. allowable A cost is allowable if it is necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient performance of the award and allocable to the award. (OMB Circular A-87) Use of Federal Funds - Criteria
Resources • Idaho Core Standards: http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/ICS/ • OMB Circular A-87 Revised: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a087_2004 • Title I-A Uses of Funds: http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/title_one/fiscal.htm • Non-Regulatory Guidance Title I Fiscal Issues: http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/title_one/law.htm
Contacts Title I-A: Karen Seay at kseay@sde.idaho.gov or 208.332.6978 Title I-C: Mary Lou Wells at mlwells@sde.idaho.gov or 208.332.6958 Title II-A: Teresa Burgess at tburgess@sde.idaho.gov or 208.332.6891 Title III: Christina Nava at cnava@sde.idaho.gov or 208.332.6905 Title VI-B and Title X: Tina Naillon at tmn@sde.idaho.gov or 208.332.6904 Federal Programs Grant Specialist: Abbey Denton at adenton@sde.idaho.gov or 208.332.6900 Marcia Beckman, ESEA Director: mmbeckman@sde.idaho.gov or 208.332.6953