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A Suggestion for Enhancement of Animal Identification Numbering Verification Scheme and System. Som Karamchetty, PhD, PE 10816 Terrier Court Columbia, MD 21044 somk@comcast.net (410) 740-5170 20 January 2004 to 5 March 2004. Field Structure Type Example Comments 3 Numeric 840
A Suggestion for Enhancement of Animal Identification Numbering Verification Scheme and System Som Karamchetty, PhD, PE 10816 Terrier Court Columbia, MD 21044 somk@comcast.net (410) 740-5170 20 January 2004 to 5 March 2004 SK
Field Structure Type Example Comments 3 Numeric 840 7 Numeric 123456789012 Start number>2,000,000,000 In a Nutshell US Animal Identification Plan suggests premises numbers and Animal Id numbers as follows: This presenter suggests premises numbers and Animal Id numbers as follows: A premises or ranch is given a name instead of a number. Example: US.MT.CC.FILIP An animal is given a name instead of a number as follows: US.MT.CC.FILIP.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 The benefits of the suggested numbering scheme are that humans can readily understand where an animal has been and may make knowledgeable decisions when problems are reported in those environments. SK
Outline Section TopicCharts 1 US Animal Identification Plan Description 3-21 2 Intuitive Naming Described 22-44 3 Security Aspects 45-49 4 Animal Birth and Death Certificates 50-60 5 Summary Conclusions 61-62 6 References and Reading information 63-73 SK
Background Building upon previously established and successful animal health and animal identification programs involving many animal industries, an industry-state-federal partnership, aided by the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA), was formed in 2002 to more uniformly coordinate a national animal identification plan. 1 The United States Animal Identification Plan (USAIP) has been drafted. The plan’s [draft] premise was, “Fundamental to controlling any disease threat, foreign or domestic, to the nation’s animal resources is to have a system that can identify individual animals or groups, the premises where they are located is to have a system that can identify individual animals or groups, the premises where they are located, and the date of entry to that premises.” 1Source: Reference 1 at the end SK
USAIP Goal To achieve a traceback system that can identify all animals and premises potentially exposed to an animal with a Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) within 48 hours after discovery. Achieving this goal will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of current animal health regulatory programs. 1Source: Reference 1 SK
The Need for and Benefits from Animal IdentificationSystem • Maintaining the health and economic viability of US animal agriculture is critical to the industry and to the safety of the U.S. food supply. • Enhanced disease control and eradication capabilities for rapid containment of foreign animal disease outbreaks and enhanced ability to respond to biosecurity threats. • Enables the industry to meet the demands of domestic and international consumers for source-verified products. This ability enables producers to maintain and build market access. • Mitigation of threats to biosecurity of the food supply, either intentional or unintentional. 1Source: Reference 1 SK
USAIP Conclusions “Protecting American Animal Agriculture” Protecting American Animal Agriculture by safeguarding animal health is vital to the well-being of all U.S. citizens. 1 National Identification Development Teammade several recommendations (quoting from the draft): all states have a premises identification system in place by July, 2004; unique, individual or group/lot numbers be available for issuance by February 2005; all cattle, swine, and small ruminants possess individual or group/lot identification for interstate movement by July, 2005; all animals of the remaining species/industries identified above be in similar compliance by July, 2006. 1Source: Reference 1 SK
This Presenter’s Observations The USDA’s objective of giving identification numbers to all agricultural animals is laudable. The numbering system can be improved as suggested in the following charts. Access to current Animal databases and historical data about animals will be needed by many other types of users than those identified by the USAIP. Some animal products remain long after an animal is processed. Examples are bones, hides, and derivatives, which go into cosmetic products. We will take a look at Animal product life cycles in the following. SK
Migration Growth End/Process Animal Migration Process Birth Animals may spend their entire life on one Ranch or may migrate and spend their time on several (national and international) Ranches and finally end or get processed. Picture Sources: http://www.sdagclassroom.org/about_sd_agriculture.htm http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/ http://www.cassino.com.au/beefproc.php SK
Birth Migration Growth End/Process Feed Care & Effluents Contacts Process, Byproducts, & Effluents Father Mother Key Parameters At each stage, there are key parameters that are essential to safeguard the Animals and public health in the short and long term. Picture Sources: http://www.sdagclassroom.org/about_sd_agriculture.htm http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/ http://www.cassino.com.au/beefproc.php SK
Migration Growth End/Process Feedback and Feed Forward Control Control Births Defect Discovered Feedback Birth Father Feed Care & Effluents Contacts Process, Byproducts, & Effluents Defect Discovered Control Products Feed Forward Mother Picture Sources: http://www.sdagclassroom.org/about_sd_agriculture.htm http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/ http://www.cassino.com.au/beefproc.php Discovery of defects causes control of upstream and downstream processes. SK
To Market Food products To Market Byproducts To Control Effluents Processed Products Processing results in products, byproducts, and effluents. Downstream agents need to have access to Animal data. Picture Sources: http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/ http://www.cassino.com.au/beefproc.php SK
More Agents Need Animal Data? As seen from the process flow diagrams, many authorized downstream agents will need animal data during and after an Animal’s life and processing. Now, I return to continue the discussion on the USAIP, Animal data, and Standards. SK
What Standards are in the Draft? Firstly, I will present the standards suggested by the USAIP Draft 1 and discuss their limitations. 1Source: Reference 1 SK
Standards USAIP draft 1 discussed certain data elements as essential for a successful information system and the key elements requiring standards are: A uniform premises identification system A uniform, nationally recognizable numbering system for individual animal identification A uniform, nationally recognizable numbering system for a group or lot of animals A uniform numbering system for Non-producer Participants. 1Source: Reference 1 SK
US Premises Identification Number The National Premises Identification Number Provides a unique number across the entire US for locations involved in animal agriculture 1. Its field specification is as follows. Field Structure Type Example Comments 7 characters Alphanumeric A123R69 Right most character is a check digit 1Source: Reference 1 SK
Limitations of the US Premises Identification Number Specification The specification selected for the number is not intuitive. When tens of thousands (or even millions) of such numbers are used in practice, they lack certain obvious merits. A selected numbering scheme should be useful in the complete chain of Animal agriculture and processing systems. Field Structure Type Example Comments 7 characters Alphanumeric A123R69 Right most character is a check digit In the electronic database era, a better numbering system is desirable, as discussed later on in this presentation. Furthermore, the numbering system should be easily scalable to International numbering specifications. SK
Data Elements – National Premises Repository Field Name Type Length US Premises ID Number Name of Entity Owner or Appropriate Contact Person Street Address City State Zip/Postal Code Contact Phone Number Operation Type Date Activated Date Retired Reason Retired Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alpha Numeric Numeric Character Date (YYYYMMDD) Date (YYYYMMDD) Character 7 30 30 30 20 2 9 15 1 8 8 1 Standard: Data Elements for the National Premises Repository Source: Reference 1, page 11 SK
Field Structure Type Example Comments 3 Numeric 840 7 Numeric 123456789012 Start number>2,000,000,000 Standard: US Animal Identification Number (USAIN) Source: Reference 1, page 15 SK
Field Structure Type Example Comments 3 Numeric 840 7 Numeric 123456789012 Start number>2,000,000,000 Limitations of Standard: US Animal Identification Number (USAIN) Again, these numbers are not intuitive. See suggested numbering scheme later on in this presentation. Source: Reference 1, page 15 SK
Field Structure Type Example Comments 3 Numeric 840 7 Numeric 123456789012 Start number>2,000,000,000 Id should be easy for the Consumer These numbers do not tell the consumer where the food is coming from. SK
Outline Section TopicCharts 1 US Animal Identification Plan Description 3-21 2 Intuitive Naming Described 22-44 3 Security Aspects 45-49 4 Animal Birth and Death Certificates 50-60 5 Summary Conclusions 61-62 6 References and Reading information 63-73 SK
I will now present an approach to an intuitive numbering (or naming) solution. SK
Motivation for Additional Recommendations In addition to the recommendations in the USAIP draft, here is a further recommendation by this presenter. Develop an innovative numbering scheme and system that will make it easier for downstream users to understand the origins of an animal or food product. Granted that the current emphasis of the USAIP is the identification of the animals only; eventually, however, safety of food chain is to be assured. The numbering system suggested in this presentation allows changes easily. Animal agriculture and food system are truly international in nature. U.S. exports significant quantities of Animal food. Besides food industries, Animal byproducts serve many other industries and such industries will also need information about Animals from which such products have been derived. Effluents from Animal industry and processing industry could also interest communities and agencies. Hence, it is essential that USAIP consider a more intuitive numbering scheme. SK
Suggested Approach to a Solution Develop and allocate international scheme of numbering and identifying animals. Entrust an international voluntary organization with the responsibility of overseeing the operation of the system and scheme. U.S. may take the lead in this global effort. The suggested scheme is similar to the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or Domain Name Scheme (DNS) * in the sense the numbering is hierarchical with pre-allocated fields, and verifiable on-line or on the World Wide Web (the Web). * References 2. SK
Example Country US. MT. State County CC. Ranch FILIP. Naming of a Premises or Ranch US.MT.CC.FILIP A Ranch is given a name instead of a Number. Example: US.MT.CC.FILIP By looking at this name, one recognizes that the Ranch is in US and in Montana, etc. That is intuitive numbering. SK
Example Country US. MT. State County CC. Ranch FILIP. Recognition of a Ranch In the first instance, a Ranch is recognized by the International name recognition/standards body. Recognition, here, does not imply according any status to the Ranch or the quality of its animals. It merely means its existence is noted. U.S. or a State agency may permit a Ranch to operate in certain Animal agriculture. SK
Recognition, Verification, and Validation Process The existence of a named Ranch (or farm) {Premises} is noted in a database by the host Country or a State agency. Each Ranch (or an agent for a Ranch) sets up a database showing all their animals and Animal transactions. Recognition of the actual existence of a named Ranch is established first through the country database of all Ranches in that country. Information protection and security features are discussed in a subsequent chart. SK
Data Elements – National Premises Repository Field Name Type Length Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alpha Numeric Numeric Character Date (YYYYMMDD) Date (YYYYMMDD) Character 7 30 30 30 20 2 9 15 1 8 8 1 US Premises ID Number Name of Entity Owner or Appropriate Contact Person Street Address City State Zip/Postal Code Contact Phone Number Operation Type Date Activated Date Retired Reason Retired GPS Email address Web address Standard: Suggested Additional Data Elements Source: Reference 1, page 11 SK
COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 Date Acq. 2004.01.20. Seq. No. 4568 Listing of an Animal & Type by a Ranch Example FILIP Ranch Animal Cow. A Ranch maintains records of all its Animal stock in a Web-accessible secure database by type of animal and by sequence numbers. Type Beef. SK
Example Country US. MT. State County CC. Ranch FILIP. Animal Cow. Type Beef. Date Acq. 2004.01.20. Seq No. 4568 Number AllocationArrangement Following this scheme, all animals Will have a globally uniform (and unique) ID scheme. An animal will have a name/number as follows: US.MT.CC.FILIP.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 SK
Tag Number Provides Unique ID Example: An animal carries a Tag with the name/number : US.MT.CC.FILIP.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 The tag tells us that it is from the US, Montana State, Cascade County, and the Filip Ranch.. SK
Intuitive Number Arrangement An animal will have the number as follows: US.MT.CC.FILIP.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 • This numbering arrangement is intuitive. • It shows where an animal came from: • Country • State • County • Ranch • Animal • Type • Date of Acquisition by the Ranch • Sequence Number Downstream Animal handlers and Animal food consumers know details, as the Ids are in plain natural language (English) as opposed to cryptic numbers. SK
Animal Number Allocation Process As explained earlier, an international agency should be entrusted with allocating the numbering scheme. Perhaps, endorsing the suggested scheme. In the first instance, a two-digit code for each country is allocated. e.g. US = United States of America Other subdivisions are allocated by the country conforming to standards accepted by an international agreement. It is likely that the US will take lead in setting the scheme as it already commenced work (e.g. USAIP). In fact, the Internet Protocol numbering has already done this for IP addresses. That scheme can be easily adapted. SK
Database of Animal Information by Ranch Seq. No.: 4570 Seq. No.: 4569 Animal Info Seq. No.: 4568 Optional Detailed Information SK
Database of Ranch Information Cows Sheep Swine Type: BEEF Type: xxx Type: yyy Animals Seq. Numbers: 7543 7544 7545 … Seq. Numbers: 1342 1343 1344 … Seq. Numbers: 4568 4569 4570 …. SK
Example Animal Number: US.MT.CC.FILIP.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 Web Browser Address: US.MT.CC.FILIP.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 Type Animal Number here Accessing Animal Information Animal Number is presented The animal number is typed into a Web browser * * This is analogous to typing the AOL keyword. Next page for result SK
Web Browser Http://www.filip.cc.mt.us/animal=cow,type=beef.seq.no.= 4568 Address: Animal Verification Page Filip Ranch Cascade County, Montana, USA Date: 01/20/2004 Animal: Cow Type: Beef Sequence Number: 4568 Click here for more information Result of an Information Request SK
Individual Animal Record • Animal ID = US.MT.CC.FILIP.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 • Seq No. = 4568 • Animal = Cow • Animal Sub-Type = Beef • Acquired Date = 2004.01.20 • Birth Date = 2002.09.13 • Death/Process Date = None • Father = US.MT.CC.XYZR.COW.BEEF.1998.02.15.1234 • Mother = US.MT.CC.XYZR.COW.BEEF.1997.11.02.0159 • Other Details: (e.g. Health, Vaccinations, and Feed, [history]) Information In the Animal ID Additional details In the Ranch Database SK
Simplicity of the System For a downstream user, the system is very simple. System organization and management are similar to those of the World Wide Web (The Web). An international body, similar to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) or Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), develops the Protocols and manages the allocation of domains and numbers to each country. The countries, in turn, manage the State, County, and Ranch naming or numbering within their countries. Each Ranch maintains a Web accessible database of Animal information. As animals migrate from one Ranch to another, their details are traceable from Web-accessible and protected databases. SK
Attractive Features No central and large bureaucracy. No mega-database with billions of records. There is not a gigantic software application. Animal Identification numbers are intuitive and not complicated at all. Rapid access to a record possible. Records protected with passwords. SK
Benefits of Suggested Scheme Database schema of Animals standardized internationally. Information protected from unauthorized access. Easy access to information about Animals. Animal record exchange is easy. Falsification and forgery of Animal documents are eliminated or minimized. Integrity of Animal pedigree information ensured. Information verification expedited. Downstream consumers get intuitive information from public channels (e.g. food labels). Downstream information is passed upstream to take remedial actions and to avoid further contamination and damage. SK
Market for the Scheme and System Hundreds of billions of Animals are raised internationally every year. Thousands of Ranches produce animals for food. Thousands of processing plants prepare animal food products for both human consumption and for other human uses. Thousands of processing plants produce animal food from other animals. Animal byproducts are used in consumer goods (luggage, clothing, furniture, cosmetics, etc.) Animal processing plants generate effluents that need to be monitored by counties. Thousands of organizations have a need to verify and validate claims about Animals. Billions of people consume Animals as food. Animal food market depends on safe and verifiable records. Organizations depend on Animal databases of information and its continuity, integrity, authenticity, and completeness. Animal information is needed expeditiously for safe operation of Animal agriculture and food processing systems. SK
Recommendation Develop the innovative scheme and system suggested here that will make it easy to get needed Animal information expeditiously. US Congress should provide resources to the Department of Agriculture to develop and maintain the system. US DA should take lead in developing the system and in leading the world agricultural organizations. SK
Outline Section TopicCharts 1 US Animal Identification Plan Description 3-21 2 Intuitive Naming Described 22-44 3 Security Aspects 45-49 4 Animal Birth and Death Certificates 50-60 5 Summary Conclusions 61-62 6 References and Reading information 63-73 SK
Web Browser Address: US.MT.CC.FAKE.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 Type Animal Number here Authentication Process Example Animal Number: An animal will have the number as follows: US.MT.CC.FAKE.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.4568 Any one can fake an Animal record or Animal ID number. Any fake organization can set up a web site and set up a list of Animal numbers We need a scheme to protect such abuse. Next page for result SK
Web Browser Http://www..animalid.ag/ US.MT.CC.FAKE.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.1234 Address: Animal Verification Page The Ranch= Fake is not valid A way of controlling The Fake Ranch is to Make the verification request and connection through an Authorized portal. An animal will have the number as follows: US.MT.CC.FAKE.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.1234 Result of a Verification Request SK
Web Browser Http://www..animalid.ag/ US.MT.CC.FAKE.COW.BEEF.2004.01.20.1234 Address: Animal Verification Page The Ranch= Fake is not valid The Ranch = Fake is NOT On the accredited list of Ranches Result of a Verification Request SK
Outline Section TopicCharts 1 US Animal Identification Plan Description 3-21 2 Intuitive Naming Described 22-44 3 Security Aspects 45-49 4 Animal Birth and Death Certificates 50-60 5 Summary Conclusions 61-62 6 References and Reading information 63-73 SK