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EPSY 8334

EPSY 8334. Class 1 and 2 (Spring 2013) Heppner et al 3 -4 Pyrczak & Bruce 1-4. Science in Counseling Psychology. Are our interventions effective? Empirically Validated Treatments Experimental studies- randomized clinical trials Relations about psychological phenomena . Class Goals.

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  1. EPSY 8334 Class 1 and 2 (Spring 2013) Heppner et al 3 -4 Pyrczak & Bruce 1-4

  2. Science in Counseling Psychology • Are our interventions effective? • Empirically Validated Treatments • Experimental studies- randomized clinical trials • Relations about psychological phenomena

  3. Class Goals • Identify a research question • Develop a research proposal that includes • An introduction/literature review that provides conceptual framework for research question based on theoretical/empirical literature • Methods to conduct study • Participants • Instruments to collect the data • Procedures • Analyses

  4. Class Goals • Demonstrate skills necessary to understand results sections of journals • correlation, T-Test, ANOVAS MANOVAS Regression, moderation/mediation analyses • Demonstrate knowledge regarding characteristics of articles that report results of randomized clinical trials

  5. Conceptualizing a Research Question • Three steps • What do we know about the issue. • What we do not know about the issue. • How will the study bridge the gap. • How what we know leads to the questions in the study

  6. Identify Research Topics 4/8 • Read, Read, Think Think….. • Identify/discuss ideas • Build on previous research • Identify research questions (Kiplinger & Lee, 2001)

  7. Identify Research Topics 4/8 Identify: • Measurable constructs • Instruments to assess constructs • Participants • Statistical analyses

  8. Studies: Replication vs.Guide Use different operational definition of variable Add moderator or control variables Develop different way to test hypotheses Combine questions/strategies from several studies Examine similar questions with a different population Identify gaps weaknesses in previous work that you will address in your study

  9. Research Proposal • Describe your research interests in general, broad terms. • Identify testable research question(s) • Identify the variables/constructs embedded in the question • Provide conceptual definitions for variables. • Provide operational definitions for variables • Instruments

  10. Assumptions Research Paradigms Ontology Epistemology Methodology 10

  11. Assumptions Research Paradigms Ontology Epistemology Methodology Branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being & reality Branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge Relationship of Knower to Known Procedures to gain knowledge about the world (reality – others) 11

  12. Assumptions Paradigms Ontology Epistemology Methodology Positivism Post-Positivism Constructivism Critical Theory 12

  13. True or False?? The scientific method allows us to observe facts without bias. Observations of psychological states measured with scores on an instrument always will include “true” and “error” measurement. 13

  14. True or False?? In research, the observedcannot be separated from the observer. There is privileged and non-privileged knowledge. 14

  15. Positivism

  16. Positivism

  17. Post- Positivism

  18. Constructivism

  19. Constructivism--Critical Theory

  20. True or False?? • The scientific method allows us to observe facts without bias. • Observations of psychological states measured with scores on a test always will include “true” and “error” measurement.

  21. True or False?? • The observedcannot be separated from the observer. • There is privileged and non-privileged knowledge.

  22. Goals of Science • Advance knowledge • Make discoveries • Increase our understanding of human behavior, and • Acquire facts about counseling (behavior)

  23. Science Practice

  24. Testable Research Question (Kerlinger & Lee, 2000) Asks a Question About …… That ………… 24

  25. Testable Research Question Asks a Question About the relation of two or more constructs (correlation/experimental) That can be measured in some way 25

  26. Types of Research Questions • Descriptive • Describe what a phenomenon is like: Collect/Categorize Information- Survey • Difference • Compare between two or more groups • experimental • association • Correlation (association) • Extent to which 2 or more continuous psychological constructs vary together

  27. Research Questions (which analyses?)Descriptive, Difference, Correlation • What are the levels of anxiety and career indecision reported by college men and women? • Do college women report higher levels of anxiety than college men? • Do college women report higher levels of career indecision than college men?

  28. Research Questions (which analyses?)Descriptive, Difference, Correlation Among college students, are anxiety scores related to career indecision scores? Do college students diagnosed with an anxiety disorder report higher levels of career indecision than college students without an anxiety disorder ?

  29. Research Questions Descriptive, Difference, Correlation • Among college students, what is the combined and unique contribution of anxiety, self-esteem and optimism to career indecision ? • Among college students, are there gender differences in the relation of anxiety to career indecision?

  30. Moderation Question • Among college students, are there gender differences in the relation of anxiety to career indecision? • Among men, is anxiety related to career indecision? • Among women, is anxiety related to career indecision?

  31. Report to Research Questions Descriptive, Difference, Correlation Is career indecision –CDS-- a multifactorial or a one-dimensional construct?

  32. Types of Variables • Categorical • Discrete groups: gender, depressed diagnosois • Continuous Interval Scale (equal intervals) • Temperature, money, days • Continuous Ordinal • Rank ordered – Likert Scales

  33. Types of Research Questions • Descriptive • Describe what a phenomenon is like: Collect/Categorize Information - Survey • Difference • Compare: Between-groups • Independent variable: categorical and status or experimental • Correlation • Extent to which 2 or more continuous psychological constructs vary together

  34. Analyses: Descriptive • Collect/Categorize Information - Survey • Means, SD • Mean score in standardized test by groups • Mean score in opinion survey by groups • Proportions of populations/groups • Percentage of high school graduates who attend college, by ethnic group, • Percentage of college students who graduate in 6 years or less, by gender

  35. Analyses: Difference • Compare means in continuous variables between two or more groups: t-test, ANOVA, MANCOVA • Experimental- DV is categorical and manipulated • Non-experimental- DV is categorical and status variable (not manipulated)

  36. Analyses: Difference African American depressed adults who receive culturally infused CBT will obtain lower post-test scores in the Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) than their counterparts who receive traditional CBT. Experimental or Non-Experimental ? IV DV

  37. Analyses: Difference African American depressed adults who receive culturally infused CBT will obtain lower post-test depression scores (Beck Depression Inventory-BDI) than their counterparts who receive traditional CBT. Experimental or Non-Experimental ? Random assignment to treatment groups IV Treatment Group: CICBT --- TCBT DV Scores in BDI

  38. Analyses: Difference - T-Test

  39. Analyses: Difference Women will obtain higher BDI scores at post-test than men (regardless of treatment group) Experimental or Non-Experimental ? IV DV

  40. Analyses: Difference Women will obtain higher BDI scores at post-test than men (regardless of treatment group) Experimental or Non-Experimental ? Gender – status variable, no random assignment IV Gender - DV BDI scores

  41. Analyses: Difference - T-Test

  42. 2X2 ANOVA: Treatment and Client Gender Differences in Depression

  43. Moderation Analyses

  44. Analyses: Difference Hispanic mothers who are diagnosed with clinical depression (BDI>16) will obtain lower scores in parenting skills (Parenting Skills Rating Scale: PSRS) than Hispanic mothers who are not clinically depressed. Experimental or Non-Experimental? IV DV

  45. Analyses: Difference • Hispanic mothers who are diagnosed with clinical depression (BDI>16) will obtain lower scores in parenting skills (Parenting Skills Rating Scale: PSRS) than Hispanic mothers who are not clinically depressed. • Experimental or Non-Experimental? • Status variables- no randomnization • IV Depression group: Yes vs. No • DV Score in Parenting SRS

  46. Analyses: Difference - T-Test

  47. Analyses Differences: 2 IVs ns Are there differences in scores in the Parenting Skills Scale among Hispanic mothers (a) who are depressed or non depressed (b) and whose children are boys or girls? Does child’s gender moderate (makes a difference in) the association of mothers’ depression status to scores on parenting skills ratings? IVs DV

  48. Analyses Differences: 2 IVs Are there differences in scores in the Parenting Skills Scale among Hispanic mothers (a) who are depressed or non depressed (b) and whose children are boys or girls? Does child’s gender moderate the association of mothers’ depression status to scores on parenting skills ratings? IVs child’s gender (Mod) depression status DV parenting skills

  49. 2X2 ANOVA: Depression Status and Child’s Gender Differences in Parenting Skills (n=100)

  50. Difference: Mothers’ depression and child’s gender differences in parenting skills means

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