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5/8/2012. Course Information Course Description. CFCC Catalog Description: MAT 070 - Introductory Algebra This course establishes a foundation in algebraic and problem solving. Topics include concepts signed numbers, exponents, order of operations, simplifying expressions, solving linear equations
1. 5/8/2012 SyllabusMAT070 - Introductory Algebra Course Information
Instructor Information / Availability
Grading Policy
“Attendance” & Cheating Policies
2. 5/8/2012 Course InformationCourse Description CFCC Catalog Description:
MAT 070 - Introductory Algebra
This course establishes a foundation in algebraic and problem solving. Topics include concepts signed numbers, exponents, order of operations, simplifying expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities, graphing, formulas, polynomials, factoring, and elements of geometry. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the above concepts in problem solving using appropriate technology.
Course Hours Per Week: Class 3, Lab 2 (if taken in lecture format).
Institutional Hours Credit: 4.
3. 5/8/2012 CFCC General Education Competencies Will Incorporate All or Some of the Following: Written Communication
Oral Communication
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Understanding Scientific Concepts & Applications
4. 5/8/2012 Course InformationCourse Overview This course is a developmental mathematics course. You’re required to complete this course due to the score you received on the Intermediate Algebra ASSET Test or other placement method.
It is your prerequisite for the following courses: MAT 080, Intermediate Algebra; MAT 140, Survey of Mathematics; MAT 121 Algebra & Trig (Tech Math); and other higher level technical and college transfer math courses.
5. 5/8/2012 Prerequisites for this Course Proficiency in Numerical/Arithmetic
Skills (minimum ASSET score of 42 on Numerical or a minimum CPT score of 57 on Arithmetic OR a grade of “C” or better in MAT 060)
Proficiency in Elementary Algebra
(ASSET score of 38-55 on Algebra OR an ASSET score of 30-42 on Intermediate Algebra OR a CPT score of 57-75 on Elementary Algebra OR a grade of “C” or better in MAT 070)
If you do not meet the above requirements, please notify me immediately!
6. 5/8/2012 Instructor Information Instructor: Morris Elsen
Office Location
N 602 H (Math Department Offices )
Phone Numbers
910-363-7301 (office)
910-343-3381 (home)
E-mail: melsen@cfcc.edu
7. 5/8/2012 Grading Policies Grade Standards: Cape Fear Community College uses an eight point grade scale with 92 and above earning an A, 84 to 92 earning a B, 76 to 84 earning a C and 68 to 76 earning a D. An average of less than 76 is not a passing grade for this course.
To encourage consistent, active participation in the course, a modified grading scale exists. If a student misses no more than 8 course hours, a ten-point grading scale will be used with 90 and above earning an A, 80 to 89 earning a B, 70 to 79 earning a C and 68 to 69 earning a D. If a ten-point scale is used, a grade of less than 70 is not a passing grade for this course.
8. 5/8/2012 Course Grade Determination
Quizzes (20%) These quizzes are either announced or unannounced and will be on material assigned or covered in previous class meetings. The three lowest quiz grades will be dropped.
Chapter Tests (60%) There are five Chapter Tests, one on each chapter’s contents. One Chapter Test may be missed, but the weight of Chapter Tests for determining the course grade goes to 50% and that of the final exam is increased from 20% to 30%. Subsequent missed chapter tests will be awarded a grade of zero.
Final Exam (20%) cumulative
9. 5/8/2012 “Attendance” Policy CFCC Requires attendance for at least 80% of all class meetings. For this class, the “Magic Number” of misses is 16.
A grade of “F” will be awarded if a student misses more than 16 course hours.
Students arriving after the beginning of class or leaving before the class is dismissed will receive an attendance mark of “Absent.”
The first two occurrences of late arrival count as “warnings.”
Subsequent late arrivals will count as Absent.
10. 5/8/2012 Campus Cruiser Every student has an official CFCC-provided email account which is to be used for all email correspondence with your instructors and with the CFCC staff.
Some information (such as TRAC registration info) from CFCC will ONLY be emailed to this address, and not sent through postal mail as in the past, so it is very important that you check this account periodically.
To access this account, please visit the CFCC website www.cfcc.edu and click on the CampusCruiser link at the very top of the page, then follow the directions on the CampusCruiser website to log in. You will use your log in ID as part of your email address (yourloginID@email.cfcc.edu).
This email account is provided to you as long as you are enrolled in classes (summer will not count), and may be used for personal email as well as academic email.
11. 5/8/2012 Disclaimer Information contained in this syllabus was, to the best knowledge of the instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the semester.
The instructor reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Cape Fear Community College, to make changes in course content or instructional techniques without notice or obligation.
12. 5/8/2012 Administrative and Courtesy Matters Distractive behavior is rude and will not be tolerated.
Walking around
Leaving and returning (see attendance policy)
Talking to other students during lecture periods
Cell Phone Use
Turn off all cell phones prior to class (If the instructor and other students can hear it buzzing, it is not turned off)
If an incoming call is received … “That’s Once!”
On subsequent occurrences 10% will be subtracted from your next (or last) Chapter Test Grade.
If you choose to answer an incoming call, leave the classroom and do not return (yes … 10% off that test + absent)
Text messaging from the classroom (see -10% above)
No Food in the classroom
Drinks OK, but if spilled the student is responsible for cleanup
13. 5/8/2012 Cheating Policy Evidence of Quiz or Test assistance from other than authorized sources will be dealt with in accordance with the CFCC Student Handbook.
A Grade of zero for the Quiz or Test, or a grade of zero for the Course may be awarded depending on the severity of the behavior.