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Mathematical Association of America Highlights 2008 and Preview 2009 Presentation for Section Governors Winter / Spring

Mathematical Association of America Highlights 2008 and Preview 2009 Presentation for Section Governors Winter / Spring 2009 Publications Seventeen new books were published in 2008. Eleven titles are in production for publication in 2009.

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Mathematical Association of America Highlights 2008 and Preview 2009 Presentation for Section Governors Winter / Spring

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  1. Mathematical Association of AmericaHighlights 2008 and Preview 2009Presentation for Section GovernorsWinter / Spring 2009

  2. Publications Seventeen new books were published in 2008. Eleven titles are in production for publication in 2009. MAA Members receive a 20% discount on the entire list of over 250 books. MAA Textbooks are thriving, with many textbook titles on the bestseller list of 2008. Three MAA Guides are under development in number theory, real analysis, and algebra. These small books of about 100 pages provide an overview of a variety of mathematical topics.

  3. New Titles Published

  4. Online Resources and Info New on MAA Online: Blogs: MinuteMath and NumberADay. Video: MAA Video channel on YouTube. Revised format for the online edition of MAA FOCUS. Member access to back issues of Math Horizons. New at MathDL:   MAA Writing Awards: Links to the full text of award-winning articles. Loci combines JOMA, Convergence, and Digital Classroom Resources. Photos/Images: Mathematicians Portrait Gallery and Mathematical Illustrations. MAA Web Resources for Members: MAA Reviews (eight new book reviews each week). Classroom Capsules and Notes.

  5. Opportunities for Faculty Project NExT: Over 1000 Fellows and Counting. Encourage new faculty to apply. MAA Professional Enhancement Program: New funding from NSF extends program through 2013. More information at: www.maa.org/prep.

  6. Basic Library List • Most members familiar with the now out-of-print 1991 version of the MAA's Basic Library List (BLL). • The Basic Library List has now been incorporated into MAA Reviews. Please go to: http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/19/. •  All the still-in-print books from the 1991 version of the list have been added to the database. • The BLL Committee is currently adding new books and revising the list. • MAA members have full access to MAA Reviews and the current BLL.

  7. Student Travel Grants • In fall 2008, MAA received funding from NSF to support student participation in MathFest and the Joint Mathematics Meetings. • Travel grants will be available to undergraduate students from across the U.S. for at least the next five years, providing a research capstone experience for over 600 students. • Additional funding from NSA will expand the support available to undergraduates, as well as providing support for graduate students attending MathFest. • Application for funding is part of the abstract submission process.

  8. Study Tours • Mathematical Study tours for members offered since 2003. • Twenty six travelers participated in the 2008 tour of the Ecuador and Peru. Reflective pieces by of five of the travelers are in the December 2008 issue of MAA Focus. • The 7th Annual Study Tour of Egypt, May 20 – June 1, 2009 will be led by Professor Jim Ritter of the University of Paris. • Tour information is available at: http://www.maa.org/egypt_trip/. • Information on the 2010 Study Tour of Portugal and Spain with an add on to Morocco will be available at MathFest 2009.

  9. Almost 400,000 exams taken at all grade levels. College and universities can host contests and strengthen ties with high schools and bright students. MAA co-sponsored participation of two four-member teams of high school girls in the 2008 China Girls Math Olympiad held in ZhongShan, China, August 14-21, 2008. All eight girls earned a medal. 2008 International Mathematical Olympiad held in Madrid, Spain; USA team in third place, earning four gold medals, two silver medals, and one perfect paper. More info at www.maa.org/amc. American Math Competitions

  10. Financials • Financial Highlights: • Total investment: Around $6M not including funds for others corporations (Sliffe and Walter B. Ford). • Annual operating income 2007: $7.4M. Budget for 2008 : $7.7M • Total revenues 2007: $10.3M, of which $3.7M from publications, $1.2M from contributions, and $1.3M from memberships. Budget for 2008: $10M, of which $3.9M from publications, $790K from contributions, $1.5M from membership. • Total assets balance sheet 3rd quarter of 2007: over $15M. 3rd quarter of 2008: over $15M. • Budget Committee Report: • Budget for 2007 year not met due to multiple factors:  decrease in federal grants, decreased membership income, and investing in staff in the student and books programs.   • No changes anticipated for 2008 budget.  • 2009 membership dues remain unchanged from 2008.  • Finances for 2008 are somewhat better than predicted primarily due to savings in membership expenses.

  11. Financials (cont.) • Budget Committee Report (cont.): • The 2009 budget will likely not be fully achieved due primarily to the ripple effect from the general economic climate. • Increase in dues for the 2010 year will be held to no more than 2.5% for most membership categories. •  Treasurer Report: • Finances of the MAA continue to be very healthy. • Buildings owned by MAA were recently valued at over $18M. • We are weathering turbulent economic times because of financial strength built over time and more proactive planning. • Budget 2009 will be the 3rd year of deficits. An analysis of programs that can be eliminated or made more efficient is being undertaken. • Treasurer’s page will be available to members only at http://www.maa.org/treasurer/. Contains current and historical information about MAA’s finances.

  12. Membership No change in membership dues in 2009, but will go up 2.5% in 2010. Current 2009 member retention rates slightly behind the 2008 pace. Fall 2009: Expect that student access to membership journals and subscriptions will be electronic. Fall 2009: Expect to test electronic memberships in core membership renewal series. January 2010: Expect that international member access to journals and subscriptions will be electronic. Expected to launch a revamped Corporate membership in 2009. Increased effort to generate awareness of the MAA and all it offers.

  13. Halmos Matching Fund • Endowment Fund to support mathematical programming in the Carriage House; both national, international and local in nature. • Virginia Halmos has pledged $600K to be matched on a two for one basis; MAA had two years to raise $300K to earn the match. • As of February 2009, there are 36 donors that have pledged more than $300,000 over a three year period. • All donors of $9,000 or above are Founding Patrons of the Halmos Fund. • Virigina Halmos pledged another $200K to be matched. • This campaign began this past December and already there have been 23 donations amounting to $12,585. • Donations are encouraged. Please go to: http://www.maa.org/development/pledgeform.pdf.

  14. The Paul R. Halmos Commemorative Walk • Over 300 bricks have been inscribed and installed on the “Walk”. • See the bricks being placed: http://www.maa.org/news/111708bricks.html. • Individuals, math departments, universities, MAA Sections, and other organizations have participated in this unique way of recognition. • To order your brick, go to:www.maa.org/development/riverofbricks.html

  15. Strategic Planning Cycle I completed: Professional Development, Revenue, and American Mathematics Competition (AMC). Cycle II completed: Students, Membership and Governance. Cycle III groups preparing reports for 2010 JMM Board of Governors meeting: STEM Issues, Sections, Meetings, and Publications. Following Cycle III: Examination of overall mission and vision of the MAA; allow for integration of reports and reflection. Final reports are available at: www.maa.org/aboutmaa/sp (members only).

  16. Meetings MathFest, July 31 - August 2, 2008 in Madison, WI: Over 1,400 MathFest attendees. Hosted with Pi Mu Epsilon, American Women in Mathematics and Women Count Conference. JMM, January 5 - 9, 2009 in Washington, DC: Record number of attendees, over 5,900 total. Highlights available at: http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_intro.html. View the photo gallery at: http://ww.maa.org/daily.

  17. Meetings MathFest, August 6 - 8, 2009 in Portland, OR: Meeting jointly with Pi Mu Epsilon and  American Women in Mathematics. Registration available online starting April 1, 2009. Abstract submission online in mid February, 2009. More info at: www.maa.org/mathfest . JMM, January 13 - 16, 2010 in San Francisco, CA: First MAA-AMS-SIAM Gerald and Judith Porter Public Lecture by Steven H. Strogatz, Cornell University.

  18. Mathematical Association of America

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