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Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS)

Washington's Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) aims to consolidate vendor registration and bids to streamline the procurement process. The ultimate goal is to increase vendor access, reduce barriers, and enhance procurement efficiency throughout the state.

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Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS)

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  1. Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) Presenter: Kathy Costello Business Technology Manager Washington State Department of General Administration

  2. Business Problem: Finding the Opportunities Pre-WEBS Environment State Agencies K-12 Schools Universities Community Colleges Counties Vendors Technical Colleges Cities Non-Profit Organizations Transit

  3. Vision & Goals Build a statewide vendor registration, bid notification and bid posting tool that will • Consolidate vendor registration to a single statewide portal • Improve access to government as measured by the number of vendor registration, bid notifications and vendor bid responses • Continue to reduce or eliminate barriers to participation in the government purchasing process

  4. Expected Results Organizational change Benefits • Improved data collection • Improved vendor access to bidding opportunities • Remove or eliminate barriers to conduct the purchasing process • Streamlined bid process and reduced cost to provide bid documents • Reduced advertising costs • Consolidate government bid activity in a central location • Eliminate vendor management functions • Create purchasing partnerships • Transition to a web-based environment Create a consolidated infrastructure for the state to identify and leverage its procurement activities.

  5. Measurable Results 100 government entities registered to use WEBS …resulting in… 29% increase in bids accessible through WEBS and a 15% increase in notifications …resulting in… 5% increase in notifications to certified M/W firms and an additional 17% notification to self-identified* firms …resulting in… 15% increase in minority & women businesses requesting the bid and 13% increase in responses from minority & women businesses 269 bids pre-WEBS 377 bids post-WEBS Ultimate Outcome *Self-identified firms represent minority & women businesses that are not currently certified in Washington State but met certification criteria

  6. Understanding the Vendor Community Outreach Demographics • 8500 vendors registered • 3% are certified M/W • 12% self identified M/W • 52% are small business • 10% certified M/W • 38% self identified M/W • Ability to focus on increasing competition and outreach to small, minority and women owned businesses • Increase our presence in vendor communities around the State

  7. Create efficient statewide procurement policy Policy Leadership Practical Application • OSP delegation of specific authorities requires agencies to conduct procurement through WEBS • Office of Financial Management (OFM) endorses WEBS and eliminates advertising requirements for bids posted in WEBS • Self-identified M/W vendors are captured and reported • Provide leadership in the sourcing of goods and services essential to government operations • Create data rich environment to identify spend and support strategic procurement decisions • Balance the socio-economic requirements of government

  8. Where do we go from here? Lessons learned Next steps • Phased approach taking one or two key business functions at a time worked well • Frequent communication is critical to stakeholder acceptance and resulted in quick successes • Know your limits & complement project team with diverse expertise • Prioritize and set realistic expectations, measurements & outcomes • Use WEBS to promote contemporary contracting methods • Through WEBS, implement a centralized contract management system, to include: • Online bidding • Electronic bid evaluation & award • Document management • Use WEBS data to identify statewide spend to support future procurement strategies

  9. Project Manager Kathy Costello (360) 902-7294 kcostel@ga.wa.gov For More Information Marketing Lead Kerry Bustetter (360) 902-0925 kbustet@ga.wa.gov Visit our website http://www.ga.wa.gov/webs/

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