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Success Factors Analysis of NEDO Project by Follow-Up Monitoring

Success Factors Analysis of NEDO Project by Follow-Up Monitoring. Tomonaga Yoshida , Sayaka Shishido , Yoshiko Yurugi , and Masaru Yamashita. New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization. Purpose of the Study. Commercialized / practically applied ◎.

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Success Factors Analysis of NEDO Project by Follow-Up Monitoring

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  1. Success Factors Analysis of NEDO Project by Follow-Up Monitoring Tomonaga Yoshida,SayakaShishido, Yoshiko Yurugi, and Masaru Yamashita New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

  2. Purpose of the Study Commercialized / practically applied ◎ Research and technology development NEDO Project Success factors analysis by follow-up monitoring Discontinued × Terminated × Feedback to the project management After the completion of the project Improve the possibility of Commercialized / practically applied

  3. Investigative Methods Questionnaires Interviews • Commercialized / • practically applied • 12 companies out of 36 companies • Terminated / • Discontinued • 10 companies out of 81 companies • ↓ • Analyze the project • circumstances and • factors • Project completed in FY • 2004, FY 2006, FY 2008, • and FY 2009 • 443 companies • ↓ • Current R&D status • Basic data for • improving management

  4. Factors of Excluding the External Factors 7 of 22 companies 11 of 22 companies 12 of 22 companies ○:Positive factor, ●:Negative factor

  5. Typical Interview Results and Relationship of Each Factors First Factor Catch-Up Effective R&D Prisoner's Dilemma Same Bed, Different Dreams Second Factor Virtuous cycle of PDCA cycle Third Factors ○:Positive factor, ●:Negative factor

  6. Success factor and PDCA cycle in the NEDO project First Factor;Synergy by the Consortium Creation and Acquisition, Such as New Knowledge and Technique, Know-How, Process, etc →Promotion of Catch-Up, Realization of Effective R&D Input Third Factors; Complementary Activities by NEDO and Project Leader “Create a Field” “Create an Environment” “User Involvement” Stop (Replan to Depending on the Situation) Evaluation, Problem Finding Impossible to Solve Problem Proposed Measures Solving the Problem of become clear Output Second Factor; User Involvement True Needs Become Obvious → Problem becomes clear → Repetition of development and evaluation → Virtuous cycle of PDCA cycle

  7. Conclusion Do It is important to establish early technology, and it is to make a samples can be tested. Check It is important to create a flow to promote a virtuous cycle of PDCA cycle by the user involvement from the stage that can make a samples. Therefore NEDO and Project Leader It is believed that it is important to set rules to protect the intellectual property of the members participating in the initial phase of the project. This is to “Create the Right Environment”for Do. In addition, important is to “Create a Situation” by the management. For example, it is to the devise on research and development organization (specific needs) in the Plan, and Implement a sample matching (unspecified needs) depending on the situation. And, it is important to “Involve the User” in Check.

  8. Thank you for your attention.

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