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UNIT 2 HEALTH, SAFETY & INJURY IN SPORT. What is this unit all about?. This unit will give you a good understanding of a range of health and safety issues connected to sport and help you put measures in place to help people taking part in sport avoid injury.
What is this unit all about? This unit will give you a good understanding of a range of health and safety issues connected to sport and help you put measures in place to help people taking part in sport avoid injury. It also looks at the type of things that can cause injury and some of the rules that are in place to try and prevent them. You will look at the types of injury that can occur in sport and will have to show that you can deal with them in the correct manner.
Making sense of the Pass Criteria! The key verbs you need to know to achieve the pass criteria are • Describe – ‘paint a picture in words’ • Deal with – ‘take control of and take action’ • Complete – ‘start and finish a task’
Pass 1…… Describe 6 risks and hazards associated with sports participation • Hazard = something that can cause harm or injury - like an icy football pitch • Risk= the likelihood that the hazard will actually occur – this could be a high chance or a low chance maybe
Pass 1…..have a go! Have a go at this introductory activity to help your understanding of P1. Don’t worry - it’s a gentle introduction to risks and hazards! Canoe hazards.doc
Pass 1……some really important information! Hazards and risks can include (and be affected by) some of the following:
Pass 1…… Once you are able to identify potential hazards and risks with sports participation you then need to be able to describe them – remembering a description ‘paints a picture in words’ Have a look at the attached examples so you can see the amount of detail you need to go into RISKS AND HAZARDS IN SPORT - example answer 1.doc
Pass 1…with a bit of Pass 6 as well! One of the best ways to prevent accidents occurring in sport is to complete a RISK ASSESSMENT – a Document that in a nutshell: • Identifies hazards • Identifies who can be harmed by the hazard • Identifies the risk associated with the hazard • Identifies steps that can be taken or put in place to remove the hazard or reduce the chance of it occurring • Click onto the links below to look at a couple of example risk assessments • http://www.runningsports.org/AlreadyASportsVolunteer/toptips/RiskAssessment.htm • http://www.kclsu.org/upload/04_00009RAKCLMS_M_Cricket_0708.doc
Pass 6…..go on, have a go! A bit of practice completing a risk assessment form would not go amiss…..so have a go at completing the attached form for a sport of your choice. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake or two – now is the time to do it!! Risk assessment template.doc
A bit more learning (for those up to it)! THE RUGBY SCRUM The rugby scrum can be a dangerous place. Have a look at the video link…… http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/rugby_union/rules_and_equipment/7362575.stm …..and then have a go at the following crossword (general injury crossword) Sport Injury Crossword Puzzle.doc The answers!! Sport Injury Crossword Puzzle - ANSWERS.doc The following links also make interesting reading…….why not take a closer look to improve your understanding of health & safety in rugby. • http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2543953.stm- general rugby safety • http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/rugby/rugby-union/scrum-safety-thats-not-as-easy-as-it-sounds-610928.html- scrum safety • http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/rugby/rugby-union/ban-the-scrum-says-top-rugby-coach-466369.html- scrum safety • http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/rugby/rugby-union/the-compensation-ruling-that-could-permanently-alter-the-face-of-sport-610927.html- scrum safety • http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/rugby_union/rules_and_equipment/5410346.stm- scrum safety
RISK ASSESSMENT EXAMPLE – THE RUGBY SCRUM Many injuries can be prevented if a risk assessment is carried out before a game or training. Doing this will: • Identify what can cause injury i.e. the scrum • Identify who may be injured i.e. the forwards, especially the front-row • Identify how serious the injury may be i.e. serious as paralysis can occur • Identify how likely the hazard is to occur i.e. very likely All the above will allow you to do the most important thing – PUT IN PLACE MEASURES TO ENSURE INJURIES DO NOT OCCUR, OR ARE LESS LIKELY TO OCCUR, SUCH AS: • Make sure the players are trained in how to scrummage correctly • Make sure the referee stops the game if the scrummage is not formed properly or foul tactics are being used
Last bit on P1….with some useful information for P2 thrown in! To move onto the merit criteria you willbe assessed on your ability to describe and explain risks and hazards associated with sport….so the attached example will give you an idea of the type of response you will need to give – but don’t just copy it when it comes to your assessment! Your ability to describe is probably now pretty sound, but the example may help you develop your skill in explaining RISKS AND HAZARDS IN SPORT - EXAMPLE ANSWER.doc
OK……are you ready? Right, after the work you have done so far, you should be ready to tackle the first Assessment Activity in this unit. Click on the link to have a look Assess 1 of 5.doc and remember: A description requires you to ‘paint a picture in words’ An explanation requires you to ‘ give reasons why’ If you remember the above P1 and M1 should give you no problem at all!
Do you remember this? Have a look at the attached article….it is a summary of the recent injury suffered by Arsenal’s Eduardo in the match v Birmingham City. ..\..\..\Website\Newspaper links~articles\Feb 08\Taylor & Eduardo - Feb 08.doc Having read it think about the following questions….. Q)Could a risk assessment have prevented this?? Q)If so, what preventative measures could have been put in place?
Pass 6…….!! We have been jumping about a bit but hopefully you are keeping up! Pass 6 requires you to: Complete a risk assessment relevant to sport Examples and information on risk assessments has been covered on previous slides…..so I am pretty confident you can attempt the second Assessment Activity in this unit!! Assess 2 of 5.doc
Pass 2 Describe prominent rules, regulations and legislation relating to health, safety & injury in sports participation To cover this criteria we will be looking at the rules of some sports (that aim to keep their participants safe) along with some general health and safety laws….. Source of picturehttp://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/cricket/rules_and_equipment/4177544.stm
Let’s look at some sports.. Cricket: http://www.lords.org/laws-and-spirit/laws-of-cricket/laws/law-42-fair-and-unfair-play,68,AR.html Have a look at Law 42 (point 6 on the link) and the powers of the Umpire (point 7 on the link) Football: http://www.thefa.com/GrassrootsNew/Facilities/SafetyAndRegulations/Postings/2004/02/GoalPostSafety.htm A look at goalpost safety Gymnastics: Gym H&S policy.pdf Have a look at the regulations regarding gymnastics equipment (page 17)
Government stuff!! There are plenty of laws around aimed at safety in sport, including: • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 • Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 • The Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sports Act 1987 • Children’s Act 1989 They are all important – but have a look at the attached two articles and you will see why. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/b/bradford_city/4506597.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/904658.stm Reading them will show you how important safety is in sport….in 2 very different situations
Pass 2 - are you up to it! There is loads of information on rules and regulations regarding health & safety, some of which we have looked at already. Anyway, before you get too bogged down with it all, have a look at the attached task and see how you go Assess 3 of 5.doc
….moving on! If you are feeling comfortable with Pass 2 you may want to try Merit 2 – where you need to be able to explain prominent rules, regulations and legislation relating to health, safety & injury in sports participation Click on the link below to get an idea of the type of detail you will have to go into…… GYMNASTICS.doc
A look at Pass 3 Pass 3 requires you to describe 4 different types of injuries Associated with sports participation and their underlying causes You therefore need to know that injuries can be caused by: • Intrinsic ‘things’ – to do with your body or…… • Extrinsic ‘things’ – outside of your body
Intrinsic reasons (or those that are to do with your body)!! Examples could be……. • Muscle weakness or imbalance • Being overweight • A previous injury causing a weakness • Limited flexibility
Extrinsic reasons (or those that are outside your body)!! Examples could be…. • Not warming up properly • Wrong equipment • Poor technique • Excessive weight or load…..
Check ‘em out! Click on to the links below…..they will give you more information on this subject. Be warned though – the second one will need you to put your brain in gear!! • http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/fitness/injuries_treatment.shtml • http://www.exrx.net/Kinesiology/Deficiencies.html#anchor2902178 • http://www.brianmac.co.uk/injury.htm Click here for a bit of Milburn. It may help you concentrate!!
Types of Injury • It’s a fair bet you have been injured whilst playing sport. Open the attached activity and tell us a bit about it! Ouch!.doc • If you have been injured you are in good company! Even the best get injured…..see if you can recall some ..\..\..\Website\First\Unit 2 - Health, Safety & Injury\Activities\Activity 2 - Oh no, not again!.doc • Try the attached word search activity…..it should be a breeze! SPORT INJURIES WORDSEACH.doc …..and the answers – just in case you need them! SPORTS INJURIES WORDSEARCH - ANSWERS.doc
You’ll definitely be ready for this… Feastyour eyes on the next activity…..should be a piece of cake after all the work you have been doing! Assess 4 of 5.doc Get stuck in to the specialist equipment bit….there is loads of material out there!! http://www.sportsworldrugby.co.uk/safety.htm http://www.hansraj-india.com/hockey-shin-pads-safety-guard.html http://www.barringtonsports.com/cricket/category_Protective_Cricket_Clothing.htm
Specialist equipment.. For those of you who want to look into this area of health & safety in a bit more detail, the link below will take you into the BBC Sports Academy website where you can look at the range of safety equipment required in cricket. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/cricket/rules_and_equipment/default.stm If you fancy tackling the distinction 2 in this unit you will have to analyse the use of specialist equipment in preventing injury…..in other words: • Tell us about the strengths of each piece of equipment • Tell us any weaknesses of each bit • Draw some conclusions about the equipment you have looked at • Make some recommendations This example should help you on your way!! CRICKET PADS.doc
Nearly there ….Pass 4 next! Pass 4 is all about illness – you have to be able to describe types and signs of illness related to sports participation Some of the illnesses you need to be aware of are.. • ASTHMA • HEART ATTACK • VIRAL INFECTION • HYPOGLYCEMIA
…and Pass 5 to boot!! Pass 5 is very practical and requires you to actually deal with three different injuries and illnesses…with support if this is needed You may be required to deal with adult or child casualties or even people with special needs. Look at the next slide for further information…
Dealing with injuries or illness The types of injury or illness you may need to deal with are: Minor injuries or illnesses that can be dealt with on site or Major injuries or illnesses that can need medical attention A useful link with some sound first aid advice! http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/health_advice/facts/firstaid.htm
A bit of help…you never know when it may come in handy! Have a look at the link below – it will give you a bit of extra help when dealing with an injury or illness. Once you have read it have a go at the task as well…..the practice will do you good! Dealing with injuries and illness associated with sports performance.doc Accident report form.doc
Last bit (honestly)!! The final assessment activity is accessible below. Get it done and then chill out a bit!! Assess 5 of 5.doc