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Important Dates Summer Term starts Tuesday 22 nd April Living Eggs arrive Tuesday 22 nd April Rythm & Rhyme Tuesday 29 th April Theatre Trip Friday 9 th May Woodland Walk Thursday 15 th May Jo Jingles Wednesday 21 st May Photographer Tuesday 3 rd June
Important Dates • Summer Term starts Tuesday 22nd April • Living Eggs arrive Tuesday 22nd April • Rythm & Rhyme Tuesday 29th April • Theatre Trip Friday 9th May • Woodland Walk Thursday 15th May • Jo Jingles Wednesday 21st May • Photographer Tuesday 3rd June • Offley Hoo farm To be confirmed****** • Paradise Wildlife Park Wednesday 25th June • Sports Day Friday 4th July • National move up day Thursday 10th July • Village walk (Younger children) Thursday 10th July • Leavers Presentation Friday 11th July • End of Term Party Friday 18th July • Last day of Term Tuesday 22nd July • Committee Members : • Kelly Smith : Chairperson • Toni Gardner : Secretary • Rachael Milan : Treasurer • Beth Atkinson : Member • Cadie Albertini : Member • Chereene Allen: Member • Anthea Krempa : Member • Jodie Fardon : Member Summer1-2014 c/o Offley Endowed School School Lane Gt Offley Herts SG5 3AT Tel: 01462 768606 offleypreschool@hotmail.co.uk www.offley-preschool.org This is the last term for many of our children, history teaches us that time passes very quickly. An exciting time for all of our movers, may we just remind you that some of our children aren’t leaving this term, so please use your words and excitement carefully. With the hope of warmer weather, we hope to spend many hours outside. This term we welcome Lillie and Nancy. • If you would like to join • or gain further • information please speak • to either Paula Metcalfe • or any of the team. Committee Announcement!!!We are very pleased to welcome Jodie (Ella's Mum) to the Committee as General member and Fundraiser. We are always open to new members joining and would be very grateful for additional help running the Preschool. If you are interested in becoming a committee member we meet 3 or 4 times a year (in the evening) and run the fundraising events. Please email me at hitchinsmiths@aol.com and I'll add you to our circulation emails for the next meeting due in May!!Happy Easter !Kelly Smith (Holly's Mum) Chairperson Offley Hoo Farm visit A massive thank you to Farmer Alan and his team for allowing preschool to visit, Wasn’t it a blast? We are so lucky to have this resource on our doorstep. We have been invited back later in the Summer probably around the beginning of June.Please watch this space for definite dates. Sunny Weather We will be asking all parents to sign a suntan application letter. This will allow staff to administer individually named sun lotion throughout the session. Transition As many of the children receive their Reception allocations in the next couple of weeks we will be working closely with yourselves and the allocated schools to make transition run as smooth as possible. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch. We would love you to inform us of your allocation which in turn will allow us to assist you in preparing your child by adding uniforms to our dressing up, reading several stories and speaking about changes such as dining rooms, new teachers and similarities. Improvements to the Preschool We are continuing to improve the setting, over the holidays we are planning additional resources in the garden, removing some bushes, sorting the side shed ready for replacement as well as looking into replacing the covering at the entrance. Watch Facebook and emails, join us if you can. April 2014
Activities This half term we will be looking at the Theme Spring, alongside feelings. Your children will be carrying out many crafts focusing on springtime animals and changes in the environment. We would love you to be part of this by looking at changes when you are out and about, snowdrops, blossom, buds sprouting through the mud. Activities on Feelings is something we feel the children will benefit from such as face plates, feely bag and emotional snap. Living Eggs As your children return after the holidays we will welcome the eggs and incubator anticipating the birth of Offley chicks. Our crafts and activities will focus around the chicks as we host them for 10days. As a setting we have risk assessments and care plans for this activity. Please share this experience with your child visiting the incubator daily to observe the changes. Preschool Trips We are now needing the £5 per person for our Theatre trip as the weeks are passing quickly. Please pass your money to a member of staff (preferably in a labelled envelope) by the 25th May. Paradise Wildlife Park We have provisionally reserved a coach and informed the park. The cost of the trip will be £16 per person with a reduction for babies. Letters will be sent shortly, we will need full payment (non refundable) by the end of May. This trip is open to all children, their parents/carers and younger siblings. Collection times Can we politely remind you of the pick-up times for preschool. They are as follows: Morning session 12pm (unless your child is staying for lunch club where it is 1pm) Afternoon session 3pm Please refer to our late payment charge/policy which is displayed in the foyer. The WOW board The board is placed in the room for all children to see and together with yourselves we will be adding a Star achievement. Anything that is an achievement to your child. These achievements can be very minor, Paula ate all of her dinner, Emma got herself dressed, Adam swam without armbands in his lesson. When a new one is written the old one will be placed in the learning journey folders. Preschool Policies As a setting we are updating our policies and making some changes to the way we operate. These policies are available for you to view at anytime. We would like to bring to your attention that as a setting we require your child to attend a minimum of two sessions and depending on numbers have no maximum. If you require extra sessions please speak to a staff member. Remember your child is entitled to 15hours per week spread however you wish including lunch clubs once they turn 3 after the cut off dates of 31st March, 31st August, 31st December. Mobile Phones Just a reminder that in line with our Safeguarding policy, mobile phones are not to be used on the premises. Your child will not be handed over to you until you have hung up your conversation, Please refrain from having your phone out on site. Thank you. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Please notify us as soon as possible to any information changes. PLEASE MAKE SURE WE HAVE A CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS. I am always available if you would like to discuss any issues or concerns regarding your child and am usually at Preschool by 8.20am. Regards Paula Metcalfe. April 2014 Offley Pre-school Staff: Paula Metcalfe, Sara Page, Elaine Wood and Claire Pin Page 2 of 2
Term Dates for 2013/2014 • These dates have been set using the Hertfordshire school suggested dates Autumn Term 2013 Tuesday 3rd September to Friday 20th December 2013 Half Term Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2013 Spring Term 2014 Tuesday 7th January 2014 to Friday 4th April 2014 Half Term Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February 2014 Summer Term 2014 Tuesday 22nd April 2014 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014 Half Term Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May 2014 Inset Day Monday 2nd September 2014 Inset Day Friday 29th November 2013 Inset Day Monday 6th January 2014 Inset Day Friday 14th February 2014 Inset Day Friday 20th June 2014 Occasional Day Wednesday 23rd July 2014
Please fill in the form below to be returned and placed in your Childs learning journey: Summer 2014 Name ....................................................... These are the toys and games I enjoy playing with: I have visited many places recently these include: Something I can do now that I couldn’t do before: