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First Look at the Interpretation of ATLAS Higgs Searches in the CPX Scenario of the Complex MSSM. Markus Schumacher , Bonn University May 13th 2004, CERN. Phenomenology of CPX Scenario Technicalities Discovery Potential Problematic Regions ?.
First Look at the Interpretation of ATLAS Higgs Searches in the CPX Scenario of the Complex MSSM Markus Schumacher , Bonn University May 13th 2004, CERN • Phenomenology of CPX Scenario • Technicalities • Discovery Potential • Problematic Regions ? Disclaimer: this are first very preliminary results from a study in progress and NOT official ATLAS results. Please do note quote plots as ATLAS results!
The CPX scenario • MSSM Higgs Sector CP conserving at Born level • CP effects via complex couplings in loops: ComplexMSSM relevant for Higgs sector are: complex trilinear couplings At, Ab and complex gluino mass paramer Mgluino Maximal effect in Higgs sector CPX scenario (suggested by Carena, Ellis, Pilaftsis, Wagner et al.) • Parameter choice for this first scan: MSUSY = 500 GeV, At=Ab=Mgluino=1 TeV, m=2TeV, M2=200GeV, arg(At)=arg(Ab)=arg(Mgluino)=90 degree + scan of Born level parameter: tanb and MH+- M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Phenomenology in the CPX scenario • Mass eigenstates H1, H2, H3 not equal CP eigenstates h,A,H mixing between CP even and CP odd states • All neutral bosons can couple to pair of W and Z bosons among themselves Hi,Hj,Hk • Compare to CP Conserving real MSSM: no born level coupling of A to WW,ZZ, A to hh (HH) h(H) to Zh(H), A to AZ M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Phenomenology in the CPX scenario • H1, H2 and H3 may • be produced in VBF, WH and ZH processes • decay to pair of W/Zs, pair of Higgs bosons, H+Z bosons Sum rule for couplings: Sigi (ZZHi) = gSM (ZZHSM) H2 and H3 decay into H1H1 and H1Z 3 2 2 H1 H2 H3 M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Mass of the Lightest Higgs Boson H1 120<MH1<130GeV 110<MH1<120GeV 90<MH1<110GeV 70<MH1<90GeV 40<MH1<70GeV 0<MH1<40GeV • even masses between 0 and 40 GeV • not excluded by LEP • problematic for LHC M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Some Technicalities • masses, couplings and branching ratios calculated so far with FEYNHIGGS 2.1( Heinemeyer, Weiglein et al. ) • needs/will be cross checked by CPSUPERH ( A.Pilaftsis, J.S.Lee et al.) • SM like cross sections calculated in leading order with M. Spira‘s programs + CTEQ5L parton density functions • charged Higgs cross sections obtained from T. Plehn‘s program • MSSM cross sections obtained by appropiate correction factors Gluon fusion: s(MSSM) = G(Hi gg) / G(HSM gg) xs(SM) VBF,ZH,WH: s(MSSM) = gHiVV x s(SM) ttH/bbH: s(MSSM) = sffHix s(ffH) + pffHix s(ffA) 2 2 2 • running bottom quark mass usedd for bbH, gbtH+- • discovery = 5 sigma excess using Poissonian statistics combination of channels with likehood ratio method M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Experimental Inputs • efficiencies and background predictions taken from documented ATLAS analysis (see below) • corrections due to larger total decay width taken into account • for VBF channels: assume same efficiencies for contribution of CP even and CP odd states (needs to be checked) • for ttH: efficiencies for CP even and odd bosons are the same VBF channels: SN-ATLAS-2003-024 ttH, Hbb: ATL-PHYS-2003-003 Charged Higgs: ATL-PHYS-2003-58 (low mass), SN-ATLAS-2002-017, (high mass) bbH/Amm: ATL-PHYS-2002-021 (low mass),ATL-PHYS-2000-005 (high masses) bbH/Att: ttlep. had :ATL-PHYS-2000-001 (low m.), ATL-PHYS-2003-008 (high m.) tthad. Had: ATL-PHYS-2003-008 ( masses > 450 GeV) Remaining analysis from ATLAS Detector and Physics Performance TDR M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Hgg and HZZ4 leptons H1gg, GGF+ass. prod. HiZZ4l 300fb-1 30fb-1 H1 300fb-1 H3 H2 M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
ttH with Hbb and bbH with Hmm Zoom in bbH1, H1mm ttH, Hbb H1 300fb-1 H1 300fb-1 H1 30fb-1 H1 30fb-1 H2 300fb-1 discovery region partiallylimited by avaibility of inputs only down to MH = 70 GeV (ttH at low tanb, bbH at low M+-) MH1= 70GeV M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Weak Vector Boson Fusion 30fb-1 Zoom in H1 tt H1 WW H2 tt H3 tt MH2= 110GeV MH1= 110GeV • only studied for low luminosity running so far • (forward jet tagging, central jet • veto in presence of pile up) • discovery region for low tanb • limited by avaibility of inputs • only down to 110 GeV M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Discovery Potential Light Higgs Boson H1 Zoom in MH1= 70GeV bbH1, H1mm • low Higgs masses below 70 GeV not studied yet in ATLAS • for M H+- >190GeV discovery in at least two channels ttH1, H1bb H1ZZ4l H1gg VBF: H1tt M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Discovery Potential H2 and H3 300fb-1 H2WWlnln 140 GeV< MH H2/3 tt30fb-1 H2,3 tt H2/3 mm30fb-1 H2/3 mm300fb-1 H2H1H1bb gg H3H1 Zbb ll H2H1 Zbb ll • tt only studied for low luminosity running so far 60 GeV< MH1, 200<MH2/3 < 360 GeV M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Charged Higgs Bosons high mass: mH+-> mtop gbH+-t H+-tn , tbqq 30fb-1 300fb-1 low mass: mH+-< mtop ttH+- b Wb Wln H+- tn 30fb-1 WqqH+- tn 30fb-1 • only studied for low luminosity running so far • ( tau tagging for soft taus • in presence of pile up) M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Overview of Discovery Potential Zoom in Discovery of H1 Two „problematic“ regions Discovery of H2 and/or H3 Discovery of H+- M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Problematic Region I see what happens if: increased lumi. = 60fb-1 extrapolate inputs to MH=100 GeV VBF, Htt So far:M>110GeV, int. lumi= 30fb-1 H2tt H1tt H2tt H1tt poor man‘s combination of : H1tt andH2tt increased coverage + combination covers hole partially covers hole M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Problematic Region II Analysis surrounding hole: Charged Higgs ttH+- b Wb WqqH+- tn 30fb-1 ttH2, H2bb VBF: H2tt, 30fb-1, 110GeV<MH try look for H3WWlnln MH1<50GeV 100<MH2<110 GeV 130<MH3<180 GeV M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Problematic Region II VBF: H2tt 30fb-1 60fb-1 110GeV<MH 100GeV<MH H3WWlnln 3 s observation with 300fb-1 Charged Higgs 30fb-1 100fb-1 other ideas for improved coverage: investigate high luminosity running for VBF, lower masses for H3ZH1llbb, try ggH+1 hard jet, Htt,mm H+-WH1, Higgs pair production + other new or rare decay modes ?? M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Conclusions • First preliminary interpretation of ATLAS Higgs searches in CPX scenario has been performed • Good coverage over most of tanb vs. MH+-plane, two problematic regions have been identified and ideas for coverage are on the way study smaller Higgs boson masses at LHC • Investigate „problematic“ regions in more detail maybe suggest new analysis/ search channels • Crosscheck results with CPSUPERH • Study different values for complex phases Thanks for programs and discussions to: Philip Bechtle, Sven Heinemeyer, Tilman Plehn David Rainwater, Michael Spira,… M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Backup Slides M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
Discovery Potential for Heavy Neutrals M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM
OPAL PLOTS M. Schumacher, ATLAS Higgs Interpretation in the CPX Scenario of MSSM