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An overview. Dynamics Responses of welded plates. Aluno: Marcio Vital de Arruda 2017103393. MPF11-Mechanical vibrations. Motivation Measurements methods From the beginning New horizon Simulations Conclusions Total number of slides - XXX. summary. Residual stresses
An overview Dynamics Responses of welded plates Aluno: Marcio Vital de Arruda 2017103393 MPF11-Mechanical vibrations
Motivation • Measurements methods • From the beginning • New horizon • Simulations • Conclusions • Total number of slides - XXX summary
Residual stresses • Direct influence on the materials (Dieter, 1961) • Fatigue • Frature • Stress corrosion crack • Dimensional stability Motivation
Destructives (Jurcius and Valiulis, 2013) • Portion of the residually-stressed • Tedious and painstaking • Complex theoretical analysis • Unable to detect residual micro-stresses Measurements methods
Semi-Destructives (Jurcius and Valiulis, 2013) • Hole-drilling method Non-destructives (Jurcius and Valiulis, 2013) • X-ray diffraction method ("lattices strains and changes in the spacing between crystallographic lattice planes") • Neutron diffraction method • Ultrasonic method ("Changes in the velocities of ultrasonic waves due to stress") Measurements methods
Jubb and Philips (1975) - Intercorrelation of Structural Stability, Stiffness, Residual Stress and Natural Frequency • Frequency variations due to residual stress • Possibility to use frequencies measurements to access residual stress results From the beginning - Genesis
Kaldas and Dickinson (1981) - Flexural vibration of welded rectangular plates • Theoretical approaches to determine natural frequencies and the modes • Semi-empiric and analytic models From the beginning - Genesis
Are there really possibility to access residual stress by vibration measurements? If it is possible… • Cost • Facility New horizon
Yang et al (2005), Bezerra (2006), Bezerra et al (2008), Charette (2011), Hafiti et al (2014), Varsak et al (2014), Zhang and Kan (2015), Macanhan (2016) • Specific objectives How do they do it? New horizon
Macanhan (2016), Leal (2015), Damandi et al (2014), Barban (2014), Capriccioli (2009) - Utilizaram MEF Simulations
Simulations - Results Thermal Structural
Simulations - Results Without Stress Stressed
Simulations - Results 352.97 Hz 434.01 Hz 951.55 Hz 974.68 Hz 1502.2 Hz 1643.9 Hz 333.05 Hz 384.91 Hz 881.56 Hz 939.36 Hz 1483.8 Hz 1564.9 Hz Without Stress Stressed
Easy to obtain the results by FEA. But …., it must be compared with practical results to ensure. There are many conclusion about the frequencies variations, because each author made its own research with specific objectives Conclusions
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