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AN OVERVIEW. Born of the Spirit is a catechetical series for children in school, parish and home education settings from Early Childhood through Year (Grade) 6. It is written by the National Office of Religious Education of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

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  1. AN OVERVIEW • Born of the Spirit is a catechetical series for children in school, parish and home education settings from Early Childhood through Year (Grade) 6. It is written by the National Office of Religious Education of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. • The Born of the Spirit series builds on the essential faith education that families provide. The series offers: • a progressive and systematic presentation of the basic content of the faith for children • integrates the Catechism of the Catholic Church • was developed by catechists, coordinators (from school and parish backgrounds), liturgists, theologians and curriculum specialists from across Canada.

  2. More Overview • The Born of the Spirit series is an initiation into a lifetime of growing in faith: • Ages 4–5: (Early Childhood) Celebrating the wonder of childhood as a trace of God • Year 1: Being invited to belong to God • Year 2: Being called to break bread together • Year 3: Gathering to celebrate as people of God • Year 4: Knowing Jesus through those closest to him • Year 5: Being one with the Lord, who lives on in the Church • Year 6: Witnessing to God’s Spirit in the world Completely Revised • The programs in the series have been completely revised or newly written. • These programs offer: • updated theology

  3. CCCB Catechetical Resources • Grades 1 - 10 • Published by the Catholic Conference of Bishops (CCCB) - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • This program is recommended in the Archdioceses of Saint Boniface, Winnipeg and throughout Canada. It offers a thematical, sequential approach to catechesis. It refers to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and in its newest revisions to the General Directory for Cathechesis. This national program responds in a unique way through enculturation, richly filled with Canadian content and references that other catechetical programs do not contain. Earlier editions of the Born of the Spirit program are at this time also used.

  4. BORN OF THE SPIRITPRIMARY CYCLE (CYCLE ONE) The Primary Cycle is about our belief in God. To glimpse God we look at Jesus the Word, who became flesh, living among us. We experience God’s love in and through the Christian community where the Holy Spirit of God is the force and the breath of these experiences. The Primary Cycle includes the following: In God's Image (Ages 4-5) We Belong to God (Year 1) We Belong to the Lord Jesus (Year 2) In the Spirit We Belong (Year 3) In this cycle we view God as Trinitarian and Relational.

  5. Early Childhood: IN GOD'S IMAGE • IN GOD’S IMAGE is rooted first in the person and activity of Jesus who shows us that nothing truly human is unknown to God.  The life of the human person must be valued, explored and celebrated.  Secondly, it is rooted in the belief that the earth is God’s creation and that it manifests the glory of God. GOAL: The goal of ‘IN GOD’S IMAGE’ is to give shape, form, and expression to the spirituality that is within each child: • to lead the children to recognize the sign of God  • to keep the wonderment and awe alive in children, and • to lead them into God’s presence to help them develop a friendship with God. AIM: The ‘general aim’ of ‘IN GOD’S IMAGE’ is to affirm the child in all aspects of growth and to celebrate the wonder of childhood as a sign of God. • Appropriate for ages 4-5.The resource honors a child's religious way of being in the world.

  6. Year One:   WE BELONG TO GOD GOAL: WE BELONG TO GOD seeks to create a sense of "belonging.": • to God • to our great Christian tradition, growing in friendship with Jesus • to a people, the Christian community • to the family building on the nurturing/care. Symbol - Circle of Friends AIM: The general aim ofWE BELONG TO GODis to build on the child’s innate sense of mystery and ritual, and the wonderment of God and His creation. How do we get to know about God? • Children are led to experience the Scriptures. • Children discover the words, actions and personality of Jesus introducing them to God. • The source is the Scriptures – the person of Jesus.Appropriate for age 6.The resource honors the most fundamental kind of belonging for Christians: our belonging to Christ through Baptism. 

  7. Year Two:   WE BELONG TO THE LORD JESUS GOAL: WE BELONG TO THE LORD JESUS, presents an invitation to the children to open up a space for Jesus in their hearts, so that they may have him as a companion on their journey through life. Symbol – Eucharist AIM: The general aim of WE BELONG TO THE LORD JESUSis to assist children in meeting Jesus in a similar way to the disciples on the journey to Emmaus. Children discover the actions of the Eucharistic gathering of Christians on Sunday. The entire year 2 focus is on the Eucharist. The experience of belonging to Jesus through the Eucharist and the Eucharistic community will deepen the children’s experience of belonging to God. • Appropriate for age 7. • The resource honors the Word of God and prepares children to feast at the Table of the Word and the Eucharist. 

  8. Year 3:    IN THE SPIRIT WE BELONG GOAL: IN THE SPIRIT WE BELONG invites the children to discover the work of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling God’s dream for the world which is to gather all people into one family of God.  Children discover themselves as part of the family of God.Symbol – Tent AIM: The general aim of IN THE SPIRIT WE BELONGis to deepen the children's experience of God, through the community of the followers of Jesus, who are gathered by the Spirit. Children discover the activity of the Holy Spirit in their lives, what it means to be the church, and God's continued renewal of creation through His Spirit. • Appropriate for age 8. • The resource honors the Scriptures that reveal God's continued presence through the Holy Spirit and the Church. The Church is the blessed gathering of the family of God.

  9. BORN OF THE SPIRITCHURCH CYCLE   (CYCLE TWO) Cycle Two, is centered on the knowledge of God’s unconditional love for us as revealed in Jesus Christ and handed on in the Church; the Church’s lived experience and faith in Jesus; the Church as a gathering of people of all nations, witnessing to the faith in and through the Spirit of God.  The Kingdom of God experiences growth by our acceptance and receiving of the gift of the word, by our participation in the actions of the Church, by our desire and action to become disciples of the Risen Jesus. Cycle Two includes the following: • Come and See(Year 4) • May We Be One (Year 5) • You Shall Be My Witnesses (Year 6)

  10. Year 4: COME AND SEE GOAL:COME AND SEE continues the theme of Church developed in Year 3. It opens the Scriptures to students and invites children to take ownership of their faith by discovering it in the Word of God. Students will encounter Jesus through the gospel accounts of the four evangelists. Symbol – Bible AIM: The general aim of  COME AND SEE is to meet the Lord Jesus through the living experience of Gospel witnesses and to explore what it means for us to be a disciple and friend of Jesus today. The foundational aim for the children is to know the stories of Jesus if the tradition is to be preserved. We are all to tell our friends about Jesus. Appropriate for age 9. This resource honors the Good News, recognizing the Scriptures as foundational in the lives of children. 

  11. Year 5: MAY WE BE ONE GOAL: MAY WE BE ONE invites the children to explore how the Church sets about fulfilling it’s mission, through 10 actions. The Church: proclaims, believes, celebrates, expects, welcomes, acts justly, reconciles, loves, rejoices and witnesses. Symbol – Rock AIM: The general aim of MAY WE BE ONE is to assist children in exploring what the Church does as it gives witness to Jesus in the Spirit and to see the Church as sacrament.  The Church is presented as the community of God’s people where the Lord Jesus is visible, active and present in the power of the Holy Spirit. • Appropriate for age 10. • The resource honors the promise through covenant; that we are rooted in the story of Israel.  The Church is to continue the ancient promise of God: to gather/assemble a community of people, baptized in the name of Jesus. 

  12. Year 6: YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSES GOAL:YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSESinvites the young Christian to explore the Christian life in a methodical way and with a moral mission.  Their relationship to God is deepened, and they witness the lives of people who have been impacted by God’s justice, love and compassion. • Symbol – Lantern • AIM: The general aim of YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSES is to invite the young people to explore how young Christians are rooted in the Christian tradition, and are witnesses to God’s justice and love.  The young Christian is invited to live a moral, Christian life; to be a disciple of a faithful and merciful God. • Appropriate for age 11. • The resource honors the exploration of God’s stories and His people.  The ten ‘image of God’ stories speak about God’s faithful covenant to His people and of those witnessing to God.  Our lives are to be like ‘light’ in the world.

  13. WE ARE STRONG TOGETHERTHE TRANSITION CYCLE I – THE CREED – CYCLE THREE CYCLE THREE is based on characteristics of the Creed.  The core of our Christian faith is the mystery of God’s relationship with us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Because of the Trinity, nothing exists without being in relationship.  No article of the Creed stands on its own.  The Creed affirms the whole story of salvation.The three years of this cycle assist young believers to nurture their relationship with God in and through Jesus Christ in the context of Christian community.  There are multiple opportunities for the young Christian to focus on life questions, experiences and issues of the young adolescent’s transition years.The three resources are excellent for post-confirmation catechesis. They are designed to be taught weekly or to be presented in a monthly retreat format. The three resource components are: • Believe in Me  -  Year 7 • Stand By Me  -  Year 8 • Be With Me    -  Year 9

  14. Year 7:   BELIEVE IN ME GOAL: BELIEVE IN ME invites the young believer to an orientation on the Creed, to discover that our Catholic faith is not a private relationship between the individual and God, but a faith lived out in community.  The young believer is invited to proclaim the Creed, and to think in conjunction with these beliefs.  This provides an invitation to “think with the Church”. Symbol – Creed AIM: The general aim of BELIEVE IN ME is to assist young believers in nurturing their relationship with God, through Jesus Christ and in the context of their being part of a Spirit filled community. The ‘faith summary’ of the Apostles Creed and its use is an encouragement given to young believers to participate in the Church. Young people will apply concepts they have learned from the Creed to situations that are familiar to them. Appropriate for age 12. The resource honors the following: Part I of the Creed – God the Father Part II of the Creed – Jesus Christ The two persons of the Creed/Trinity are seen through the scriptures and the Church year.The resource manual offers two formats: 2 hour session or a 1 hour session (condensed version) Retreat format 4 – 6 hour format.  Can be used in a variety of catechetical gatherings.  The ritual format adds a catechetical dimension to youth ministry programs. 

  15. Year 8:  STAND BY ME GOAL:STAND BY ME invites the young believer to continue an orientation on the Creed, to participate with the Church in exploring the dimensions of their relationship with God, Jesus and the community of the Holy Spirit. The young adolescent will experience on-going growth in their understanding of each statement of the Creed. Through an interactive approach, the young people are immersed in what it means to believe in the Church through the Holy Spirit and in what the Church teaches. AIM:The general aim of STAND BY MEis to deepen the opportunity for the young believers to expand their sense of the social dimension of Church and to feel a sense of belonging through the common beliefs that bind us together.  The community of young believers is assisted to put their faith into words that resonate with their experience and level of development.Appropriate for age 13.The resource honors the following: Part III of the Creed – the Holy Spirit The third person of the Creed/Trinity is seen through the Church, through the seven sacraments and the commandments.The resource manual offers two formats: 2 hour session or a 1 hour session. (condensed version) retreat format 4 – 6 hour retreat.  Can be used in a variety of Catechetical gatherings.  The retreat format adds a Catechetical dimension to youth ministry programs. Symbol – Creed

  16. Year 9:  BE WITH ME GOAL: BE WITH ME invites the young believers to examine the attitudes and actions which characterize the Christian life, using the Beatitudes as a touchstone.  They are encouraged to understand and nurture within themselves the virtues which will enable them to deepen their relationship with the three persons of the Creed.Symbol - Jesus Teacher AIM:The general aim of BE WITH ME is to build upon the two previous years that centred on the Apostles Creed by examining the attitudes, and virtues which must be cultivated if the profession of faith is to have last meaning and impact on the students’ lives.  A catechesis of the beatitudes is central since they sum up the way of Christ. This is offered and the young believers explore implications of expressing their faith.Appropriate for age 14.The resource honors the young believers' entry into our faith tradition in light of developing faith questions.The resource is based upon Part 3 of the catechism of the Catholic Church – “Life in Christ” providing an overview and experience of: • the Beatitudes • three theological virtues (faith, hope and love) • other virtues drawn from the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments.

  17. The TRANSITION CYCLE IIYear 10: CHRIST AND CULTURE GOAL: Young Catholic Christians are invited to explore the foundations of Christ and culture and to name the principles that guide Catholics in understanding their role in culture. They are guided to further explore our culture in light of the principles of Christ that they have discovered. The adolescent is invited to make applications of these principles to: oneself, the other person, civil society, the church, and the world.Symbol - Cross over the world • AIM: The fundamental aim of CHRIST AND CULTURE is to root the young believer in an encounter with Christ and to prayer. The general aim of CHRIST AND CULTURE is to assist young persons with the help of the Gospel and to participate as Christians in the shaping of our culture. The young believers are invited to explore major cultural issues from a Christological perspective, and in continuity with the Year 9 program, BE WITH ME.  They are called forth to celebrate Christ in our culture.  The year’s work is drawn together in a celebration and with a Eucharistic catechesis. Appropriate for age 15 – grade 10. The resource honors: the diverse learning needs of the adolescent persons, sacred Scripture/scriptural prayer component, the young believers’ attempts and focus to live in the light of the principles of Christ, prayer and liturgies, examples of Christian witnessing in our culture.  

  18. Year 12: IN SEARCH OF THE GOOD GOAL - seeks to help young adults in their knowing of God – the God we profess as Father, Son, and Spirit. AIM – The principal aim of In Search of the Good is to assist young men and women to understand themselves as moral persons living the way of Christ through an examination of ethical theories, the revelation of sacred Scripture, and the experience and teaching of the Catholic Church. Symbol- sextant • Appropriate for ages 17 and 18, grade 12, but can be utilized with other adult groups • This resource takes its primary inspiration from the Scriptures, and particularly from the proclamation of the Ten Words – the Ten Commandments – of the Lord on Mount Sinai and from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Key features of the program • strong connections with students’ daily lives and accessible presentation of concepts • opportunities for discussion, research and inquiry • exploration of religious experience, expression and diversity • important place for the Scriptures and family life • connections with other disciplines • continuity with the Grade 9 , Be With Me, and Grade 10, Christ and Culture • numerous options to appeal to a wide range of learning styles and abilities • implications for Christian moral behaviour • exploration of who we are as Church • integrated rubrics, assessment and evaluation tools • Canadian content, approved by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops In the Catholic tradition, there are teaching and assessment strategies, an overview of the content, and much more. Chapters are arranged to provide with what is needed, when needed. Background notes accompany each theme, key concepts are explained, and clearly sequenced lesson plans with multiple options help meet the variety of needs in the classroom. Reproducible handouts appear with the theme in which they are needed, and links to Internet resources are provided. The manual also provides numerous questions to encourage student understanding, and assessment strategies and tools to help you evaluate their learning.

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