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H g 4l in Full Simulation preliminary results

H g 4l in Full Simulation preliminary results. A. Khodinov * and K. Assamagan ** * State University of New York at Stony Brook ** Brookhaven National Laboratory. Data set (signal only). h g ZZ (*) m h = 130 GeV. Z (*) g e + e - Z (*) g m + m -. h g 4e 25% c h g 4 m 25%

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H g 4l in Full Simulation preliminary results

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  1. Hg4l in Full Simulationpreliminary results A. Khodinov* and K. Assamagan** * State University of New York at Stony Brook ** Brookhaven National Laboratory

  2. Data set (signal only) hgZZ(*) mh = 130 GeV Z(*)ge+e- Z(*)gm+m- hg4e 25% chg4m25% hg2e2m 50%

  3. Framework details • Number of Events 100.000 • Generator Pythia 6.217 (6.5.0) • Fully simulated with ATLSIM (6.5.0) • VDC dataset simul_000033 • geometry level dc1 (|h|< 2.7) • Reconstructed with ATHENA (7.0.2) • Job Options file RecExCommon_jobOptions.txt • Additional MC Truth Spcl_MC (F.Paige and I.Hinchliffe)

  4. MC Isol Cut 5 GeV ET cut 10 GeV track match YES |h|<2.5 probe of electron reconstruction XKalman

  5. Muon Reconstruction We suppose to compare 2 alternative methods matching tracks in the Inner Detector with Muon Spectrometer. • STACO (statistical combination) MuonBox + Xkalman ( planned to be included in the ATLAS software release. When?). so currently use ONLY MuonBox Ref: Muon reconstruction with Muonbox and STACO byHassani, S.(Saclay) 2. MuID combined (already in the release) Moore + IPatRec Ref: Muon reconstruction with Moore and MuID by Biglietti M., Cataldi G. (Naples University, INFN Lecce) STACO &Muid Comb: Combination of the muon system and the inner detector tracks “MuonBox” & “MuidStandAlone” : Back tracking of the MuonBox and MOORE tracks to the interaction point

  6. Kinematical cuts as in TDR • e1+e2- or m1+m2- with pT>20 GeV (leading pair*) • e3+e4- or m3+m4- with pT>7 GeV (following pair) • 2. Calculate invariant Z mass • m12 = mZ 15GeVor (mass constraint  6 GeV) • m34 > 20GeV • Currently no cuts on R=(2+2) (very narrow distributions see below) • * leading pair is an on-shell Z candidate

  7. MuonBox |h|<2.5 ET>5.GeV

  8. Muid CB |h|<2.5 ET>5.GeV

  9. Single muon reconstruction efficiency as as function of pT

  10. Single muon reconstruction efficiency as as function of h

  11. |h|<2.5 ET>5. MC MuonBox MuID CMB MuID STD number of single muons 130202 123036 126857 129865 passed ET and h cuts 0.95 0.97 0.98 number of single muons 121266 122267 122028 having a MC truth prototype 0.93 0.94 0.94 within R cone of 0.99 and passed ET and h cuts 4-muon events 7822 5921 5909 6533 0.76 0.76 0.84 4 or more muon event number 7822 6145 6251 6705 0.78 0.80 0.86 leading with m > 20 and following > 7 3952 3835 3826 0.51 0.49 0.49 leading muon pairs with masses Mz+-15 2969 2970 2875 0.38 0.38 0.37 following muon pairs with masses > 20 3320 3244 3225 0.42 0.42 0.41 final number of rec. Higgs bosons 2497 2510 2430 0.32 0.32 0.31

  12. ID 99002 Entries 3952 Mean 89.71 Sigma 3.395 ID 99004 Entries 38706 Mean 91.01 Sigma 1.346 Z(*) gm+m- Zmass ID 99502 Entries 3853 Mean 90.29 Sigma 2.770 ID 99602 Entries 3826 Mean 90.09 Sigma 3.790

  13. ID 99006 Entries 2497 Mean 89.71 Sigma 3.395 ID 99009 Entries 5845 Mean 130.0 ID 99506 Entries 2510 Mean 129.6 Sigma 2.096 ID 99606 Entries 2430 Mean 128.7 Sigma 2.991

  14. Summary • MuID combined provides better resolution than MuId stand alone, so we are awaiting for STACO to implement into the analysis. • Current statistics not enough to estimate resolution for hg4m . The plan is to process up to 500K events to try to reach TDR . • Future study hg4e and hg2e2m is planned.

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