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Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II An exploratory study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts By Riku Matilainen ETUCE joint regional seminar Brussels Mars 2006.
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II • An exploratory study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts • By Riku Matilainen • ETUCE joint regional seminar • Brussels • Mars 2006
Project title: “Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II”* • The survey about social dialogue is : - addressed to teacher unions and to the experts within these organisations -> ETUCE member organisations on the employer role in the social dialogue -> focus on inside knowledge and expert opinion - rooted in a comparative method-> find similarities and differences -> find strengths and weaknesses -> summed up in a comparative report
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II- A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts • The survey about social dialogue -> The survey was answered by 32 ETUCE member and associated organisations covering 23 European countries -> The teachers unions are seen as one single coherent entity, but also studied as two groups: EU15/EFTA 19 organisations 13 c. EU10+4 13 organisations 10 c.
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts The survey covered the following issues I: • Teachers unions and Labour market relations • Organisation of TU, • Central organisations, • amount of TUs • (and employer (counter-)parts in different levels) • Structure of the public administration and distribution of (public) responsibilities in education • Amount local administrative units and • Number of levels in the administrative structure of the country • Future trends an challenges in your country • Budgetary stability, privatisation, decentralisation, division of responsibilities and challenges in the education sector
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts The survey covered the following issues II: • Mapping employers in the different levels of education • In relation to working conditions; wages, working time, leave…. • Employer representation and organisation in education • Employers by sector and organisation: • low level or non-organisation, • interest in education, • obstacles for participation
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts Factors influencing the structure of Labour market relations and of the social dialogue 1. The degree of organisation:-share of teachers are organized. (2005) EU15/EFTA: average 60 % and EU10+4: average 54 % (+ variation between organisations is 2 -99 %) Amount of Teachers unions: The average amount was For al of the participating countries 6 unions (variation 1-40 TU/c) EU15/EFTA 9 (variation 2-40 TU/c) EU10+4: average 3 (variation 1-14 TU/c) (Over 10 unions: Portugal 40, France 26, Denmark 14, Poland 14) -Influencing the level of fragmentation?
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts Factors influencing the structure of Labour market relations and of the social dialogue 2. The membership profile of the Teachers unions:- in which sectors (Public, private, church, other) are the members working -The common factor for al of the unions were that some of their members worked in the public sector. In the EU15/EFTA were seven/(17) and in the EU10+4 there were four/(11) unions that had (98-100 %) al of their members working in the public sector. So in their members are almost solely in that sector. In the EU15/EFTA the average figure was 78 % of TU- members In the EU10+4 the figure was 65 %
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts Factors influencing the structure of Labour market relations and of the social dialogue 3. The membership profile of the Teachers unions:- the members working in the private sector - Only half 17 /32 of the TU had members in the private sector and in the EU15/EFTA were 12/(19) and in the EU10+4 there were five/13 that had members in the private sector. - In the EU15/EFTA the average % was 10 (1- 30 %)
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts Factors influencing the structure of Labour market relations and of the social dialogue 4. The membership profile of the Teachers unions:- the members working in the church sector (or other sect.) - Only half 14 /32 of the TU had members in the church sector and in the EU15/EFTA were 7/(19) and in the EU10+4 there were 7/13 that had members in the church sector. - In EU15/EFTA the amount was between (0,2- 82 %) (Ireland 82, Portugal 40) - In EU10+4 the figures was between (0,2 -81%) ( Slovac Republic 81, Czech 40)
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts Employers representation and organisation I The existence of employer organisations: -In most of the countries there are employer organisations according to the participating TU. Employers organisations in countries EU15 EU10+4 1-2 8 4 4 3-4 6 5 1 5-10 5 3 2 10 > 5 3 2 - There is no clear difference between EU15/EFTA and EU10+4
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts Employers representation and organisation II The existence of an employer organisation in education: -In the majority of countries there are employer organisations in education according to the participating TU. Employers organisations in education Al EU15/EFTA EU10+4 YES 17 13 4 NO 12 3 9 • There is a clear difference. In EU15/EFTA there are often employer organisations in education and in EU10+4 countries the situation seem to be different
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts Employers in education in different sectors The type of employers and share of teachers covered
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts Employers organisations in education and member-ship in central or European organisations
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts In EU15/EFTA there are TU from two countries that points towards a low or non-organisation of employers: Greece and Portugal - In Greece the reason chosen among the alternatives is “that there is no need for a formal organisation” ‘ - In Portugal the reason chosen among the alternatives is “ that there are competing interests among the employers”
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts
Strengthening European Social Dialogue in the Education Sector II - A study on the status and the role of employers in the Social Dialogue in Education in different national contexts
The end for now! Thank you for your patience.