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2012 Drill Team Competition Directors UHSAA Online Clinic. Training & Registration must be completed by NOON September 17, 2012 Contact Kellie Chamberlain with questions at kelliechamberlain@msn.com. Competition Directors’ Packets.
2012 Drill Team Competition DirectorsUHSAA Online Clinic Training & Registration must be completed by NOON September 17, 2012 Contact Kellie Chamberlain with questions at kelliechamberlain@msn.com
Competition Directors’ Packets • The following forms are available under the Competition Directors’ Packet link on the Drill Page at uhsaa.org. Competition Directors are responsible for printing their own documents. • Competition Director’s Planning Sheet with competition checklist • NEW Judging Sheets (Military, Dance, and Kick) • Penalty Sheet • Floor Penalty Sheet • Routine Master Sheet • Penalty Master Sheet • Prop/Shoe Declaration Sheet • Region Competition Declaration Form (Region Competitions ONLY) • Region Judge Request Form (Region Competitions ONLY) • UHSAA Drill Rules & Regulations listed in the UHSAA Handbook • When making copies make sure to use LIGHT colored paper. The darker colors are hard for the judges and tabulators to read and don’t transfer well.
Tabulators • A list of certified tabulators will be emailed to all certified UHSAA Competition Directors when it is finalized.
Region Competitions • The UHSAA Arbiter will email a list of eight judges for each region along with what they are expecting to be paid (contracted judging fee and mileage) • Make sure to give the host school enough time to prepare the checks. It’s always nice to give checks to the judges, tabulator, etc. the day of the competition if possible. • The head judge will be assigned by the UHSAA Arbiter. • Make arrangements ahead of time for someone to call Drill Down. • If this person is a judge they usually receive an extra $10.00 added on their check.
Invitational Competitions • Each invitational competition director is responsible for hiring ALL their judges and a certified tabulator. UHSAA asks for the following: • DO NOT ask state routine judges work the same classifications they will be judging at the state competition (5A, 4A, 3A, or 2A/1A). • State judges are usually selected by the first part of October. • A list of state judges will be emailed to CD’s when it it finalized. • State technical judges are ENCOURAGED to judge the same classification as they will be judging at state. • Try to hire one “newer” judge for each panel of judges used. • Email/fax the information on the “Competition Directors’ Planning Sheet” with the names of the judges to Becky Anderson and Kellie Chamberlain. • All sanctioned UHSAA team competitions must use a certified competition director, five (5) certified routine judges, three (3) certified technical judges, and a certified tabulator in all classifications (this does not include solo competitions). When teams compete facing both sides at invitationals, there should be three (3) certified technical judges for each side. • OUTSIDE FOOD and DRINKS: Teams should be allowed to bring in small amounts of food/water to get them through the day.
Tabulators • Make sure the tabulator is in a secluded location close to the competition. • Make arrangements for either you or the tabulator to bring/supply what they need (printer, paper, copy machine, etc.) • Ample table space is a must for every tabulator. • Assign a dedicated runner for the tabulator. • Make sure he/she knows that it is their primary job to assist the tabulator (they can’t expect to watch the competition unless given permission by the tabulator).
Budget • Make sure to get a budget approved by the region BEFORE any monies are spent!!! • Account for competition director fee, sound system, etc. • CHANGE FOR REGION COMPETITIONS: In order to cut costs there should be no more judges/coaches gifts, team treats, costly meals, etc. • Judges are aware of the changes but it would be a good idea to remind them to eat before each competition.
Know the Facility • Make arrangements to visit the host school/location of the competition. • Meet the administrators, custodians, athletic directors, etc. • Decide where things would be best located. • See for yourself where the best place to line-up props (if necessary), put team dressing rooms, tabulation room, hospitality room, etc. • Make sure there are no obstacles in the way of teams preparing to perform.
UHSAA Rules • Tie Breaker Rule • Go over the UHSAA yearbook instructions. • There should never be ANY reason for judges to discuss a tie. • The tabulators will break ties given the judges scores. • Sportsmanship Rule • Go over the UHSAA yearbook instructions. • Know ahead of time who will serve on the Sportsmanship Committee and make sure they know in advance you would like them to be available to meet, if necessary, during the competition. • Know where the committee will be seated throughout the event. • Technical Judge Video Review • Because there is no more novelty category, video review of a penalty will NOT be allowed at any time.
Competition Admission • UHSAA passes must be accepted at all UHSAA sanctioned events. • Ask for identification. • It is a good idea to write down the name on each pass so it is used only once a day.
Submissions & Deadlines There is no audio with this slide which contains the specific deadlines when items are due.Send, email, or fax all to UHSAA to the designated individual (Kellie or Becky). Their contact information is available on the next slide. • Region Judge Request Form (to Kellie) • by midnight on the first Friday in October • Competition Director Planning Sheet (to Becky and Kellie) • shortly after completion of the competition • Region Competition Declaration Form (Results) and the Region Tabulation Sheets (to Becky) • When the region competition is complete but no later than midnight the Saturday prior to the state competitions • Region DVD (to Becky) • Must be received by the UHSAA office Wednesday prior to state
Contact Information • UHSAA • 199 E 7200 S - Midvale, UT 84047 • Phone: (801) 566-0681 • Fax: (801) 566-0633 • Becky Anderson • Email: anderson@uhsaa.org • Kellie Chamberlain • Email: kelliechamberlain@msn.com • Cell Phone: (801) 949-5355 Never hesitate to contact Becky or Kellie if questions arise!
Registration • To complete the Competition Director Training and Registration: • Submit the quiz following this presentation. • Print and complete a Competition Director Registration form from the UHSAA website. • Send in the completed registration form along with the $15.00 registration fee to UHSAA. • Registration materials must be received no later than Noon on September 17, 2012 • If you have been asked to direct a REGION competition please indicate which one(s) on your registration form.
COMPLETE CLINIC QUIZ • Click on the link below to proceed to the required quiz for Competition Director’s LINK TO CLINIC QUIZ https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SYFJ2WF • Thank you for viewing the online UHSAA Competition Directors’ Training Clinic for Drill