1. Exclusion Order Research Anne Dickson and Alice Ann Jackson
2. Exclusion orders
3. Exclusion orders
4. Are women using exclusion orders? No 1% (34) of family cases we looked at
No - 19 women in contact with local womens aid groups 2008/09
How many granted ?
13 of the 34 cases
17 of the 19 womens aid service users
5. Why are women not using exclusion orders? No need cohabitees (house in their name only)
Didnt know they could (13 women of 20)
Couldnt find/afford a lawyer
Legal difficulties
6. Legal difficulties Corroboration (back to how do you prove the conduct, how do you prove conduct injurious)
Special bail conditions (how do you prove exclusion orders and powers of arrest necessary)
Interim hearing
Is the law really focused on protection?
how am I supposed to decide who should live in the house?
7. Why do women leave the home? Safety can the law keep me safe Homeless services - more straightforward Cant afford the home Lots of information focuses on moving Leaving abuser = Leaving home