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Vocabulary Enrichment: Words with Diverse Connotations

Explore the origins and meanings of words like "adulterate," "augment," and "intimation" to enhance your understanding and usage.

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Vocabulary Enrichment: Words with Diverse Connotations

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  1. Level EUnit 1Vocabulary

  2. ADULTERATE Connotation: negative Etymology: 1580–90; < Latin adulterātus  mixed, equivalent to ad- + -ulter  (perhaps combining form of alter  other) Word Structure: Verb suffix –ate means “to become, produce, or treat”

  3. AMBIDEXTROUS Connotation: positive / negative Etymology:1640s, from L. ambidexter, lit. "right-handed on both sides," from ambi- "both" + dexter "right-handed" (dexterity). Word Structure: prefix bi- means “two;” suffix –ous means “marked by”

  4. AUGMENT Connotation: positive Etymology: c.1400, from O.Fr. augmenter (14c.), from L.L. augmentare "to increase;" from L. augmentum "an increase;" from augere "to increase, make big, enlarge, enrich" Word Structure: noun suffix –ment means “act or process of”

  5. BEREFT Connotation: negative Etymology: O.E. bereafian "to deprive of, take away, seize, rob," from be + reafian "rob, plunder," Since mid-17c., mostly in reference to life, hope, loved ones, and other immaterial possessions. Past tense forms bereaved and bereft have co-existed since 14c., now slightly differentiated in meaning, the former applied to loss of loved ones, the latter to circumstances.

  6. DEPLOY Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1786 as a military word, from Fr. déployer "unroll, unfold," from O.Fr. desployer "unfold" Word Structure: prefix de- means “lower”

  7. DOUR Connotation: negative Etymology: probably from Latin dūrus  hard Ebenezer Scrooge

  8. FORTITUDE Connotation: positive Etymology: early 15c., from L. fortitudo "strength," from fortis "strong, brave" (fort). Word Structure: noun suffix -tude means “state of”

  9. GAPE Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1175–1225; Middle English < Old Norse gapa  to open the mouth wide; compare German gaffen

  10. GIBE Connotation: negative Etymology: 1560–70; perhaps < Middle French giber  to handle roughly, shake, derivative of gibe  staff, billhook

  11. GUISE Connotation: neutral / negative Etymology: from Old French guise,  of Germanic origin “manner, wise”

  12. INSIDIOUS Connotation: negative Etymology:1545, from L. insidiosus "deceitful," from insidiæ (pl.) "plot, snare, ambush," from insidere "sit on, occupy," Word Structure: prefix in- means “into;” adjective suffix –ous means “full of, given to”

  13. INTIMATION Connotation: neutral Etymology: "action of making known," mid-15c., from L.L. intimationem (nom. intimatio) "an announcement" (in M.L. "a judicial notification"), from intimare (intimate). Word Structure: prefix in- means “into”; noun suffix –ation means “act or result of”

  14. OPULENT Connotation: positive Etymology: 1595–1605; < Latin opulentus  wealthy, equivalent to op-  (stem of ops  power, wealth) + -ulentus

  15. PLIABLE Connotation: neutral Etymology: late 15c., from O.Fr. pliable "flexible," from plier "to bend" (ply) Word Structure: adjective suffix –able means “able, capable of”

  16. REITERATE Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1526, from L. reiteratus, pp. of reiterare "to repeat," from re- "again" + iterare "to repeat," from iterum "again." Word Structure: prefix re- means “again, back”

  17. STOLID Connotation: neutral Etymology: from M.Fr. stolide (16c.), from L. stolidus "insensible, dull, brutish," prop. "unmovable," related to stultus "foolish"

  18. TENTATIVE Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1580s, from M.L. tentativus "trying, testing," from L. tentatus, pp. of tentare "to feel, try," (variant of temptare "to feel, try, test"). Word Structure: Latin root -ten- means “hold, keep;” adjective suffix –ive means “marked by”

  19. UNKEMPT Connotation: negative Etymology: Old English uncembed;  from un- + cembed,  past participle of cemban “to comb” Word Structure: prefix un- means “not, opposing”

  20. VERBATIM Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1481, from M.L. verbatim "word for word," from L. verbum "word"

  21. WARILY Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1552, from O.E. wær "prudent, aware, alert, wary" Word Structure: adverb suffix –ly means “having the nature of”

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