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Explore the essential need for thought revolution to solve personal, social, and global problems. Learn how levels of consciousness impact control and transformation of thoughts to create lasting change. Discover the power of higher mental levels in achieving true happiness and social harmony.
Thought Revolution The essential need for solving all our problems
Introduction • Problems we face • How do we solve the problems? • Levels of Consciousness • Control through various levels of consciousness • Need for thought transformation • How to start?
What is a problem? • A problem is any scenario which goes against our expectations
Problems in family Disrespect Lack of empathy
Social problems Intolerance Gap between rich and poor Corruption
Global problems Terrorism Global warming
Levels of consciousness Each level above can control the lower
Control of physical Higher Mental Lower Mental • When someone is subjugated by force, only the physical level is constrained • The upper levels are not constrained • The subject eventually rebels • You hear the American forces working towards “capturing the hearts and minds of Iraqi people” Emotional Physical
Control of emotions Higher Mental Lower Mental • Next is the plane of emotions • Pleasure, Agony, Pride, Humility • If emotions are controlled, the control stays for longer time • The British achieved this by destroying the value system and creating an inferiority complex in Indians • However they could not control the thoughts Emotional Physical
Mental plane Higher Mental Lower Mental • The mental plane has 2 levels • The lower mental plane deals with thoughts related concrete things and the self • Thoughts about concrete objects • “Because everyone does this way” • “Otherwise I would have lost” • The higher mental plane deals with thoughts related to abstract concepts and a wider circle • Patriotism, Love, Freedom, Unity • “Because this is the right way” • “Otherwise the society would have lost” Emotional Physical
Control through thoughts Mental • The rule of law is an example of controlling the lower mental level • We follow the law because everyone does • When no one sees, we can ‘bend’ the law • Any change in the higher mental level brings about lasting changes • This is the plane that controls everything else. If the higher mental requirements are satisfied, the being is truly happy Emotional Physical
Development through transformation in thought ! • Thought Revolution or “VicharKranti” was the term coined by PanditShriram Sharma Acharya • He was a visionary who saw how the situations in the world were developing
His literature • More than 3200 books addressing all aspects of living • 4 Vedas, 108 Upanishads, GayatriMahaVigyan • Scientific Spirituality • Started a monthly magazine – AkhandaJyoti in 1940 and has been running till now based on his writings only. • The largest and the longest run magazine without an advertisement • 20 small books called KrantiDharmiSahitya aimed at bringing about Thought Revolution • For more information, visit http://www.awgp.org
Let us look at some of the greatest movements in India and the World • United Nations • NAM • Integration of India • Reservation policy in US and India • Panchayat Raj movement
Great ideas in the past decades • Nuclear disarmament • Was to remove nuclear weapons from earth • Panchayat Raj system • Empowerment of villages • Removal of middlemen
Great ideas in the past decades • Reservation to socially backward sections • Gives special encouragement to socially backward sections to develop and progress • Public sector companies • Develop strong players in the industry who provide a balance vis-à-vis profit driven companies
Great ideas in the past decades • United Nations • An organization that guides the world based on cooperation • And many more such ideas should have made life on earth heavenly.
Great ideas in the past decades • Nuclear disarmament • Was to remove nuclear weapons from earth • Nuclear pile has increased instead • Has created a discrimination between haves and have-nots. • Panchayat Raj system • Empowerment of villages. Removal of middlemen • Politicized village systems. Party rivalry has instead increased distrust and hatred.
Great ideas in the past decades • Reservation to socially backward sections • Gives special encouragement to socially backward sections to develop and progress • Communities fighting to be added to the ‘backward’ list. • Public sector companies • Develop strong players in the industry who provide a balance vis-à-vis profit driven companies • Incompetence, Looting of public funds….
Great ideas in the past decades • United Nations • An organization that guides the world based on cooperation • Has become a play tool of 5 powerful countries • Why has this happened?
Why great ideas fail? Higher Mental Lower Mental • Great ideas are abstract concepts – thoughts of higher mental level • Not many can think at that level • People think at lower mental level and convert these ideas into selfish goals • The visions lose their ultimate goal • We need people who can think beyond their selfish aims • THUS – WE NEED A REVOLUTION IN THOUGHT Emotional Physical
Is it possible? • India that was divided into multiple kingdoms, is now united as one India
Countries that fought for centuries and were the root cause of 2 world wars have now come together
Concrete mind thoughts • Thoughts related to physical objects • Planes, buildings, weapons etc. • Thoughts related to existing scenario • An ‘enemy’ country, A government job • Thoughts related to ‘Self’ • What do I gain?
Abstract mind thoughts • Thoughts related to higher principles • Love • Why does a parent jump into the river to save a drowning kid? • Patriotism • What did the thousands of freedom fighters gain by sacrificing their lives? • Thoughts related to ‘All’ • What is better for the world?
Develop your abstract mind • Helps you to envision things that don’t exist in the present • What if all countries in the world come together under a world government? • Helps you decide based on the benefit to all • During Bhopal gas tragedy, the station master was dying. Instead of running from the station, he signalled a train that was on the platform to leave and stopped all trains coming to Bhopal – thereby saving thousands of lives – at the cost of his.
How to develop abstract mind? • One of the easiest ways of developing abstract mind is through meditation. • There are multiple methods of meditation • Meditating on the rising sun • Teen shareeron ka dhyan
The power of thoughts • People thought • that if the world was round, then all the water in the ocean would fall off • that the sun went round the earth • Men cannot fly • Nobody would want a computer in their homes • Few people changed these thoughts • Once a small critical mass was reached, the entire world’s thinking was changed • Can we do it too?
Power in a group • The power of thought is incredible • When more than one person thinks on the same lines, the power of thoughts increases exponentially
More harm has been done to this world by the silence of noble men than by the action of the evil ones
Introduction • Thought Revolution or “Vichar Kranti” was the term coined by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya • He was a visionary who saw how the situations in the world were developing • He produced energy to bring about the change
Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya • His biography in brief
His literature • 3200 books • 69 years of AJ without a single advertisement • Highlight books from Vangmay • 20 Kranti Dharmi Sahitya