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Der erste und zweite Call des 6. Rahmenprogramms und ihre Bedeutung für Museen, Archive und Bibliotheken in Österreich kochw@cscaustria.at http://www.cscaustria.at/. FP 6 Thematic Priorities. 1. life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health; 2. information society technologies;
Der erste und zweite Call des 6. Rahmenprogramms und ihre Bedeutung für Museen, Archive und Bibliotheken in Österreichkochw@cscaustria.athttp://www.cscaustria.at/
FP 6 Thematic Priorities 1. life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health; 2. information society technologies; 3. nanotechnologies and nanosciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials, and new production processes and devices; 4. aeronautics and space; 5. food quality and safety; 6. sustainable development, global change and ecosystems; 7. citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society.
Mission of the directorate: Information Market Public Sector Info. e-Content Safer Internet Knowledge Subject area: Digital Content Remit: Make information accessible to all Overcome multilingual barriers Implementation:Legislation andFinancial intervention Information Application Development Technology-enhanced e-Learning Access to Cultural Heritage Research and Technology Development Multimodal interfaces and Cognitive Systems Semantic-based knowledge systems Content
Call 1 Call 2 • Pushing the limits of CMOS,preparing for post-CMOS • Micro & nano-systems • Broadband access for All • Mobile & wireless systems beyond 3G • Towards a global dependability & security framework • Multimodal interfaces • Semantic-based knowledge systems • Networked audiovisual systems & home platforms • Networked business & government • eSafety for road and air transport • eHealth • Technology-enhanced learning & access to cultural heritage • Advanced displays • Optical, opto-electronic, photonic functional components • Open development platforms for software and services • Cognitive systems • Embedded systems • Applications & services for the mobile user & worker • Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment • GRID-based Systems & solving complex problems • Improving Risk management • eInclusion • Product design & manufacturing 2010 Strategic Objectives in Call 1 & 2 Technology components Integrated systems Applications
Overview of FP6 instruments • Integrated Projects (IP) • Networks of Excellence (NoE) • Article 169 (joint implementation of national programmes) • Specific Targeted Research Projects (STReP’s) • Co-ordination actions (CA) • Specific Support Actions (SSA) „New“ „Old“
1. Call IST publiziert: 17. Dezember 2002 Ende der Einreichungsfrist: 24. April 2003 Gesamtbudget: 1.070 Mio EUR Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage Objective: To develop advanced systems and services that help improve access to Europe's knowledge and educational resources (including cultural and scientific collections) and generate new forms of cultural and learning experiences. Focus is on : – Improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of learning, for individuals and organisations, independent of time, place and pace, through the development of open systems and services in support of ubiquitous, experiential and contextualised learning and virtual collaborative learning communities. Work combines advanced cognitive and knowledge-based approaches with new media, including virtual and augmented reality, virtual presence and simulation, takes account of technological, pedagogical as well as organisational aspects, and aims at demonstrating next-generation learning solutions in sizable field experiments. Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage … Focus is on : – – Improving accessibility, visibilityand recognition of the commercial value of Europe's cultural and scientific resources, by developing: advanced digital libraries services, providing high-bandwidth access to distributed and highly interactive repositories of European culture, history and science; environments for intelligent heritage and tourism,re-creating and visualising cultural and scientific objects and sites for enhancing user experience in cultural tourism; advanced tools, platforms and services in support of highly automated digitisationprocessesand workflows, digital restoration and preservationof film and video material, and digital memory management and exploitation. Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage … It is expected that IPs will be the main vehicle for R&D and demonstration of learning systems and services, while NoEs will contribute to exploratory, longer-term research enhancing human learning and cognitive processes. All instruments, including STREPs, will help promoting best practice, take up and dissemination. The digital libraries field is open for both NoEs and Integrated Projects, developing shared test-beds and resources and seeking to connect scientific and cultural actors. NoEs and STREPs will be the prevailing instruments for intelligent heritage and tourism. Work in Preservationaims at structuring new research communities round emerging agendas and platforms for research, through Integrated Projects and NoEs.
Focus 1500 man-years of research effort on digital culture • Fund 110 projects since 1999 (FP5) • 688 participants • 506 different organisations from museums, libraries, archives, industry, government and research (40% cultural actors, 30% industry, 30% research) • Partners from 35 countries • -->90 M€ funding in cost-shared projects: • Av. funding 1.6 M€ for RTD (75% of budget) • Av. funding 0.55 M€ for AM (12%) • Av. funding 0.75 M€ for TN (8%) • Av. funding 0.172 M€ for take-up (5%)
Instruments (FP6): • A limited number of Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence (on average 2 or 3) per strategic objective • Integrated Projects can vary from several €10‘s million • Networks can go up to several €million per year • Expect that 2/3 of the budget will go to Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence • Size is not a criterion for exclusion (quote from specific programme) Focus, Excellence, Impact andReturn on Investment
Digital library services • Advanced digital libraries services, providing high- bandwidth access to distributed and highly interactive repositories of European culture, history and science • Focus on shared test-beds and incresed cultural-research cooperation • Building on existing portfolio of projects • Including digital memory management • Remember broadband objectives of eEurope 2005
Intelligent heritage and tourism • Environments for intelligent heritage and tourism, re- creating and visualising cultural and scientific objects and sites for enhancing user experience in cultural tourism • Focus on enhancing user experience • Addressing the common needs of Europe’s museums, monuments, sites, etc., and not a specific museum, monument, site, .... • eLearning, tourism, eCommerce can support the core focus on culture • An effective network should include take-up in networks and/or “demo” projects under STRP
Preservation and digitisation • Advanced tools, platforms and services in support of highly automated digitisationprocessesand workflows, digital restoration and preservationof film and video material, and digital memory management and exploitation • Focus on structuring new research communities around preservation • Substantially reduce the cost of digitisation • Lower barriers for institutional investment in long- term digital preservation • Provide an industrial platform for film and video restoration and preservation
Events • 1st Information Day on the 6th Framework Programme - 18/11/2002 • 2nd Information Day on the 6th Framework Programme - 27/01/2003 • Mapping the Future - concertation meeting - 28/01/2003
2. Call IST publiziert: 17. Juni 2003 Ende der Einreichungsfrist: 15. Oktober 2003 Gesamtbudget: 525 Mio EUR
Participation rules Legal entities in Member States, Associated States, JRC and international European interest organisation on same footing subject to: • All main instruments need at least three independent legal entities from three different MS or AS (at least two MS or Associated Candidate States) • Work programmes can override these limits • European Economic Interest Groups (EEIG) or other legal entities made up of independent legal entities may be the sole participant in an action • Legal entities from third countries and international organisations may participate under certain circumstances without EC funding (some special cases with EC funding)
Integrated Projects Current Industrial strength / presence « Monolitihic » Incremental Integrated Projects Targeted Research Projects Networks of Excellence Industrial exploitation Fundamental research Basicresearch Industry-driven research Example of implementation in IST
Example of an Integrated Project (1) CUBE - Cultural heritage UmBrella for REsearch in the Archiving Domain The Objective of the CUBE-Project will be to establish an operational research and development platform ("umbrella") for information and content managers and users of electronic documents and digital assets in the archival area. The "CUBE-Project" will provide a platform for multi-disciplinary cooperation between archivists, public administration, research and the ICT industry, with a view to identifying and promoting best practices and concrete solutions in this field. The CUBE-Project will also reinforce and complement the objectives of the eEurope2005 initiative which aims to provide an Information Society for all in the areas of egovernment, ehealth and elearning to create a more dynamic business environment, with secure information infrastructure and availability of broadband access. The "DLM-CUBE" as result of coordinated, streamlined, and bundled research activities and projects in the field of digital restoration and preservation and related areas like metadata & knowledge management, and web-archiving will provide guidelines, reference models and an IT-infrastructure (tools, systems & services) for archives and similar Cultural Heritage organisations or industrial enterprises confronted with the storage and long term preservation of materials of different kinds.
Example of an Integrated Project (2) Project Description: The CUBE-Project covers those research areas which are considered of main interest by the ICT Industries and described in several "Industry White Papers": Capture, Indexing & Auto-Categorization, Conversion & Document Formats, Content Management, Access & Protection, Availability & Preservation, Education, Training & Operation. In the preface to these Industry White Papers, Erkki Liikanen, European Commissioner for Enterprise and the Information Society, states: “The importance of providing public access and long term preservation of electronic information is seen as a crucial requirement to preserve the memory of the information society as well as improving business processes for more effective government”. The CUBE-Project puts main emphasis on "digital preservation" and considers the "Digital Preservation Process" as integration of different activities: Image Capture (Digitisation), Hybrid Imaging (Analog/Digital to Analog/Digital Conversion), and IT-Services (Content & Knowledge Management, Storage & Access, eBusiness,...). These three topics constitute the baseline of the "CUBE-Research Areas" which are outlined in the "CUBE-Research Agenda". The Research Areas cover "vertical" activities but CUBE also includes "horizontal" measures covering: legal framework & digital rights management, technology & methodology, standards, guidelines, good practice, business models & usability, dissimination & technology watch, and education & training.
Example of an Integrated Project (3) The target user group includes governmental and industrial organisations which are faced with the problem of long term preservation of documents of any kind, WEB-archives, etc. The CUBE-Project will deliver the "DLM-CUBE" which will support archiving processes following commonly used approaches as laid down in MOREQ, ISO-15489, OAIS, and similar, based on State of the Art Technical Standards (XML-based, SOAP, OAI) and Platforms & Architectures. The DLM-CUBE will enable the integration of archival ressources into the global internet-based market using ebXML-technology for eBusiness integration. Based on the DLM-CUBE, trials will be offered and conducted at different stakeholder's sites (Archives, Libraries, Museums, Enterprises). Approach: The CUBE-Project is divided in several consecutive Phases:- Developing a "Research Road Map" including: Baseline Analysis, Visioning, Gap Analysis, Implementation.- Setting up the Conceptual Framework for the DLM-CUBE.- Implementation of the DLM-CUBE. The horizontal measures and trials are performed in parallel to the research projects and are based on results reached so far at a special stage.
Example of an Integrated Project (4) Management: The CUBE-Project is managed by the CUBE-Management Committee installed by the DLM-Network-EEIG Management Board. The overall coordination is supported by the Steinbeis-Transfer Centre for Information Management and Cultural Heritage Informatics, member of a large European Innovation Transfer Network (Steinbeis). Research Areas are coordinated by "CUBE-Research Area Managers", Projects are managed by "CUBE-Project Managers"; Horizontal Measures are coordinated within the regular operation of the DLM-Network EEIG. Proposer: DLM-Network EEIG, a "European Economic Interest Group" consisting of archives and similar Cultural Heritage related organisations and Research Institutions. The DLM-Network EEIG evolved from the DLM-Forum which has been established in 1996. DLM stands for: "Document Lifecycle Management". Please send any inquiry to: stz651@stw.de Proposal-WEB-Site: http://www.cscaustria.at/cube/