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FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 International co-operation. FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 International co-operation a) to reinforce the S&T base for European research and competitiveness b) to help resolve global health issues c) to support the Development aid and Foreign policies of the Community
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 International co-operation
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 International co-operation a) to reinforce the S&T base for European research and competitiveness b) to help resolve global health issues c) to support the Development aid and Foreign policies of the Community d) to promote co-operation with with scientists from countries with established S&T co-operation agreements with the EU
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 International co-operation - Organisations from any country can in principle participate in the projects. - Funding may be provided to organisations from the INCO-Target countries (Developing countries, Mediterranean countries, the Western Balkans, Russia and NIS) - Participants from other countries may be funded on a case by case basis - if considered necessary for successful execution of the project and if similar competence does not exist in Europe.
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 International co-operation Strengthened co-operation with countries having established S&T co-operation agreements with EC. Currently: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Russia, Ukraine and USA .
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs Europe should become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world Lisbon, March 2000 Biotechnology is a frontier technology driving the knowledge-based economy Stockholm March 2001
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs Innovation aspects are important for all projects, in particular for Integrated Projects and include: IPR strategy, dissemination and communication strategy, promoting exploitation - demonstration activities (proving the technical viability and economic benefits), socio-economic aspects, ethical and regulatory issues, evaluation of health benefits, clinical trials, technology transfer activities, etc.
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs “The right project consortia” A cornerstone for success - i.e. to ensure the optimal realisation of the planned dissemination and exploitation strategies - will be to have the right project consortia.
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs Project consortia should include: - SMEs wherever appropriate - if necessary, organisations with specific competence in management, dissemination and transfer of knowledge
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs 15 % of the budget is reserved for SMEs > 84 million € per yearfor Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs Partner search: EuropaBio SME project:www.bba-bio.be/smes: Maintains a database of SMEs interested in joining FP6 projects. Partners for Life:http://www.bit.ac.at/partners_for_life.htmThisEU Life Sciences Network for SMEs also has a database and an extensive network covering the accession countries. Innovation Relay Centreshttp://irc.cordis.lu ,with specific IRC thematic working groups in the life science areas.
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs Strategic Support Actions, SSAs: examples include: training in IPR and knowledge management, promotion of SME participation, stimulation of exploitation and dissemination of knowledge, etc.
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs Co-operative and Collective Research Projects Training and fellowships: Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge
FP 6 - Thematic Priority 1 Innovation and SMEs We have to work together to reach the 15 % target for SMEs! Contact us with your ideas: irene.norstedt@cec.eu.int waldemar.kutt@cec.eu.int