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PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP PPRNet 101. introductions. Who you are Why you are here What you hope to learn. Workshop Goals. To (begin to) answer the question: “How can I maximize the benefit of PPRNet in my practice?” Introduce (or reintroduce) PPRNet and its mission
introductions • Who you are • Why you are here • What you hope to learn
Workshop Goals • To (begin to) answer the question: “How can I maximize the benefit of PPRNet in my practice?” • Introduce (or reintroduce) PPRNet and its mission • Provide an overview of PPRNet reports • Share examples of how practices use PPRNet reports to achieve recognition and/or incentives • Allow time for participants to use reports and network with one another
What is pprnet? “A practice-based learning and research organization designed to improve health care in its member practices and elsewhere in the United States.”
What is pprnet? • Primary (care) Practices Research Network • A virtual network of primary care practice teams and researchers that aims to: • Turn EHR data into actionable information for clinicians and practice staff • Empirically test theoretically sound primary care quality improvement interventions • Disseminate interventions that improve primary health care
PPRNet Aims to… “Blur the distinction between quality improvement and research”
PPRNet: Primary Care Practice-Based Research and learning Network
PPRNet Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Center for Primary Care Practice-Based Research and Learning • Answer questions relevant to practice • Disseminate findings
Pprnet research • Primary Care-Relevant Questions • “Preventive Services Delivery in Patients With Chronic Ilnesses: Parallel Opportunities Rather Than Competing Obligations” • “Learning from Primary Care Meaningful Use Exemplars” • Translating Research into Practice (TRIP) Interventions • Impact studied across a variety of clinical areas • Prevention, chronic disease management, acute care and medication safety • A-TRIP, C-TRIP, SO-TRIP, MS-TRIP, AM-TRIP, CKD-TRIP…
Disseminating “lessons learned” • Ongoing PPRNet Activities • Annual meetings • Monthly webinars • Listserv • Social media • Publications • Presentations
PPRNET PERFORMANCE REPORTS • Patient & Provider- Level Report Practice-Level Performance Report
Clinical Practice Quality Measures TOTAL: 67
Practice Performance Report • 67Quality Indicators • 3 Summary Measures • SPC Methodology • Time trends – Monthly over 2 years • Comparison with PPRNet benchmark (ABC) • Comparison with national benchmarks (when available)
Patient-Level Report (PLR) • Excel Spreadsheet with 78tabs: • PPRNet Switchboard • Practice Performance on Individual Measures • Provider Performance on Individual Measures • Patient Registry • PPRNet Measure Groupings (8 tabs) • Patient Lists of those not meeting criteria for each of 67 Individual Measures • Same indicator criteria as practice report • All “active” patients ≥ 3months age
CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommendations
PQRS DM TAB All Pts 18-75 with DM
ACC/AHA Cholesterol Guidelines for ASCVD Risk ReductionHierarchical Statin Benefit Groups • ADULTS >=21 years old • Diagnosis of ASCVD (CHD or Atherosclerosis) • Highest LDL-C >=190 mg/dL • Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus; age 40-75 yr • Estimated 10-yr ASCVD Risk >=7.5% age 40-75 yrs
ACC/AHA Cholesterol Guidelines for ASCVD Risk ReductionEstimated 10-yr ASCVD Risk Equations • Dx Smoking Status • Systolic BP • Hypertension Dx • Diabetes Mellitus Dx • Smoking Status • Age • Sex • Race • Total Cholesterol • HDL-CSystolic BP • Hypertension Dx • Diabetes Mellitus
A (part 1): Report guide details data source for each measure
A (part 2): PPRNet measures are now aligned with Meaningful Use Clinical Quality Measures • Applies to some new measures (ie, eye exam in patients with diabetes) and new categories (ie, ACO CQMs) • Identifiers (ie, CMS id, NQF # or PQRS id) cited in reports
How do I UPLOAD MY DATA EXRACT AND access my reports? https://pprnetportal.musc.edu/
New DATA Extract • PP users will be migrating to a new extract process for October reports • McKesson support for prxtract ends in October • The MUSC OCIO has worked with us to develop a “vendor neutral” extraction process • New reports will include patient identifiers!
Summary: PPRNet Reports in Practice • Evaluate performance over time • Identify patients overdue for care • Engage, motivate, and incentivize practice team • Demonstrate quality of care for quality recognition and incentive programs
questions • To (begin to) answer the question: “How can I maximize the benefit of PPRNet in my practice?” • Introduce (or reintroduce) PPRNet and its mission • Provide an overview of PPRNet reports • Share examples of how practices use PPRNet reports to achieve recognition and/or incentives • Allow time for participants to use reports and network with one another
Recognition and incentive programs • PPRNet practices use reports for a variety of local and national quality recognition and pay for performance programs • During this session, we will highlight: • NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home • CMS Physician Quality Reporting System
Pprnet 101: glossary • NCQA • PCMH • CMS • PQRS • ABFM • PLR • SQUID What is your experience with these recognition programs? How has your practice benefited from recognition?
NCQA PCMH 2014 Standards • Published in March 2014 (must be used by March 2015) • Revisions to align with MU Stage 2, reflect PCMH evidence base and from stakeholder input • Major edits in the areas of: • Care management of high-need populations • Team-based care • Focus on triple aim domains (patient experience, cost, clinical quality) • Sustaining transformation • Integration of behavioral health
NCQA PCMH 2014 Content and Scoring(6 standards/27 elements) Scoring Levels Level 1: 35-59points. Level 2: 60-84 points. Level 3: 85-100 points. *Must Pass Elements
PCMH 2: Team-based care • Element 2D: The Practice Team • The practice uses a team to provide a range of patient care services by: • Defining roles for clinical and nonclinical team members • Identifying practice organizational structure and staff leading and sustaining team based care • Having regular patient care team meetings or a structured communication process focused on individual patient care* • Using standing orders for services • Training and assigning members of the care team to coordinate care for individual patients (continued)
PCMH 2: Team-based care • Training and assigning members of the care team to support patients/families/caregivers in self-management, self-efficacy and behavior change • Training and assigning members of the care team to manage the patient population • Holding regular team meetings addressing practice functioning • Involving care team staff in the practice’s performance evaluation and quality improvement activities • Involving patients/families/caregivers in quality improvement activities or on the practice’s advisory council
PPRNet Tools • PPRNet Improvement Model as background • Build team meeting agendas based on PPRNet reports, webinars or network meeting topics • Use plans for Element 3D (Population Management) or 4A (Care Management and Support) to document responsibilities for team-based care
PCMH 3: Plan and Manage Care • Element 3D: Use Data for Population Management (MUST PASS) • At least two different preventive care services • At least two different immunizations • At least three different chronic or acute care services • Patients not recently seen by the practice • Medication monitoring or alert
PCMH 3: PLAN AND MANAGE CARE PPRNet Patient-level Report (PLR) includes lists of patients: With specific diagnoses Needing preventive services, including immunizations Requiring clinician review or action Taking specific medications