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Sunday 1: Exploring. “ Atonement ” literally means “at-one-ment” with God Sin and salvation are important related topics Atonement has to do with how we are transformed . God has been working to deliver creation throughout history , not just at the cross
Sunday 1: Exploring • “Atonement” literally means “at-one-ment” with God • Sin and salvation are important related topics • Atonement has to do with how we are transformed. • God has been working to deliver creation throughout history, not just at the cross • Jesus' whole life is important for understanding atonement – not just his death.
Sunday 1: Exploring • We participate in God's saving mission • Expiation refers to God's action to right human brokenness • Propitiation refers to an action to appease God's wrath. • New Testament uses multiple images • Atonement is used to address multiple concerns, including unity, discipleship, and freedom from sin
Sunday 2: Traditional Views • A model is a formal, sustained, and systematic explanation of Jesus' significance. Models are used to help make sense of the biblical witness. • An image is a metaphor that helps grasp the significance of Jesus, though it may not apply 100%. NT uses images more than models. • Sacrifice, New Adam, Cosmic King, Martyr, etc.
Sunday 2: Traditional Views • Three major models: • Ransom: God sends Jesus as a ransom to the devil for humankind, but God wins the ultimate victory • Satisfaction: God's honor has been offended and needs to be satisfied. Jesus is punished to restore God's honor, making humans righteous in God's eyes without really changing. • Moral influence: Humans are not loving. Jesus' sacrifice discloses God's love, influencing humans to live likewise.
Sunday 2: Traditional Views • Other models • Recapitulation/Incarnation: Jesus enters the messiness of human existence and redeems it, so that we can fully grow into God's likeness. • Christus Victor: A drama where Jesus' life, death, and resurrection are the victorious climax of God's struggle against oppressive powers. • Penal substitution: God's sense of retributive justice has been offended and must be satisfied. Jesus pays in our place, making us righteous in God's eyes without really changing.
Sunday 3: Christ's Victory and God's Kingdom • Powers overstep their places to claim sovereignty that belongs to God alone, thereby oppressing and dominating creation • God has worked against such oppression throughout history • These systems claim to be good, but Jesus exposed their evil and violence when they crucified him, God incarnate • By resisting nonviolently, Jesus broke the cycle of violence and critiqued all violence and domination that claims to be redemptive
Sunday 3: Christ's Victory and God's Kingdom • God's Kingdom or God's Reign is the in-breaking reality in which God is sovereign and oppressive powers are redeemed to their rightful places. • Marked by deliverance, righteousness and justice, peace, joy, God's Spirit, healing, restoration, and covenant love. • The church is the sign and foretaste of this Kingdom.
Sunday 4: Jesus the Way • “Martyr” means “witness” in Greek • A martyr's death only has meaning because of the martyr's life and witness • Christ's martyrdom challenges and encourages us to live as he lived, fearless even of death • Death loses its power when we no longer fear it, and those challenging the Kingdom of God lose their greatest weapon. • We die to the power of sin and rise to newness of life in Christ, living as he lived.
Sunday 4: Jesus the Way • Jesus' upside-down way • Power of love and serving mightier than the power of ruling and warring • Wisdom of self-giving and forgiveness wiser than the wisdom of self-preservation, violent retaliation and resignation • Suffering is not noble in itself • Only good and redeeming when it comes as a result of living as Christ lived, which challenges the Powers, who often react violently. • Never legitimizes violence and domination, but always challenges it
Sunday 5: New Creation! • God has created a people out of those who were once no people • The church embodies the marks of God's Kingdom • Peacemakers within the church and into the world • Ambassadors for Christ, a contrast community that is actively engaged in the world. • Sent as Jesus was sent to carry out God's mission
Sunday 5: New Creation! • Tension of the in-breaking reign: already and not yet • In the trajectory of God's covenant with Abraham to create a people who would bless the nations • New creation not just humanity – all creation is being restored and renewed with Christ as the cosmic king!