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Pay.Gov Training Webinar

Pay.Gov Training Webinar. Payment Remittance. Miranda Mudd | Session One: 4.15.2019 | Session Two: 5.8.2019. Training Overview. Background

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Pay.Gov Training Webinar

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  1. Pay.Gov Training Webinar Payment Remittance Miranda Mudd | Session One: 4.15.2019 | Session Two: 5.8.2019

  2. Training Overview • Background • The purpose of this training is to introduce Pay.gov, a payment application method for lenders and Guaranty Agencies available outside of FSA’s Financial Management System (FMS), eliminating the need to access FMS to remit funds. • Pay.gov is a U.S. Treasury application utilized by numerous federal agencies to provide users with a secure portal for remitting funds for fees and services. • ALL LENDERS AND GUARANTY AGENCIES WILL BE REQUIRED TO START USING PAY.GOV ON OR BEFORE JUNE 15, 2019.

  3. Objectives After completing this training webinar you will: • Gain an understanding of the Pay.Gov payment platform and the functions available • Be able to initiate payments to FSA for lender or Guaranty Agency (GA) fees due to the Department

  4. Agenda • Getting Started • Creating an Account • Making a Payment • Navigating "My Account“ • Frequently Asked Questions • Contacts • Glossary

  5. Getting Started • Debit Blocks • In order to allow transactions to go through successfully, FSA’s Company ID must be made an exception for the debits users’ authorize on the Pay.Gov site. • FSA’s Company ID for this specific collection is 9102000525. This exception will only be for payments made to FSA.

  6. Getting Started • Remittance Links • Payment remittance forms hosted by Pay.Gov are hidden from the general public and must be accessed by using one of the four links below (users should save the applicable link(s) to their favorites). • Select the appropriate URL for the applicable payment type: • LARS – the lender quarterly invoice: https://www.pay.gov/public/form/start/163664508 • CLRF – the lender monthly consolidation loan fee: https://www.pay.gov/public/form/start/163664320 • GAFR – the Guaranty Agency ED Form 2000 payment: https://www.pay.gov/public/form/start/163664368 • GARC – the Guaranty Agency Recall payment (only GA927): https://www.pay.gov/public/form/start/163664458

  7. Getting Started • Remittance Guides • Payment remittance guides are available for more detailed steps for completing set-up, making payments, and checking payment history. • Select the appropriate URL for applicable remittance guide: • LENDERS: https://fp.ed.gov/attachments/activities_whatsnew/PaygovFundsRemittanceLenders.pdf • GUARANTY AGENCY: https://fp.ed.gov/attachments/fms_data_nslds/GAPaygovFundsRemittanceGuide.pdf

  8. Creating an Account

  9. Creating an Account Step 1) –Select “Company Account.”

  10. Creating an Account Step 2) – Complete all the fields and click “Activate Account.”

  11. Creating an Account Step 3) – Users will receive a message notifying them to watch for an email at the address just provided, in order to continue. It may take a few minutes for the email to appear in the user’s inbox.

  12. Creating an Account Step 4) – Open the email and click on the link given to continue.

  13. Creating an Account Step 5) - Complete all the fields and click “Next Step.”

  14. Creating an Account Step 6) – Complete all of the fields. If the Company Contact Information is the same as the prior screen, click the “Same as Contact Information” box. When finished, click “Next Step.”

  15. Creating an Account Step 7) –Create a username and password using the guidelines shown.

  16. Creating an Account Step 7) – (cont’d) – Complete the fields and click on “Create My Account.”

  17. Creating an Account Step 8) – Finished! Enter your username and password, and click the “Sign In” button.

  18. Making a Payment • After selecting a payment URL (i.e. LARS) users will be prompted to either “Sign In” or ”Create an Account.” Users must be signed in to create a payment. Step1) –select “Continue to the Form” to enter payment.

  19. Making a Payment Step 2) - Enter all required information and click “Continue.” Users can save their work and return to complete the payment at a later time by clicking “Save” Users can save a PDF version of this screen for their records.

  20. Making a Payment Step 3) – Enter the institution name under “Account Holder Name.” Users may save their bank account information to their profile for future payments, check the box. “Select Account Type” – only Business Checking or Business Savings may be used

  21. Making a Payment Step 3) – (cont’d) – Complete all the fields. If the routing number is not valid, users will not be allowed to proceed until it is corrected. Click on “Review and Submit Payment.”

  22. Making a Payment Step 4) - This review screen allows users to confirm the information that was entered.

  23. Making a Payment Step 4) – (cont’d) – If errors are found, click on the “Previous” button to go back and make corrections. Users must agree to terms before the payment can be submitted. Check the box. If information is correct, click on “Submit Payment.”

  24. Making a Payment Step 5) – The transaction is complete. Users can print a receipt or sign out.

  25. Making a Payment (sample email confirmation)

  26. Navigating "My Account" • If users have completed a payment and signed out, but wish to return to their account, select this URL: https://pay.gov/public/login.

  27. Navigating "My Account"

  28. Navigating "My Account" • Functions include: • Profile Information – use this button to update personal information, such as phone number, email address, etc. • Company Profile – use this button to update any company information • Password – use this button to create a new password • Payment Accounts – use this button to enter new account information or edit existing information • Enter Access Code – not applicable for lender or GA users • Payment Activity – use this button to view activity and to cancel a payment • My Forms – use this button to view payment history, see a screen shot of a specific payment, or to duplicate a payment

  29. Navigating "My Account" • Cancelling a Payment • From the “My Account” screen, select “View Payment Activity” and navigate to the payment that needs to be cancelled. • If the transaction shown is still “Pending” users have the option to cancel it. Payments are swept into the system each hour at 5 minutes before the hour.

  30. Navigating "My Account" • Click on “Cancel” and then “OK.”

  31. Navigating "My Account" • Payment has been cancelled.

  32. Navigating "My Account" • Viewing Payments Made • From the “My Account” screen, select “My Forms” and navigate to the payment you wish to view. Click on “View PDF.”

  33. Navigating "My Account" • A copy of the payment will appear in PDF format (i.e. LARS).

  34. Navigating "My Account" • Duplicating a Payment • From the “My Account” screen, select “My Forms” and navigate to the payment you wish to duplicate. Click on “Duplicate.” • Users will be taken back to the remittance screen. • Edit payment details as necessary and submit payment.

  35. Frequently Asked Questions • Q: Is Pay.Gov secure? • A: Yes. Pay.Gov is hosted in the Treasury Web Application Infrastructure (TWAI), a highly secure environment provided by the Federal Reserve Information Technology (FRIT) to support several enterprise-wide Treasury applications. The TWAI is physically located at three Federal Reserve Banks. The TWAI is built using a zone structure, with firewalls and routers separating each zone, and complies with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2. • Q: When will the system be available? • A: Pay.Gov payment forms will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (holidays included) for users to submit payments. Payments submitted by 8:55pm Eastern Standard Time will settle in users accounts the following business day. ACH payment processing will follow the Federal Reserve holiday schedule. Payments will not settle on the Federal Reserve designated holidays listed at: https://www.frbservices.org/holidayschedules/index.html.

  36. Frequently Asked Questions • Q: What forms will be available? • A: Lender users will have a choice between the LARS remittance form and the Consolidation Loan Remittance Fee (CLRF) remittance form. The LARS payment form will be associated only with the quarterly LaRS collections. The CLRF form will be used to report monthly FFEL Consolidation Loan Rebate Fees by those lenders holding consolidation loans in their portfolio. GA users will only have access to the Guaranty Agency Financial Report (GAFR) remittance form. • Q: Will I be able to schedule recurring, or future payments? • A: No, recurring payments, or saving payments for future submission will not be allowed because Lender and GA payments are never the same. • Q: If I have to make several payments will I need to fill out a form for each of them? • A: Yes. Users will have to fill out a payment form for each payment.

  37. Frequently Asked Questions • Q: What account types can be used? • A: For lender and GA users, Pay.Gov will accept business checking or business savings accounts. • Q: I am responsible for remitting payments for multiple Lender ID Numbers (LID)/ GAs; do I need multiple usernames? • A: No, you may use your same user name and password. With the Pay.Gov remittance forms, you must enter the applicable LID/GA code on each payment to represent the appropriate lender/GA. • Q: What should I do if I cannot find the form I am supposed to fill out? • A: Lender users who cannot find the correct form should contact fsa_lr@ed.gov and GA users should contact fsa_gar@ed.gov for information about which form is appropriate for their needs.

  38. Frequently Asked Questions • Q: How do I change or cancel a payment? • A: When submitting a payment, users will see a confirmation page asking them to review the information prior to completing the transaction. Once the payment is confirmed it cannot be changed. There is, however, a small window for cancellations. If the transaction is shown as “Pending” on the Payment Activity page, you have the option to cancel. Payments are swept into the system each hour at 5 minutes before the hour. For example: if you enter a payment at 2:30pm, you must cancel before 2:55pm. After that window passes you will not be allowed to cancel the payment, and lenders should contact fsa_lr@ed.gov and GAs should contact fsa_gar@ed.gov for further assistance. • Q: What do I do if I entered the wrong payment amount? • A: If a user underpays they will be able to make a second payment. If a lender user overpays they should contact fsa_lr@ed.gov for assistance, GA users should contact fsa_gar@ed.gov.

  39. Frequently Asked Questions • Q: Why does the CLRF amount due not match my or my servicer’s calculation? • A: The CLRF amount is calculated within Pay.Gov based on the information you provide. If your amount does not match, double check to make sure all amounts are entered correctly. Small differences attributed to rounding are ok. • Q: How will I know there is a bill to pay? • A: Lenders will to receive a weekly email Statement of Account for quarterly LARS open invoices. Lenders that hold Consolidation Loans will receive an email reminder for monthly rebate fees based on the previous quarter’s consolidation activity. These reminder emails are sent out on the 10th of the month. • Q: How will I know my payment was successful? • A: After submitting a payment, users will receive a confirmation message with a unique Pay.Gov Tracking ID number. Users are also encouraged to select the “email confirmation” button available on the payment submission screens. In addition, users can see the status of each payment submitted by searching the “My Forms” or “Payment Activity” of their account.

  40. Frequently Asked Questions • Q: How will I know if my payment was unsuccessful? • A: If a payment fails due to an invalid routing number, users will be unable to proceed until the number is corrected. If a payment fails to clear the bank due to an incorrect account number or insufficient funds, lender users will receive an email notification from fsa_lr@ed.gov and GA users from fsa_gar@ed.gov. • Q: How long will I be able to view my submitted payments? • A: Both the “My Forms” page and the “Payment Activity” page will hold up to 100 records. If you enter a high volume of payments we recommend you save your receipts or confirmation emails. • Q: If I change my bank account information in Pay.Gov, will it also update within FMS? • A: No, it will not. Pay.Gov is a Treasury hosted system and does not update our financial system. To request a bank account change for payments issued by FSA, please contact FSA directly.

  41. Contacts • Additional Information • Pay.Gov Website Customer Support: • Pay.Gov Customer Support E-Mail: pay.gov.clev@clev.frb.org • Pay.Gov Customer Support Toll Free Number: 800-624-1373 (select Option #2) • FSA Lender Contacts: • Lender Reporting E-Mail: FSA_LR@ed.gov • Patricia Bush: patricia.bush@ed.gov or 202-377-3843 • Miranda Mudd: miranda.mudd@ed.gov or 202-377-3745 • FSA GA Contacts: • Guaranty Agency E-Mail: FSA_GAR@ed.gov • Sherri Moten: sherri.moten@ed.gov or 202-377-3329 • Miranda Mudd: miranda.mudd@ed.gov or 202-377-3745

  42. Glossary of Terms • FSA – Federal Student Aid, an agency of the U.S. Department of Education • Pay.Gov – a U.S. Treasury application that provides users with a secure portal for remitting funds electronically • Debit Block – a security protocol put into place by a financial institution that prevents withdrawals from unauthorized sources • LID – Lender Identification Number • LARS – Lenders’ Interest and Special Allowance (submitted quarterly) • CLRF – Consolidation Loan Rebate Fee (paid monthly) • GAFR – Guaranty Agency Financial Report (submitted monthly) • GARC – Guaranty Agency Recall – only applicable to GA927 • URL – Uniform Resource Locator; also known as a ‘website’

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