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CTE Standards Revisions (Phase II) Workshop. Deborah Thompson Career Cluster Consultant. CTE Standards Revisions (Phase II) Workshop. Deborah Thompson Career Cluster Consultant Deborah.Thompson@tn.gov (615) 532-2840 www.tn.gov/education/cte CTE.Questions@tn.gov. Objectives.
CTE Standards Revisions (Phase II) Workshop Deborah Thompson Career Cluster Consultant
CTE Standards Revisions (Phase II) Workshop Deborah Thompson Career Cluster Consultant Deborah.Thompson@tn.gov (615) 532-2840 www.tn.gov/education/cte CTE.Questions@tn.gov Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Objectives By the end of training today, each of you will be able to: • Understand the instructional expectations of the new standards, including: • Alignment to Common Core State Standards for Literacy in Technical Subjects • The knowledge and skills expected in each standard • Connections to general education course standards • Develop initial resources for use in your classroom to implement the new standards, including: • High quality objectives • Curriculum map • Know where to find resources, tools, and support for implementing the new standards. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Agenda * Participant work time, take breaks as needed Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Setting the Context: Standards Revision Process Building Pathways for Students Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Setting the Context: Standards Revision Results Human Services Courses Approved on Final Reading: Education & Training Courses Approved on Final Reading: Fundamental of Education School Counseling Teaching as a Profession (TAP) I Teaching as a Profession (TAP) II Teaching as a Profession (TAP) III • Early Childhood Education Careers I, II, III, and IV • Family Studies • Human Services Practicum • Introduction to Human Services • Introduction to Social Health • Lifespan Development • Nutrition Across the Lifespan • Nutrition Science and Diet Therapy Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
New Course Description Documents Features of new and revised standards that will help you in your classroom. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
New Course Description Documents: Overview Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
New Course Description Documents: Look and Feel Existing: Nutrition and Foods Revised: Nutrition Across the Life Span 5.0Demonstrate ability to select, prepare and serve nutritious and aesthetically pleasing foods. 5.1 Examine the effects of various kitchen designs, tools, equipment and technology on food preparation. 5.2 Apply basic food preparation principles when preparing selected foods. 5.3 Identify science principles of food preparation. 5.4 Demonstrate appropriate dining etiquette and table service. 5.5 Plan and evaluate individual and family meals. 6 Analyze a variety of meal plans (including three meals and two snacks daily) that meet nutritional requirements (caloric and RDA) as recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Create a meal plan that addresses the nutritional needs of a specific individual based on their age, gender, activity level and other factors, and justify choices using evidence. Select, prepare, and serve food(s) from the meal plan following recipes precisely, including defining and utilizing specific culinary and measurement terms as needed. (CCSS Reading 1, 3, 4; CCSS Writing 7) Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Knowledge and Skills How to Unpack a Standard Deborah Thompson Career Cluster Consultant
What’s Happening Today Part One of Three-Part Series Please take out your Knowledge and Skills worksheets. • “Knowledge and Skills: Unpacking Course Standards” is part one of a three-part series developed to assist CTE teachers in preparing for implementation of the new and revised CTE course standards (Phase II) for 2014-15 school year. • You will walk away this afternoon with tools to use in your classroom. Objective for this Session • Understand the instructional expectations of the new standards, including: • Alignment to Common Core State Standards for Literacy in Technical Subjects • The knowledge and skills expected in each standard • Connections to general education course standards Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Why Unpack a Standard? • Unpacking a standard into knowledge and skills allows for a sequenced approach to instruction that is grounded in real world application. • Once teachers have broken down the knowledge and skills inherent in their standards, they can start to group standards with like content to conceptually deepen student understanding. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard The first step in translating CTE course standards into relevant, engaging and student outcome-focused lessons involves a careful reading of the standards to ensure clarity and an understanding of how the parts fit together. Process we’ll be using today: • Identify and highlight nouns and verbs in the standard • Determine the “knowledge” and “skills” students need to be proficient • Reference aligned Common Core State Standards for additional detail • Enhance K&S with embedded CCSS expectations for students Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard Process can be started by simply underlining or highlighting the nouns and verbs within the standard. The nouns are the “what” and the verbs are the “how.” Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: Knowledge Example: Introduction to Human Studies Standard 3 Research the development of self-esteem and self-image in individuals. Create a list of factors that promote and hinder the development of positive self-esteem and self-image. Formulate a plan to build/improve self-esteem in a class project or school based project. (TN CCSS Reading 2, 5; FACS 12) Step 1: Highlight/Underline the NOUNSto identify the “knowledge” components. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: Knowledge Example: Introduction to Human Studies Standard 3 Research the development of self-esteem and self-image in individuals. Create a list of factors that promote and hinder the developmentof positive self-esteemand self-image. Formulate a plan to build/improve self-esteem in a class project or school based project. (TN CCSS Reading 2, 5; FACS 12) Step 1: Highlight/Underline the NOUNSto identify the “knowledge” components. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: Skills Example: Introduction to Human Studies Standard 3 Research the development of self-esteem and self-image in individuals. Create a list of factors that promote and hinder the development of positive self-esteem and self-image. Formulate a plan to build/improve self-esteem in a class project or school based project. (TN CCSS Reading 2, 5; FACS 12) Step 1 continued: Highlight/Underline the VERBSto identify the “skills” components. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: Skills Example: Introduction to Human Studies Standard 3 Researchthe development of self-esteem and self-image in individuals. Create a list of factors that promote and hinder the development of positive self-esteem and self-image. Formulate a plan to build/improve self-esteem in a class project or school based project. (TN CCSS Reading 2, 5; FACS 12) Step 1 continued: Highlight/Underline the VERBSto identify the “skills” components. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: Skills Example: Introduction to Human Studies Standard 3 Researchthe development of self-esteem and self-image in individuals. Create a list of factors that promote and hinder the developmentof positive self-esteem and self-image. Formulate a plan to build/improve self-esteem in a class project or school based project. (TN CCSS Reading 2, 5; FACS 12) Step 1 continued: Be careful! Sometimes, you need to search for descriptive adjectives to really know what the standard is looking for. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: Add to Chart Step 1 continued: Once the knowledge and skills are identified in the standard, the teacher can place these into a knowledge and skills chart. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: Add to Chart Step 1 continued: It is important to not stop here! Many times, you will need to expand concepts into what students would need to know to fully grasp concepts. This needed detail will be necessary to plan thorough lessons. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: CCSS Step 2: Once you have identified the knowledge and skills within the standard, reference the aligned Common Core State Standards in Technical Subjects and relevant general education standards (if applicable) listed at the end of the standard. Example: Introduction to Human Studies Standard 3 Research the development of self-esteem and self-image in individuals. Create a list of factors that promote and hinder the development of positive self-esteem and self-image. Formulate a plan to build/improve self-esteem in a class project or school based project. (TN CCSS Reading 2, 5; FACS 12) Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: CCSS You can find additional information on these referenced standards by scrolling to the bottom of the course description document to the Standards Alignment Notessection. Example: Introduction to Human Studies Last Page Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: CCSS Step 2 continued: These referenced standards will assist you in creating strong objectives, understanding how to present information to students and what additional types of information should be used to support conceptual understanding of the knowledge and skills identified in the CTE standard. Example: Introduction to Human Studies Standard 3 • TN CCSS Reading 2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text. • TN CCSS Reading 5: Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationship among key terms (e.g., force, friction, reaction force, energy). Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: CCSS Example: Introduction to Human Studies Standard 3 • FACS 12: Analyze factors that influence human growth & development. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Process for Unpacking a Standard: Add to Chart Step 2 continued: Once the knowledge and skills are identified in the standard, the teacher can place these into a knowledge and skills chart. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
You do! Now, continue this process for the rest of the standards in your selected course. Resources: • Common Core State Standards Poster • Course Description Document • Knowledge and Skills worksheet Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Agenda * Participant work time, take breaks as needed Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Strong Objectives How to Write Aligned, Specific and Measurable Statements Deborah Thompson Career Cluster Consultant
What’s Happening Today Part Two of Three-Part Series Please take out your Strong Objectives worksheets. • “Strong Objectives: How to Write Aligned, Specific and Measurable Statements” is part two of a three-part series developed to assist CTE teachers in preparing for implementation of the new and revised CTE course standards (Phase II) for 2014-15 school year. • You will walk away this afternoon with tools to use in your classroom. Objective for this Session • Develop initial resources for use in your classroom to implement the new standards, including: • High quality objectives Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Recap • New look of course description document • Course at a glance • Endorsement requirements • Content buckets • New format of course standards • CCSS aligned with and embedded in standards • Comprehensive standard with competencies embedded • Knowledge and Skills identified • Nouns • Verbs Now: Use knowledge and skills to breakdown of standards to write strong objectives. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Why Write Strong Objectives? • Objectives guide the activities and assessments we chose to improve and evaluate our students’ understanding of concepts. • Objectives should be the learning related to the standards, meaning, they describe the intended student learning outcome inherent in a standard. • Objectives refer to a description of observable student knowledge and/or performance. • The stronger the objective, the higher the level of understanding the students are able to reach. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Components of a Strong Objective A strong objective should be clearly aligned to standards, specific and measurable. The objective should tell us explicitly what a student should be able to do fluently by the end of the lesson or unit to demonstrate proficiency of a specific standard or set of standards. It should answer two questions: What should the student be able to do? • What new pieces of knowledge (such as the description of a concept or the definition of a key term) will students be able to understand and explain? • What new skill will students be able to perform? This is something each student is going to walk away with inside his or her head that wasn’t there before. How is the student going to reach that outcome? • What process or strategy will students use to achieve the learning goal? • What activities will we use to assess student understanding? Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Components of a Strong Objective Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Components of a Strong Objective Writing Process: • Determine the specific knowledge and skills you are trying to accomplish. • Arrange the knowledge and skills into a “students will be able to” statement, noting the distinct concept(s) you will be covering and also the approach you will be using with your students. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Components of a Strong Objective Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Writing a Strong Objective: Example Step 1: Start with knowledge and skills from previous worksheet. Remember to also consider the referenced standards in CCSS for technical subjects, general education, and others. Example: Introduction to Human Studies Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Checking our work • Let’s take a look at our sample objectives and see if they meet the criteria we established earlier for strong objectives. We said that strong objectives should be specific and measurable. • Did we accomplish this? Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
You do! Now, continue this process for the rest of the standards in your selected course. Resources: • Common Core State Standards Poster • Course Description Document • Knowledge and Skills worksheet • Objectives worksheet Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Using a Curriculum Map How to Plan Instruction Deborah Thompson Career Cluster Consultant
What’s Happening Today Part Three of Three-Part Series Please take out your Using a Curriculum Map worksheets. • “Using a Curriculum Map: How to Plan Instruction” is part three of a three-part series developed to assist CTE teachers in preparing for implementation of the new and revised CTE course standards (Phase II) for 2014-15 school year. • You will walk away this afternoon with tools to use in your classroom. Objective for this Session • Develop initial resources for use in your classroom to implement the new standards, including: • Curriculum map Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Recap • New look of course description document • New format of course standards • Knowledge and Skills identified • Used the knowledge and skills to develop strong objectives (SWBAT) • Specific • Measurable • Aligned to standards Now: Use knowledge, skills, and strong objectives to plan curriculum and create assessments. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
What is a Curriculum Map? A curriculum map is a plan for how a teacher will teach a specific course. Curriculum maps are not: • Meant to be an exhaustive list of every class topic Curriculum maps: • Address the major ideas and projects that drive a class, in order to help a teacher plan out a basic schedule for units, activities and assessments • Are meant to be used to answer basic questions about sequencing, pacing, and unit planning • Can be used to plan lessons effectively and efficiently throughout the course Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
What is a Curriculum Map? A Curriculum maps cover a wide range of important curricular activities. Typically, they attempt to: • create a "snapshot" of the plan for educational activities of a specific course • capture the content, skills, and assessments throughout the course • organize information into an easily accessed visual that presents a timeline of instruction Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Why use a Curriculum Map? The purpose of creating and using curriculum maps is to help teachers pace the year to ensure all the standards within a course will be covered. Curriculum maps offer a sequence for delivering content and provide a clear scope for what must be taught to all students, based on course standards. Mapping curriculum: • Enables teachers to assure that they allocate sufficient time to cover each standard and objective. • Provides clarity for teaching strategies with full-course picture. • Allows you to see full-course balance between teacher-directed concepts and student-generated investigations. • Allows you to plan proactively for activities that might take advance notice (like scheduling a guest speaker or ordering laboratory materials) and allow preparation time for longer research projects. • Facilitates assessment planning. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Curriculum Map Development Process Process Overview: • Set-up the Curriculum Mapping Tool with basic information • Transfer course content from Knowledge and Skills worksheet • Transfer strong objectives from Writing Objectives worksheet and estimate timing for each • Plan instructional activities and assessments Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Curriculum Map Tool Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Using the Curriculum Map Tool Step 1:Start by inserting the “Course Name” and appropriate “Grade” information for the course in the header of the curriculum map tool. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Using the Curriculum Map Tool Step 1 Continued: Continue by looking at the course description document and scroll down the standards to find the thematic concepts that serve as headings for groups of standards. These group headers can serve as an initial organization of units. Place these bolded titles into the “Unit Title” column to get started. Units can be tweaked later if necessary to better organize activities. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE
Using the Curriculum Map Tool Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness through CTE