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Pandemic and Bioterrorism Preparedness in the European Union

Pandemic and Bioterrorism Preparedness in the European Union. Ffdg gdfgfdfgd. 15 February 2008. Agenda. Bio-Surveillance/Health Care Integration. 2. Preparedness Trends. 3. Border Security. 4. Public Versus Private Sector. Key Estimative Question.

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Pandemic and Bioterrorism Preparedness in the European Union

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pandemic and Bioterrorism Preparedness in the European Union Ffdg gdfgfdfgd 15 February 2008

  2. Agenda • Bio-Surveillance/Health Care Integration 2. Preparedness Trends 3. Border Security 4. Public Versus Private Sector

  3. Key Estimative Question How well prepared and how well integrated are European Union (EU) member states' (plus Norway and Switzerland) bio-surveillance and health care systems to respond to a bioterrorism attack or pandemic over the next three to five years? What is the level of EU bio-preparedness in comparison to that of the United States?

  4. Overall Key Findings

  5. Bio-Surveillance Trends • European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS) • Influenza and extraordinary situation monitoring • Regional and/or district surveillance system

  6. Health Care Trends • Preparedness in western versus eastern member states • Health personnel and facilities • Permanent and mobile infectious disease isolation units

  7. Vaccine and Antiviral Trends • Tamiflu and Relenza • Influenza vaccination coverage • European vaccine production capacity • Smallpox vaccine stockpiles

  8. Planning/Coordination Trends • EU-wide coordinating bodies • Strategic exercises and conferences • Pandemic plans in uniform language and electronically accessible

  9. Bioterrorism Preparedness Trends • Member states likely lack bioterrorism strategies • EU Bioterrorism Task Force • Category A versus Category B bio-agent preparedness • Likely a hyper-focus on smallpox preparedness

  10. Emergency Response Trends • Civil protection/crisis management departments • Police and Fire Brigades • Military involvement • Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear response teams

  11. Border Security Schengen Area

  12. Private Versus Public Sector

  13. Thank You! Mercyhurst European Bio-Preparedness Team email: nzuloa98@mercyhurst.edu Questions/Comments?

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