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Obj 3: Improving dairy productivity

Obj 3: Improving dairy productivity. What to add what to remove what to adjust. 1. What to add??. 1. Water intervention Water was not part of first project;; Kenya is on rainfed agriculture, 90% of milk contamination related to water so milk quality also affected

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Obj 3: Improving dairy productivity

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  1. Obj 3: Improving dairy productivity What to add what to remove what to adjust

  2. 1. What to add?? 1. Water intervention • Water was not part of first project;; • Kenya is on rainfed agriculture, • 90% of milk contamination related to water so milk quality also affected • Cows need 200liters per day, but on average kenyuan cows drink 20 liters

  3. Proposals on changing approach to water? • How will farmers access the water? • Incorporate water in phase 2 • Identify sites with long term water problems • Water banks, pump water to higher level… • Increase training in water harvesting technologies • Identification of partners and governments to partner in water development activities

  4. 1. What to add?? Conti… • 2. crossbred calves born tracking • number and gender • mortalities • Issues • there was no budget • Solution • M&E developing calves tracking tool to enhance • Use excellent examples

  5. 1. What to add?? Conti.. 3. Extension structure • need to look at the extension structure at the DFBA • Improve service provision to farmers- relationships with service providers 4. Feeding • Need to focus on feed quantity and quality vis avis seasonality • Emphasize dry season feeding technologies?

  6. 2. What to remove? • Remove casuals, free , loose extension service providers at the DFBA level • Tots • Word ‘remove’ too drastic, and harsh!

  7. 3. What to adjust??? • Pilot calf tracking at the DIG • Use of phone tracking? • Incentives • Strengthen farmer-service provider relationship • Increase focus on women involvement at every level of the project • strategies & approaches • Household approach

  8. 3. What to adjust??? • Understand and incorporate incentive schemes • for farmers all the dairy value • For service providers • Adjust extension system at the DFBA to be based on permanently employed Service providers • change of title, and TOR • Bottoms up in recruitment

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