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Take a glance at different ERP implementation phases and its timeline. To know more, get in touch with our consultants. https://www.optiproerp.com/in/blog/steps-for-successful-erp-implementation/
ERP system ?meline, a checklist for successful ERP implementa?on The implementation process is divided into several phases. This slideshare describes the relevant phases that have to be completed to successfully complete the implementa on.
The 5 Phases The ERP implementa?on is divided into five project phases: Phase 1: Project Prepara?on Phase 2: Business Blueprint Phase 3: Project Realiza?on Phase 4: Final Prepara?on Phase 5: Go-Live and Support
Phase 1: Project Prepara on During this phase, the team prepares and conducts a project kick-off meeting and goes through initial planning and preparation for the ERP implementation. ERP system implementa on meline: The es mated dura on of this phase is 17% of the implementa on span.
Phase 2: Business Blueprint In this phase, a requirements workshop is conducted with the key stakeholders to define project objec?ves, scope, and schedule. Relevant business process scenarios are also defined. To document the results of this workshop, a Business Blueprint document is created. ERP system implementa?on ?meline: The es?mated dura?on of this phase is 12% of the implementa?on span.
Phase 3: Project Realiza?on The goal of this phase is to implement the business process requirements based on the Business Blueprint. Conduc?ng integra?on tests and drawing up end user documenta?on is also a part of this phase . ERP system implementa?on ?meline: The es?mated dura?on of this phase is 39% of the implementa?on span.
Phase 4: Final Prepara?on The goal of this phase is to complete final preparation to finalize go-live readiness. On successful completion of this phase, the ERP system is ready to be used as a productive environment. ERP system implementa on meline: The es mated dura on of this phase is 19% of the implementa on span.
Phase 5: Go-Live and Support The goal of this phase is to move from a project-oriented, pre- produc?on environment to live produc?on opera?on. ERP system implementa?on ?meline: The es?mated dura?on of this phase is of the 13% implementa?on span.
Summary Most phases listed in this slideshare require efforts both from the ERP implementation partner and the client. While efforts and involvement differ from phase to phase, it can be estimated that about an additional 40% - 50% of the implementation time listed will be required from client resources. In most cases, partner and client work together or simultaneously.* *Note that phase dura ons listed in this slideshare are es mates and can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project.