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Neck Injury P revention : Male and Female O ccupant M odels in Crash T esting

Neck Injury P revention : Male and Female O ccupant M odels in Crash T esting . Dr Astrid Linder Research Director, Traffic Safety The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute. SAPGERIC Conference, Vilnius, 22 November 2013. Based on Krafft (1998). Whiplash Injuries.

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Neck Injury P revention : Male and Female O ccupant M odels in Crash T esting

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  1. Neck Injury Prevention: Male and Female Occupant Models in Crash Testing Dr Astrid Linder Research Director, Traffic Safety The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute SAPGERIC Conference, Vilnius, 22November 2013

  2. Based on Krafft (1998) Whiplash Injuries • Most common in rear impacts • Different level of protection in different car model and seat designs

  3. Whiplash injuries • App. 70%of the costs of all injuries leading to permanent medical impairment for the insurance companies • Europe: 800 000 injuries annually, 40 000result in long term suffering • Costs: > 10 billion €in Europe

  4. Whiplash – Risk of injuries

  5. 45% 57% Risk Without Whiplash Protection With Whiplash Protection Whiplash protection systems Injury Statistics – Folksam (Kullgren & Krafft 2010) • Whiplash protection systems less effective for females than for males Females Males Data based on:- permanent medical impairments- all whiplash protection systems

  6. Aims Reduce the risk of whiplash injuries by enhanced understanding of injury criteria and development of seat evaluation tools. Develop a finite element dummy model of an average female, named EvaRID (Eva – female/RID – Rear Impact Dummy). Budget: 3.45 million Euros, 2.5 million Euros from the European Commission, FP7. 12 partner Duration: 42 months, 2009-2013 ADSEAT the project

  7. ADSEAT Partners


  9. EvaRIDPlatform for implementing research findings ADSEAT • Real World Data • Size selection • Assessment Criteria & thresholds • Threshold values • Biological Tests • Anthropometry • Response corridors • Seat design • Use model in evaluation studies

  10. EvaRID simulation volunteer tests

  11. EvaRID – BioRID • BioRID • EvaRID

  12. BioRID 50F – BioRID II

  13. BioRID 50F - BioRID II Four production seats

  14. Illustrator and Seat Evaluation www.adseat.eu

  15. Discussion • Large differences in safety performances between different anti-whiplash systems. • Occupant and seating posture diversity should be addressed in the area of crash testing. • Improved evaluation of safety performances is needed in order to identify and promote best designed systems in testing programs, such as NCAP.

  16. Material • For studyingoccupants with symptoms > 1month • 52 225 occupantsreporting whiplash symptoms • 10 115 resulted in symptoms > 1 month (20%) • For studyingoccupants with pmi • 50 343 occupantsreporting whiplash symptoms • 5 368 resulted in pmi (10%) Kullgren et al. (2013) Development of Whiplash Associated Disorders for Male and Female Car Occupants in Cars Launched Since the 80s in Different Impact Directions, IRCOBI Conference

  17. Whiplash concepts, risk for pmi -13% 52% 47% 70% Kullgren et al. (2013) Development of Whiplash Associated Disorders for Male and Female Car Occupants in Cars Launched Since the 80s in Different Impact Directions, IRCOBI Conference

  18. Thank you for your attention!

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