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LANGUAGE AND MULTILITERACIES. EDUC1063 (2011) Group 7. GROUP 7. Pritchard, Sharine prisl008@mymail.unisa.edu.au Cobb, Victoria cobva001@mymail.unisa.edu.au Gillies-Smith, Hannah gilhy006@mymail.unisa.edu.au. Chosen texts.
GROUP 7 Pritchard, Sharine prisl008@mymail.unisa.edu.au Cobb, Victoria cobva001@mymail.unisa.edu.au Gillies-Smith, Hannah gilhy006@mymail.unisa.edu.au
Chosen texts Education document - Belonging, Being and Becoming. The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Children’s book – ‘Tom goes to kindergarten’ by Margaret Wild and David Legge. Newspaper article - Advertiser 24/5/2010 ‘Survey reveals low teacher morale’. Video - 1952. ‘Goofy – Teachers are people’.
Belonging, Being & Becoming Ideology / World views Genre The document follows a holistic approach which ‘recognises the mind, body and spirit’ (BBB p. 14). It explains the importance of learning through play as ‘play can expand children’s thinking and enhance their desire to know and to learn’ (BBB, p. 15). Social and cultural beliefs underpin the document. The document serves a social purpose as it describes and explains ideas and expectations. Field – The subject matter covers child development practices for children aged birth to five years. Tenor – The BBB document focuses on educators, children, families and communities. Channel – This document is available as a resource to all staff caring for young children. It can be accessed by hard copy or online. The BBB document is classed as an information report because texts are ‘used to store information about a class of things’ (Derewianka 2010, p.52). The document has classifications and ‘subclasses’, examines different components of child development and covers various aspects of function, behaviour and systems. Purpose Illustrations The BBB document shows evidence of children’s development and how educators can promote learning. The document is designed to make uniform guidelines, for educators to speak the same language and as a tool for educators which lead to a shared understanding among professionals. Language Colour photos are randomly placed through the document depicting multiculturalism, engagement and staff / child relationships. The photos support the text and do not have labels or captions. The triangle diagram contains ‘elements of the Early learning Framework’, which are explained in more detail. The document is factual and precise. It is also informal and objective. Technical vocabulary is evident in words such as curriculum, diversity and pedagogies. There are many positive terms such as promote, encourage and engage. Display Dot points and bold headings simplify the readings. There is a specific use of colour to identify sections and highlight important information. The document is broken down into introductions, explanations, visions, reasoning, practices and desired outcomes.
BBB Document OUTCOME 1: Children have a strong sense of Identity Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect. This is evident, for example, when children: • show interest in other children and being part of a group • engagein and contribute to shared play experiences • expressa wide range of emotions, thoughts and views constructively • empathisewith and express concern for others • display awareness of and respect for others’ perspectives • reflecton their actions and consider consequences for others Educatorspromote this learning, for example, when they: • initiate one-to-one interactions with children, particularly babies and toddlers, during daily routines • organiselearning environments in ways that promote small group interactions and play experiences • modelcare, empathy and respect for children, staff and families • model explicit communication strategies to support children to initiate interactions and join in play and social experiences in ways that sustain productive relationships with other children • acknowledgechildren’scomplex relationships and sensitively intervene in ways that promote consideration of alternative perspectives and social inclusion key – noun groups verb groups
Children’s Book Tom goes to kindergarten’ by Margaret Wild and David Legge Field ‘The whole familywent to the kindergarten. Tompushed open the gate, leaped up the steps – and there waitingfor him was Mrs kindergarten. Mrs KindergartenshowedTom where to put his bag, and she found himtwo new friends.’ Tom is starting kindergarten and receives reassurance from parents and teacher. Tenor Mrs Kindergarten is the teacher who supports Tom’s family, who consists of mum, dad and baby, to introduce Tom to the kindergarten environment. Key – Noun groups Verb groups Mode The story is written into a narrative from an outside perspective, telling the reader of Tom’s transition to kindergarten.
Children’s Book Illustration/ text Teacher Pictures are drawn and basic. The pictures support the text and tell the story. There is repetition of colour, using yellow as a primary hue. Text and pictures support each other in building images in reader’s mind. The text is aimed at 3.5 year olds, supported by easy to follow words, sentences, and large pictures. The book is straightforward, using repetitive words. Mrs Kindergarten is portrayed as being warm, welcoming, caring and inviting. She is respectful of the parents, yet supportive of Tom as she sends the parents home. She helped Tom develop a daily routine and supported the open door policy to make transitions smooth. Narrative The text is a narrative as it tells a story. The reader is drawn to the plot. In the beginning, Tom’s parents do not have time for play. The middle encounters a complication as Tom’s parents experience the fun of kindy. The end reveals the solution that play can be done at home together.
Newspaper Article Key – noun group Verb groups ‘Survey reveals low teacher morale’ AUSTRALIAN teachersoverwhelmingly feel they are treated unprofessionally and lack valuable performance evaluation and development opportunities. A Grattan Institute publicationreleased today, What Teachers Want: Better Teacher Management, also highlights Australia's failure to meet teaching evaluation standards set by other countries. Report author Dr Ben Jensen said teacherswere cryingout for substantial reform and believed both their effective and under-performing counterparts should be recognised. "Teachers want what is best for students and they know that effective teaching is the most effective method to improve student outcomes," Dr Jensen said. The data came from a world-first Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Teaching and Learning International Survey of 90,000 teachers across 23 countries. It shows in Australia: MORE than 90 per cent of teachers report that the most effective teachersdo not receive the greatest recognition. ONLY eight per cent of teachers believe they would receive any recognition if they improved the quality of their teaching. THE majority (63 per cent) feel teacher evaluation is done only because supervisorsare obliged to do it. ABOUT 93 per cent report their school principaldoes not take steps to address persistently underperfoming teachers. Australia has the fourth-lowest percentage of teacherswho believe they would achieve recognition for improving their quality of teaching or innovation. Only Belgium and Irelandare consistently below Australia'sstandard. Dr Jensen said most alarming was that teachers were not surprised by this data. The Australian Education Union said the training and development of teachers was grossly overlooked in Australia, with insufficientgovernmentfunding to support professional up- skilling. AEU SA branch president Correna Haythorpe said teachers were often expected to fund their own training programs despite heightened performance standards. Dr Jensensaid any workplace that did not recognise quality and innovation would lose its most effective people.
Newspaper Article Field type of text The articles tenor is a lack of support from the Australian Government to meet teaching evaluation standards and to provide training for teachers. ‘Australian teachers overwhelmingly feel they are treated unprofessionally and lack valuable performance evaluation and development opportunities’ (The Advertiser 2010). Language is being used in the article to challenge power. Argument The article is written to draw attention to, and understand teachers needs. It backs up assertions with statistics and facts. Positions are formulated, ‘Report author Dr Ben Jensen said teachers were crying out for substantial reform and believed both their effective and under-performing counterparts should be recognised’ (The Advertiser, 2010). The article is structured and written in past tense. There is a specific use of professional terminology with words such as substantial, reforms and counterparts. Persuasive text The article includes analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of the world around us. Report The article is also a report as it contains factual information. Tenor There are many professional sources including Dr Ben Jensen and Correna Haythorpe. Organisations and publications support the article, as well as an ‘International Survey of 90,000 teachers’ (The Advertiser 2010). These influential sources support the views of the majority of teachers. Mode Written as newspaper article to reach a larger audience to make it a public concern.
Children’s video Goofy - Teachers Are People ‘A short film from 1952 about being a teacher’ tenor verb groups Goofy is portraying the teacher. A class of students are involved, but the video focuses on the behaviour of one student, Goerge. A parent has a small role near the end. The narrator was the channel as he told the story in an older deep voice, with a set tone. Verb groups are used to describe the teacher’s actions, such as the teacher ‘equips himself for the classroom’ and ‘approaches situations with dignity’. Narrative Illustrations Goofy is a narrative because it is entertaining and attempts to be informative about teachers. One student misbehaving causes complications throughout the movie which need to be solved by the teacher. noun groups The video is a simple old fashioned aminated cartoon produced by Walt Disney in 1952. There was contradictions as the narrator described the scene, while the students enacted their own message. An example is ‘students eagerly return to the classroom’, but the children return looking miserable as the teacher pushes the last child in. The teacher is described as the ‘Unsung hero the teacher’. The student’s ability lies on ‘the teacher’s capable shoulders’. The video closes on teaching being a ‘great profession’.
Children’s video Aware of reader To follow a video, the reader needs audio and visual skills. In this video, the narrator tells the story while the characters act it out. There is a play-on-words, as the narrator says ‘wetting appetite for knowledge’ as the image shows a children running in a puddle on the way to school. Humour attracts the audiences attention. Sequence There is a logical sequence to the video as the school day is enacted. Children leave home, follow the daily routine and the teacher finishes up in the classroom. Teacher Ideology The teacher (Goofy), is portrayed through images as relaxed, old fashioned, cool and knowledgeable of students behaviour and attitudes. The auditory states; ‘education is playing an important role in the teaching of children’ and ‘children hold the future in their hands.’ This exemplifies education as an important aspect of a child’s life and of our future.
SUMMARY - How teachers are portrayed. Belonging, Being and Becoming This Educational document describes an idealistic approach to teaching and what teachers need to strive to accomplish to be effective teachers. Video – Goofy. Teachers are people. The video is a humorous take on teaching, based on ideas from 1952. Teachers were described as ‘honest, fair, understanding and intelligent’, which are all positive characteristics. Newspaper article – Survey reveals low teacher morale Teachers are displaying low morale as they feel unrecognised and overwhelmed due to lack of support from government departments. Teachers are unable to reach their full potential as educators for today’s youth. Book – ‘Tom goes to kindergarten’ The teacher is portrayed at caring and supportive, with both the child and family. The teacher is setting up an interactive and productive environment.
Similarities/ differences DESCRIPTIVE WORDS BBB document uses positive words such as ‘promote’, ‘encourage’, ‘adopt’, ‘’reflect’ and ‘model’. This compares to the newspaper article where the tone is very negative, reflected in words such as ‘ crying out’, ‘alarming’, ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘underperforming’. TEACHING METHODS The video used old-fashioned and dominating discipline methods such as time out and exclusion. There are limited student/ teacher relationships. Whereas the book shows the teacher reading stories at the child’s level and engaging in positive interactions. The BBB document describes optimal teaching methods. PARENT TEACHER RELATIONSHIPS The video saw a negative and violent stand by parents, as the teacher was cornered and questioned over the child’s use of grammar. In the book, the teacher was supportive of the parents needs as well as the childs needs. The teacher was sensitive to the parents feelings and accomodated for this. The BBB document encourages children to build connections with their local communities and culture, supported by the curriculum.
Similarities/ differences REPRESENTATION The video represents the teacher as a powerful figure, standing below the ‘school’ sign waring a suit and taking ownership of the school. The article represents the teachers as underperforming, not recognised and over worked. The low morale is squashing their innovation and development. Teachers need praise and recognition to motivate them to keep up with world standards. INTERACTIONS The video takes the ‘children should be seen and not heard’ approach. Children are separate from the teacher and not recognised unless misbehaving. This does not support a positive environment. The book took a positive approach as Mrs Kindergarten personally welcomed students and actively engaged with students and adults. The BBB document promotes learning together using scaffolding and leads from the child.
References • Belonging, Being & Becoming 2009, The Early Years Framework for Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, Barton, ACT. • Derewianka, B 1998, A Grammar Companion for primary teachers, Primary English Teaching Association, Newtown, NSW. • Derewianka, B 2010, ‘Exploring how texts work’, Primary English Teaching Association, Maryborough, Victoria. • Disney, W 1952, ‘Goofy – Teachers are people’, viewed 20-25th march 2010, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMdTBep3W9c • The Advertiser 2010, ‘Survey reveals low teacher morale’, Candice Keller, viewed 22/3/11, <http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/survey-reveals-low-teacher-morale/story-e6frea8c-1225870268764>. • Wild, M & Legge, D 2005, ‘Tom goes to kindergarten’, ABC books, Sydney, NSW.