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Standard MPS commissioning (MPS checklist) Status of main systems and special test requests for 2012. MPS checklist – Standard commissioning. Total of ~ 400 tests defined for different MPS systems https://espace.cern.ch/LHC-Machine-Protection/default.aspx.
Standard MPS commissioning (MPS checklist) • Status of main systems and special test requests for 2012
MPS checklist – Standard commissioning Total of ~ 400 tests defined for different MPS systems https://espace.cern.ch/LHC-Machine-Protection/default.aspx
MPS Status and Special Tests 2012 - I Magnet Interlocks (PIC, WIC) All tests completed successfully (relocation of 6 PIC PLCs in IR5 and 1 WIC PLC in IR8 validated during HWC); interface tests with BIS completed apart from IR5 FMCM Tested for most LHC systems without beam (apart RD34.LR3/7 and RBXWTV.R2 + negative polarity of ALICE compensators) To be done for TI2/TI8 devices Due to changes in E and β*, some EOF tests at 0.6m, fully squeezed recommended for RD1 and RD34 Additional tests with EPC to improve rejection of network perturbations ongoing in shadow of HWC (RD1.LR1/5) SMP/BIS Addition of SMP-GMT cross-checker. For start-up as disabled BIS input. Commissioning in shadow of first operation, then enabling around TS #1 Change of β* units from 0.1m to 0.01m LBDS TSU upgrade (tests with each user interface)
MPS Status and Special Tests 2012 - II Collimators Little changes in collimator controls/hardware, thus mostly standard commissioning New β* limits for TCDQ (followed up by LBDS team) Changed Layout in IR2 (replacement of two TCTVB 2-in-1 collimators by standard single beam collimators at different location). Revalidation of BIC interface and run automatic MP sequence for check of limits Additional watch-dog to detected SEUs in IR1/5 – repetition of all MP sequences (see MPP meeting 2011-51 A.Masi) Systematic repetition of temperature interlock tests with automated PVSS procedure of EN-ICE For other (unchanged) points, type tests with 1-2 collimators per beam + sub-set of tests of baseline commissioning (http://lhc-collimation-project.web.cern.ch/lhc-collimation-project/mp-tests.htm) Tests well advanced, but critical in IP2/8 due to VAC activity
MPS Status and Special Tests 2012 - III BLM Validation of changes applied for XPOC PM, Study buffers, collimation data + validation of new firmware release: Checks without beam Threshold triggering test in the LHC crates (as described in ID=171); automatic test with >40.000 iterations executed over WE Additional check for missing HV to trigger beam dump via SIS (ID=461) – tbd today morning or early afternoon Large scale HV modulation tests (each test consists of 200 x modulation check to verify the integrity of the monitors and connections, and calculate accurate detection limits); 2-3 nights starting Monday 5 March. With probe beam – to be scheduled as early as possible Shooting on closed collimators to verify the reaction time Lower monitor factors, switch off RF and generate one pseudo asynchronous dump Lower monitor factors and close collimators one at a time at each point to verify that crates can initiate a beam dump.
MPS Status and Special Tests 2012 - IV LBDS – special tests for new/modified equipment Injection: Validation of new vacuum integral interlock in SIS, no special conditions, adjust thresholds and check SIS + correct RBAC implementation Re-synchronisation of MKI fine timing with AGK (reduction of AGK window by 50ns), @ injection, no beam, BPL closed, fast timing (pre-pulse) distributed (LHC coupled with SPS), check injection synchronisation on bucket 1 and bucket 31181 LBDS Validation of new TSU firmware (without beam check each client individually and synchronisation with BIS, BETS, LBDS, BLMDD,…), BPL closed, test with beam with ‘circulate and dump’, check XPOC and TSU IPOC Validation of β*interlock on TCDQ (ramp and squeeze, check interlock response to wrong position wrt to distributed β*) Validate special dump procedure, BPL closed and BEST armed, loss of fRF, Power cycle TSDS FEC, MKB not ready command Validation BETS system (and MKD/MKB) up to 4 TeV, ramp RB45, 56, 67 &78, MSDs and Q4 to 4teV, 30 min access au point 6 before test to put system into REMOTE
MPS Status and Special Tests 2012 - V SIS Validation of the beta* calculation (and transmission): granularity now 1 cm, beta* down to 0.6 m Validation of the energy interlock on all RBs : extension to 4 TeV. Validation of the new settings organization for orbit and COD interlocks: distinct settings for each hypercycle to ease handling of MDs (change MD settings , never touch OP settings) and non-standard optics (ATS). Validation of new MKI interlocks on temperature and vacuum: interlocks are now per sensor (was global per MKI system in 2011). Validation of new logic for the IR6 BPM versus TCS6/TCDQ logic : from double-sided to single sided limits. global check of all parameter acquisitions and correct functioning of existing interlocks. Most of this is done parasitically, but needs some 2-4 hours of beam time for usual cross-checks
MPS Status and Special Tests 2012 - VI BPF Scraping test on a probe beam to re-check intensity limits for beam presence (and eventually increase by another factor of 2 to get ~ 2e9) – 1 hour at injection with probe RF Test RF interlocks (cavity trips), 1-2 hours at injection Test RF frequency interlock, ½ on flat top Experiments Tbc with Alick Check full interlock logic of TOTEM -> Ongoing in shadow Procedures Abort gap cleaning Special dump procedure – tbd during next weeks, without beam