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The OIE Stats Spreadsheet. What is it, how do I fill it out, what does OIE do with it?. Overview. The OIE spreadsheet is an Excel workbook composed of 3 spreadsheets: Statistics Insurance Registration. Where do I find it?.
The OIE Stats Spreadsheet What is it, how do I fill it out, what does OIE do with it?
Overview The OIE spreadsheet is an Excel workbook composed of 3 spreadsheets: • Statistics • Insurance • Registration
Where do I find it? • The template is available for download from http://oie.uga.edu/docs/faculty_staff/program_management/registration_list_template.xls • Kasee (klaster@uga.edu) or Naomi (naomin@Uga.edu )can e-mail you a blank spreadsheet.
What do I do with it? • Fill it out and submit it to OIE by April 1st (Maymester) May 1st (summer) July 1st (fall) Nov 15th (spring) • Some programs copy and paste from it to Excel sheets for internal tracking purposes (course registration, forms turned in, etc.). • More on how to submit at the end.
The Statistics List Why? To enter your students into the master database of students who have studied abroad. Fill this section out first; doing so will save time on the other 2 worksheets.
Database uses • To track students currently abroad for safety purposes • To report internally (upper administration, individual departments and colleges, housing, etc.) • To report externally (USG, Open Doors, the media)
Heading information • Program name • Person filling out stats (not necessarily the faculty director) and this person’s phone and e-mail contact • Program beginning and ending dates.
Sections • UGA students • Non-UGA students - VERY important to list transients separately • Non-UGA students must get transient admission: http://international.uga.edu/education_abroad/incoming_transients/
More on Non-UGA students Ask Kasee for a comprehensive guide to transient admission if you plan to accept transient students. • START EARLY and monitor your students’ progress through the system.
Columns • Last name, first name, middle initial • Student ID (the social is still required at this time, formatted with hyphens, 000-00-0000) • Gender, race – please include if known, and always use the drop-down menus to facilitate proper reporting
Columns, continued • Permanent address • Phone – please format with hyphens, 000-000-0000 (no parentheses) • E-mail • Financial aid – yes or no and type – please include if known, but don’t have to call FA to find out – can just leave blank.
A note about data • If you don’t know, you can choose “Don’t know” for almost every drop-down menu item or leave it blank. • But please do give us as much information as you can about your transients. For UGA students, we can pull considerable information from the mainframe if you do not know, but not so much for transients.
Columns, continued • Major (1st and 2nd) and academic level – please use the drop-down menus for reporting purposes. • Not a U.S. citizen or PR – please indicate YES if not a U.S. citizen; otherwise no or leaving blank is fine.
Additional column for non-UGA • Please note to the far right that this section has an additional column, Home University; please provide this if known. We are seeking to improve our tracking of transient students, see what schools they are coming from, etc. • The home school of transients is NOT recorded on the Registrar’s mainframe; this is the only way we have to get the information.
The Insurance List Why? To order your study abroad insurance from the carrier ($1/day). • If you order your own insurance, just let me know in your cover e-mail.
Why, part II • To check student Conduct Records. • If a student has a record, please see the detailed policy on student judicial records and study abroad. • Having a judicial record does not in itself mean a student cannot study abroad; cases should be evaluated individually per the guidelines in the policy.
Re: Conduct Records • Many programs prefer to do their own conduct checks so they can factor them into initial admissions decisions. • If interested, let Kasee know.
Sections of this sheet • UGA • Non-UGA • Faculty • Information at the bottom (please do not change)
Heading & Columns • Beginning and ending dates for insurance should include travel time (budget to cover these dates). • Far right column allows you to account for students traveling before or after and buying insurance for those days through the program. • However, most programs prefer that students make their own arrangements for those dates. • TW Lord 800-633-2360 (coverage not required for independent travel, but strongly encouraged).
Faculty coverage • Add faculty at the bottom (student data should have self-populated, but faculty are not included on the first sheet, so enter here). • Same rate - $1/day (or medical evacuation only for $12 for the whole program). Coverage is optional for faculty. • You must cover (and the program must pay for) graduate students on assistantship working for the program.
Others • Please do not list faculty dependents here; call TW Lord 800-633-2360 • Continuing education participants get different coverage (costs slightly more); call TW Lord. • Faculty and staff going abroad other than with study abroad programs can also purchase coverage (slightly different plan, but similar).
Others, continued • Please let OIE know early on (klaster@uga.edu) of anyone going on your program who is not a student for credit or working for the program (i.e., alumni, continuing ed participants).
HELP OIE spread the word • Students (including graduate students) who are going abroad independently for research and internships (including thesis and dissertation work) need insurance and to sign a waiver. • You don’t have to be part of an organized study abroad program to buy the insurance – or to need it. • Please help spread the word in your department. Have these students contact Kasee.
And finally. . . • OIE can only order insurance or check Conduct Records once for each program. • There are 100 programs; we would quickly lose track of late adds, drops, changed dates, etc. • Please call TW Lord 800-633-2360 and e-mail Kara Fresk (kfresk@uga.edu) directly with changes after you turn in your initial spreadsheet • Please also do send us a new spreadsheet for database and tuition purposes.
Registration Why? To facilitate financial aid for your students and tuition rollback for your program (if applicable).
Heading • Top part again similar. But note that unlike the insurance portion, this third sheet does not self-populate. • Please copy-paste the top part of the heading and the information in the columns from the statistics sheet. • Here we need the program faculty director’s contact information as well.
Additional parts of heading • Student program fee (not including tuition) • Tuition (in-service) account – contains GV • Program fees (agency) account – contains GN
More on the two accounts • For more information on the GV and GN and what can be charged to each: http://oie.uga.edu/docs/faculty_staff/program_management/instructions_complete_budget.doc
Columns • Name, ID (copy-paste) • Expected credit hours the student will enroll in – very important • Expected tuition – more for your use; multiple hours by the rate for that term, major, year of entry: http://www.busfin.uga.edu/bursar/schedule.html
Expected tuition, continued • Figuring any particular student’s estimated tuition keeps getting more complicated. • The site below will help you attempt to estimate but be very cautious in quoting a rate to transient students. • Budget conservatively! Assume the lowest possible rate for internal budgeting purposes. http://www.busfin.uga.edu/bursar/schedule.html
In-state or out-of-state? • This column is primarily for your planning purposes. • Students who are neither GA residents nor enrolled in any USG system school nor enrolled in an SEC school pay an extra $250 in tuition. • This amount is billed automatically and you will receive notification from the Bursar’s office. • Don’t count on it in your budget – as you can see, there are lots of exceptions to who pays it. But do tell students about the possibility.
How to submit • Because the spreadsheet contains social security numbers, they can not be e-mailed directly. • Instead, use UGA SEND FILES function: • http://wiki.eits.uga.edu/help/index.php/SendFiles • Send to Naomi Molina (naomin@uga.edu) • The file must be in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.
How to submit, cont. • Please tell us anything you need us to know in a cover e-mail - if you have already ordered your own insurance and/or checked your list with Student Conduct; if you have incoming transients from other SEC schools who should be waived the $250 out-of-state charge, or anything else. • We will order your insurance, add your students to the database, arrange for tuition return if applicable, etc.
Those deadlines again. . . • April 1st (Maymester) • May 1st (summer) • July 1st (fall) • November 15th (spring)
Other reminders Please don’t delete any part of the file. Please always use the drop-down menus where these are provided. Please scroll down and to the right on each sheet to make sure that the entire worksheet is completed.
Thank you! Your time and effort completing this worksheet enables us to provide accurate data to the insurance carrier, the Registration and Bursar’s offices, the UGA administration, the national Open Doors report, and the Board of Regents.