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By: Jackie Woleschok and Sarah Xenophon

Protozoa Lab. By: Jackie Woleschok and Sarah Xenophon. Protozoa. Prepared Stentor Live Stentor Prepared Amoeba Live Amoeba Prepared Paramecium Live Paramecium. Prepared Spirostonium Prepared Euglena Live Euglena. Prepared Stentor. Ciliophora. 476.4 um. Moves using cilia.

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By: Jackie Woleschok and Sarah Xenophon

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  1. Protozoa Lab By: Jackie WoleschokandSarah Xenophon

  2. Protozoa • Prepared Stentor • Live Stentor • Prepared Amoeba • Live Amoeba • Prepared Paramecium • Live Paramecium • Prepared Spirostonium • Prepared Euglena • Live Euglena

  3. Prepared Stentor Ciliophora 476.4 um Moves using cilia

  4. Live Stentor Ciliophora 130.4 um Moves using cilia

  5. Prepared Amoeba Sarcodina 250.9 um Moves using amoeboid movement

  6. Live Amoeba Sarcodina 109.6 um Moves using amoeboid movement

  7. Prepared Paramecium Ciliophora 304.9 um Moves using cilia

  8. Live Paramecium Ciliophora 69.5 um Moves using cilia

  9. Live Spirostonium Ciliophora 40.9 um Moves using cilia

  10. Prepared Euglena Euglenozoa 141.2 um Swims using flagella to pull itself Red pigmented eyespot to locate light

  11. Live Euglena Euglenozoa 63.7 um Swims using flagella to pull itself Red pigmented eyespot to locate light (green other wise)

  12. Algae • Prepared Volvox • Live Volvox • Live Nostoc • Prepared Chlamydomonas • Live Chlamydomonas • Live Navicula • Prepared Oedogonium • Live Oedogonium • Live Anabaena • Prepared Spirogyra • Live Spirogyra • Live Peridinium • Live Sphacelaria • Live Callithamnion

  13. Prepared Volvox Chlorophyta 70.9 um Using flagella, cells on one side of the colony pull and on the opposite side they push Cellulose in cell walls Chlorophyll a and b Bridge between multicellular and colonial life

  14. Live Volvox Chlorophyta 286.0 um Using flagella, cells on one side of the colony pull and on the opposite side they push Cellulose in cell walls Chlorophyll a and b Bridge between multicellular and colonial life

  15. Live Nostoc Cynobacteria 23.1 um No movement Chlorophyll a and the red accessory pigment phycobilins

  16. Prepared Chlamydomonas Chlorophyta 19.4 um Moves using flagella Cellulose in cell walls Chlorophyll a and b

  17. Live Chlamydomonas Chlorophyta 16.6 um Moves using flagella Cellulose in cell walls Chlorophyll a and b

  18. Live Navicula Diatom 30.8 um Glides by using microfibriles

  19. Prepared Oedogonium Green Algae 28.4 um No movement Cellulose in the cell wall Chlorophyll a and b

  20. Live Oedogonium Green Algae 254.2 um No movement Cellulose in the cell wall Chlorophyll a and b

  21. Live Anabaena Cyanobacteria 114.0 um No movement

  22. Prepared Spirogyra Chlorophyta 104.1 um No movement Cellulose in the cell walls Chlorophyll a and b

  23. Live Spirogyra Chlorophyta 204.9 um No movement Cellulose in the cell walls Chlorophyll a and b

  24. Live Peridinium Dinoflagellata 110.5 um No movement May be luminescent Only eukaryote without histones

  25. Live Sphacelaria Brown Algae 56.8 um No movement Chlorophyll a and c and the brown accessory pigment fucoxanthin

  26. Live Callithamnion Red Algae 149.9 um No movement Chlorophyll a and the red accessory pigment phycobilins It can absorb blue lights and live at great depths

  27. Other Protozoa & Algae • Prepared Trypanosome • Prepared Giardia • Prepared Vorticella • Prepared Radiolaria • Prepared Desmids • Prepared Plasmodium • Prepared Leshmania • Prepared Trichomonas • Prepared Termite Flageliates

  28. Prepared Trypanosome Zoomastigina 34.9 um Propelled by flagella

  29. Prepared Giardia Metamonada 160.7 um Propelled by flagella

  30. Prepared Vorticella Ciliophora 298.3 um Moves using cilia

  31. Prepared Radiolaria Sarcodine 142.8 um Moves using amoeboid movement

  32. Prepared Desmids Green Algae 118.O um No movement Cellulose in the cell walls Chlorophyll a and b

  33. Prepared Plasmodium Sporozoa 13.5 um No movement It is a parasite that causes malaria

  34. Prepared Leshmania Zoomastigina 32.2 um Propelled by Flagella

  35. Prepared Trichomonas Zoomastigina 23.4 um Propelled by flagella

  36. Prepared Termite Flageliates Zoomastigina 187.6 um Propelled by Flagella Lives within the digestive systems of termites Allows the termites to digest cellulose

  37. Live Amoeba Video Average Speed: 0.000068 miles per hour

  38. Live Paramecium Video Average Speed: 0.0013 miles per hour

  39. Live Euglena Video Average Speed: 0.0016 miles per hour

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