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Rain Forest Biome

Rain Forest Biome. By: Shannon Zajec and Allie Gaye. http://www.deltarepro.com/img/rainforest.jpg. Locations. Rainforests are found in more than forty countries around the equator.

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Rain Forest Biome

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  1. Rain Forest Biome By: Shannon Zajec and Allie Gaye http://www.deltarepro.com/img/rainforest.jpg

  2. Locations Rainforests are found in more than forty countries around the equator. They are located in the tropics. The tropics can be found from the Tropic of Capricorn, south of the equator, to the Tropic of Cancer, which is north of the equator. Rainforests can be found in parts of Brazil, Venezuela, the Amazon Basin, Colombia, French Guinea, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Southeast Asia, Costa Rica, New Guinea, the Philippines, Kenya, Australia, and more. The latitude range for rainforest climate is 15° to 25° North and South of the equator http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/rainforest.htm

  3. Abiotic FactorsClimates Temperatures: 93 °F (34 °C) or drops below 68 °F (20 °C Humidity: between 77 and 88% Rainfall: more than 150 inches a year Seasons don’t change. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/rainforest.htm

  4. Abiotic Factors Rainforests covers less than 6% of Earth's land surface Earths Oxygen: 40% http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/rainforest.htm

  5. Kinkajous Carbon Cycle

  6. Linn Sloths Cycles

  7. Species: flavus • The adaptation, sharp claws help them to climb trees and their long tail to hang from tree to tree for their grip. • Kinkajous' teeth are good for eating big food and ripping apart its food. • They hide in the upper branches from the birds of prey that benefits from its environment by feeding on its prey. Kinkajou (Potos) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/kinkajou/

  8. Linns Sloth (Cholopeus) Species:didactylus • The Linn's sloth has two claws on each front-foot that helps it to defend itself and aids in climbing trees. • The sloth has a big, pouched stomach that can help it digest the tough cellulose in leaves. • The greenish color helps camouflage from their predators like Leopards. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/linns_sloth.htm

  9. Food Chain in Rain Forest http://www.world-builders.org/lessons/less/biomes/rainforest/temp_rain/tempgifs/tempweb.gif

  10. Producers of Rain Forest • Strangler Fig (Ficus) • Species: ssp. • Unlike most plants, strangler figs start out their lives as epiphytes in the crook of a tree or on its branches. This allows plants to gain more light than if on the forest floor which recieves little light. • The seedlings grows slowly at first, getting their nutrients from the sun, rain and leaf litter that has collected on the host so it can survive in the rainforest • The forest floor of a rainforest is a difficult place for seedlings to grow, so there is little light and a lot of competition for water and nutrients which is hard for it to survive. • Bengal Bamboo (Bambusa) • Species: tulda • It can reduce soil erosion. • It physically adapts to its environment by growing tall fast so it gets a lot of rain and sunlight. • It sucks up water from heavy rains that might cause flooding and also provides shelter for many animals. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/strangler_figs.htm http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/rainforest/animals/Foodweb.shtml

  11. Consumers of Rain Forest • Vampire Bat (Desmodus) • Species:rotundus • Incisors are two sharp and pointy teeth to kill its prey. • Unlike other bats the vampire bat can walk, run, and hop along the ground to stalk its prey so they don’t starve. • A thumb claw sticks out from • the front of its wings and it uses this for climbing around on its prey. • It’s a carnivore • King Cobra(Ophiophagus) • Species:hannah • It will also sometimes spits in its prey's eyes which stings and will kill rapidly if it gets into the blood stream. • The King Cobra is the only snake that builds a nest and guards it until the eggs hatch. • The poison is also a special adaptation that paralyzes the nervous system of its prey, which is often larger than itself. • It’s a carnivore http://info.rforests.tripod.com/biotic_factors.htm http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/rnfrst_animal_page.htm

  12. Apex Predator of Rain Forest • Leopard (Panthera) • The jaguar is a big cat with a compact and strong muscular body. • Jaguars are solitary animals with distinct territories. • The short and stocky limbs facilitate the animal to climb, swim and crawl. • Jaguars living in rainforests can be smaller and darker than those living in open areas because they are the top of the foodchain. • It’s a carnivore http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/rain-forest-tigers-leopards-jaguars-and-lions http://www.buzzle.com/articles/jaguar-the-rainforest-animal.html

  13. Food web of Rainforest • Blue- Kinkajou • Pink- Sloth • Linn's sloth is an omnivore • Kinkajou is an omnivore http://biomes743.wikispaces.com/file/view/rain_forest_3_web.jpg/123918351/596x666/rain_forest_3_web.jpg

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