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A.C. hemoragic Ex in urgenta

A.C. hemoragic Ex in urgenta. Hemoragia meninge Hematoame cerebrale. Hemoragia meningee ne-traumatica. Adult tanar Diagnostic pozitiv : CT (scanner) Atentie la ex tardiv care poate fi fals negativ Diagnostic etiologic : angio-scanner

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A.C. hemoragic Ex in urgenta

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A.C. hemoragicEx in urgenta • Hemoragia meninge • Hematoame cerebrale

  2. Hemoragia meningeene-traumatica • Adult tanar • Diagnostic pozitiv : CT (scanner) Atentie la ex tardiv care poate fi fals negativ • Diagnostic etiologic : angio-scanner • Tratament: neuro-radiologie interventionala si neuro-chirurgie

  3. Hyperdensité spontanée des espaces sous arachnoïdiens

  4. Hemoragia Meninge • Incidenta HSA: 10 cazuri la 100 000 persoane pe an • 80-90 % din HM netraumatice: anevrisme, MAV, etc. • Urgenta diagnost. si terapeut. • Mortalitate si morbiditate • resangerare • vasospasm

  5. Anevrisme Intracraniene

  6. Anevrisme Angiographie AG- CT

  7. Anevrisme Angiografie AngioCT

  8. Complicatiile HM • Hidrocefalie • Vasospasme • Ruptura noua • Hematom cerebral


  10. HEM. MENINGEE Ischemie secundara

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