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A-CDM – Integration of Airport into the Network Implementation Steps & Status

A-CDM – Integration of Airport into the Network Implementation Steps & Status. Hans Koolen NMOC/CFMU Network Operations Services. Edition June 2012. Introduction. Purpose of presentation

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A-CDM – Integration of Airport into the Network Implementation Steps & Status

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  1. A-CDM – Integration of Airport into the NetworkImplementation Steps & Status Hans KoolenNMOC/CFMUNetwork Operations Services Edition June 2012

  2. Introduction • Purpose of presentation • To describe which implementation steps are applicable for Integrating a CDM airport into the Network via DPI and FUM messages. • To provide the latest available planning information • Target Audience • Management • Airport CDM Project Team • All others who would like to have a global overview of the planning

  3. AGENDA • Introduction • DPI/FUM Implementation Steps • Last available planning info

  4. Airport CDM Integration Plan • A-CDM is implemented in phases • It is a Cooperation between: • At the airport: AO, handler, Airport, ATC/TWR • EUROCONTROL: Airport CDM-team, NMOC/CFMU • The process requires: • Clear roles & responsibilities of EUROCONTROL • Identification of clear & transparent criteria • The process has been defined together by APT and NMOC/CFMU

  5. Airport Interest More Analysis Information Information in Airport CDM Decision Phase Analysis Implementation Gap CBA Decision Analysis Phase Not Ready Advice Implementation DPI Message Implementation Completeness Elements (1 - 5) Go - No - Go Assessment Phase Decision NMOC/CFMU Implementation DPI Element * Local Airport CDM Operating DPI Operational Operational DPI Status CDM Operational Transmission to Evaluation Phase Airport Evaluation NMOC/CFMU * The technical support for the DPI element can be implemented e ither in parallel with elements 1 - 5 or after their completion DPI/FUM Implementation Procedure

  6. Five A-CDM Implementation Phases • Information Phase • NMOC/CFMU provides general info about DPI/FUM and NMOC/CFMU’s role in the A-CDM project • Analysis Phase • NMOC/CFMU does not actively participate but is ready to answer to questions if necessary. • Implementation Phase • NMOC/CFMU provides DPI implementation details • NMOC/CFMU and Airport CDM Project team draft DPI-ICD • Airport CDM platform software is updated with DPI/FUM processing • NMOC/CFMU and Airport CDM Project team agree planning of the DPI Operational Evaluation Phase • DPI Operational Evaluation Phase • Before start: Evaluate CDM Completeness Criteria • Evaluate DPI messages • Put DPIs into operations

  7. CDM Implementation Phases (1/3) Information Phase Information Collection Decision to analyse the options Airport is interested in A-CDM Gap Analysis CBA Decision to Implement A-CDM Analysis Phase Mainly Airport CDM Activities – NMOC/CFMU provides information

  8. CDM Implementation Phases (2/3) Decision to implement Airport CDM Implement CDM Elements 1 to 5 Implement FUM (local) CDM in Operations Implement DPI CDM Completeness Assessment Not yetReady Ready Decision to start DPI transmission to NMOC/CFMU Implementation Phase Activity managed by Airport CDM with support from NMOC/CFMU

  9. DPI Implementation Steps • First Information Exchange • Development of the DPI-ICD • FUM used by A-CDM • Validation of Local Data accuracy and Timelines • DPI Operational Evaluation • Communication and Message Syntax • Evaluation of Live Data • ATFCM Impact Assessment • Operational Trial • DPIs Fully operational

  10. DPI Implementation Steps First InformationExchange Development ofDPI-ICD Validation of Local Data Accuracy and Timelines FUM used by A-CDM DPI OperationalEvaluation DPIs Operationalat NMOC/CFMU

  11. First Information Exchange • Purpose • NMOC/CFMU provides Global Overview of DPI/FUM messages. • Airport provides overview of the A-CDM project. • First contact between the A-CDM project team and the NMOC/CFMU team. • When • After the A-CDM project has been approved • The A-CDM project wants to include DPI/FUM into the project planning • Duration • 1 day meeting • Required participants • A-CDM project team (preferably a representative of each stakeholder such as Airport, ATC-TWR ATC-FMP, AO,…) • NMOC/CFMU staff

  12. Development of the DPI-ICD • Purpose • NMOC/CFMU provides DPI messages implementation details. • NMOC/CFMU provides detailed presentation on the DPI Operational Evaluation process. • NMOC/CFMU and A-CDM project team start drafting the DPI-ICD. • When • When the A-CDM project is approaching the implementation phase. • Before the A-CDM software requirements for the DPI messages are written. • Duration • Start with a 1-2 day meeting • Finalisation of the DPI-ICD is estimated to take 1-2 months • Required participants • A-CDM project team, especially TWR OPS staff, FMP representative, Software Requirements Specialist. • NMOC/CFMU staff

  13. FUM used by A-CDM • Purpose • NMOC/CFMU will provide FUM on request. • The A-CDM team can send request to NMOC/CFMU. • When • After the A-CDM info sharing platform is ready to receive the FUM. • Duration • Provision of FUM can be arranged on short notice. • Required participants • A-CDM project Mgr. • ODSG representative of ANSP concerned.

  14. Validation of Local Data Accuracy and Timelines • Purpose • To assess accuracy of CDM Data Provision • To prevent unnecessary long DPI Operational Evaluation • See “CDM Completeness Criteria” in Airport CDM Manual. • When • After A-CDM has been put into operations. • Before DPI Operational Evaluation is started. • Duration • Estimated duration: 1 week – 1 month. • Required participants • A-CDM project team to asses the Criteria. • EUROCONTROL CND Airport team to discuss the Criteria.

  15. CDM Completeness Criteria (1/2) • Implement 5 Airport CDM Concept Elements • Airport CDM Information Sharing • Airport CDM Turn-around process – Miles Stones Approach • Variable Taxi-Time (VTT) Calculation • Collaborative Pre-Departure Sequence (TSAT) • CDM in Adverse conditions • Inclusion of the following major events in the CDM process • Verification of the flight plan with the airport slot • Establishment of the TOBT • Issue of the TSAT • Actual Off-Block • Adherence to Operational Procedures • CDM procedures documented in AIP and Airport Operating Instructions • See Airport CDM Implementation Manual – Attachment 6

  16. CDM Completeness Criteria (2/2) • Accuracy & Coverage of the provided data • DPIs received for at least 97% of the flights • Accuracy of TTOT based upon TOBT <= 12min • Accuracy of TTOT based upon TSAT <= 10min • Accuracy of TTOT based upon AOBT <= 5min • The accuracy of the provided TOTs must be for 95% of the flights during normal circumstances • Adherence to ATFM Slots • Must be 80% or better during the last month before the CDM Completeness Assessment • Agreements • MoU signed by all partners at the airport • DPI-ICD with NMOC/CFMU agreed • LoA with NMOC/CFMU ready

  17. DPI Operational Evaluation • Purpose • To evaluate completeness and accuracy of DPI messages. • See “DPI & FUM Implementation Roadmap” for details. • When • After local A-CDM has been put into operations. • Before DPI messages are put into operations in NMOC/CFMU. • Duration • Estimated duration: 3-6 months. • Required participants • A-CDM project (OPS and ENG expertise). • NMOC/CFMU (URB and OPS expertise).

  18. CDM Implementation Phases (3/3) Decision to start DPI transmission to NMOC/CFMU DPI Operational Evaluation Phase System & Operations Improvements DPI Operational Evaluation Not yetReady Ready Operations Activity managed by NMOC/CFMU

  19. DPI in Operations • Purpose • To do the last preparations (admin). • To put DPIs into operations (at NMOC/CFMU). • When • After successful DPI Operational Evaluation • Duration • Estimated duration: 1 month. • Required participants • A-CDM project team. • NMOC/CFMU.

  20. DPI Implementation Steps First InformationExchange Development ofDPI-ICD Validation of Local Data Accuracy and Timelines FUM used by A-CDM DPI OperationalEvaluation DPIs Operationalat NMOC/CFMU

  21. DPI Operational Evaluation – Major Steps • Communication and Message Syntax • Evaluation of Live Data • ATFCM Impact Assessment • Operational Trial • Operations • Post Operations Support

  22. Operational Evaluation Phases 1. Communication and Message Syntax • Purpose: Initial and quick verification of message syntax and connections in order to save time during testing with live data. • How: transmission of copies of several DPI message types via e-mail and via AFTN. • How Long: one or several e-mails and a few messages via AFTN. • Report: feedback is given by NMOC/CFMU via e-mail.

  23. Operational Evaluation Phases 2. Evaluation of Live Data • Purpose: Determine accuracy and consistency of Live Data and suitability for ATFCM purposes. • How: transmission of DPIs for operational traffic to the ETFMS OPS evaluation (test) system. • How Long: initially 1 hour, later 24hours to several days. • Report: initial feedback is given by NMOC/CFMU via e-mail. Later statistics reports will be produced and discussed with the airport concerned. Note that this phase may take several months dependent on the results of the first evaluations. It is required to have at least one long duration test of 7-14 days.

  24. Operational Evaluation Phases 3. ATFCM Impact Assessment • Purpose: Determine the impact of the provided DPIs on the ATCFM process managed by ETFMS. • How: transmission of DPIs for operational traffic to the ETFMS OPS evaluation (test) system. • How Long: at least 24 hours without interruption. • Report: Analysis and reports will be done via the ETFMS standard HMI (count graphs, oplog query,..).

  25. Operational Evaluation Phases 4. Operational Trial • Purpose: to verify the correct working of DPI/FUM messages in a fully operational environment. • How: transmission of DPIs for operational traffic to the ETFMS OPS system and FUMs to the airport OPS system. • How Long: several hours on 2 different days. • Report: Analysis and reports will be done via the ETFMS standard HMI (count graphs, oplog query,..) and via the airport CDM system.

  26. Operational Evaluation Phases 5. Operations (prepare for…) • Purpose: to organise a GoNoGo meeting and take the last actions for final operations • How: Organise the meeting, do last actions. • How Long: takes approximately 1 week. • Report: Go or NoGo decision and completed action-list.

  27. Operational Evaluation Phases 6. Post Operations Support • Purpose: to learn from operations and to iron-out last problems • How: Closely monitor operations and ensure the availability of Operations Support. • How Long: approximately 2 weeks close monitoring and after that normal operations support. • Report: Incident reports and others.

  28. Summary - Evolutionary Approach

  29. DPI Operational Evaluation Criteria • DPI Quality Indicators • DPI Completeness; i.e. DPIs for almost all flights • DPI Update rate; i.e. sufficient nr of updates per flight • DPI to Flight plan correlation; no DPIs for VFR/OAT flights • Rejected/ignored DPIs; must be below 3% • Filing time behaviour; must be as agreed in the ICD • … • DPI performance Indicators • TOT predictability; must be better than flight plan predictability

  30. AGENDA • Implementation Phases • CDM Completeness Criteria • DPI Operational Evaluation Process • Summary • Documentation & Contacts

  31. Summary • Four main A-CDM Implementation Phases • Phases 1,2 : Information & Analysis Phases (NMOC/CFMU provides info) • Phase 3: (local) Implementation Phase (NMOC/CFMU provides support) • Phase 4: DPI Operational Evaluation Phase (managed by NMOC/CFMU) • Phase 3 ends with: CDM Completeness Assessment • Determines if Airport is ready be integrated in the ATM Network • Phase 4: DPI Operational Evaluation • System integration testing & putting into Operations • Takes 3-6 months

  32. AGENDA • Implementation Phases • CDM Completeness Criteria • DPI Operational Evaluation Process • Summary • Documentation & Contacts

  33. Documentation (1/2) • Airport CDM Manual • Contains CDM Milestones approach and a general Description of DPI messages • Ref: Edition 3.1, July 2010. • http://www.euro-cdm.org/library/cdm_implementation_manual.pdf • NM/CFMU Flight Progress Messages Document • Contains DPI and FUM message syntax and semantics, general trigger events • Ref: URB/USD/MSG_INTF, version 1.900, dated 01/02/2012 • http://www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int/cfmu/gallery/content/public/library/handbook_supplements/user_guides/docu_flight_progress_msg_latest.pdf • DPI Implementation Guide • Contains a details of DPI messages, including trigger events and processing by ETFMS • Ref: URB/USD/DPI_Impl_Guide, version 1.600, dated 01/02/2012 • http://www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int/cfmu/gallery/content/public/userdocs/dpi/DPI_Impl_Guide.pdf

  34. Documentation (2/2) • FUM Implementation Guide • Contains a details of FUM messages, including accuracy info and implementation guidelines • Ref: URB/USD/FUM_Impl_Guide, version 1.200, dated 01/02/2012 • http://www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int/cfmu/gallery/content/public/userdocs/dpi/FUM_Impl_Guide.pdf • DPI & FUM Implementation Road Map • Contains description of steps for the DPI & FUM evaluation and Evaluation Criteria • Ref: URB/USD/DPI_FUM_Impl_RM, version 1.400, dated 01/02/2012 • http://www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int/cfmu/gallery/content/public/userdocs/dpi/DPI_FUM_Impl_RM.pdf • DPI ICD • Contains the Airport specific DPI interface with the actual implementation of the DPI contents and trigger events • http://www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int/cfmu/gallery/content/public/userdocs/dpi/DPI_ICD_template_v1450.pdf

  35. Contacts • Contacts: • Hans Koolen, tel +32 2 729 9876 • e-mail: johannes.koolen@eurocontrol.int • Ioana Coliban, tel +32 2 729 9826 • e-mail: ioana-angelica.coliban-porosnicu@eurocontrol.int

  36. Thank you for your attention Hans Koolen Johannes.koolen@eurocontrol.int

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