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COMPUTER MODELLING, VISUALISATION & ANIMATION CMPCD2048 - COMPUTER GAMES TECHNOLOGY AND ANIMATION CMPCD2051. Dr. Abdennour El Rhalibi Room 723 a.elrhalibi@ljmu.ac.uk. CMPCD2048 – Computer Animation (24). Aims :

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  2. CMPCD2048 – Computer Animation (24) • Aims: • This module will explore computer animation and visualisation techniques including: modelling, rendering, animation, special visual effects, interactive devices, procedural animation, various motion control and deformation techniques, techniques for animation of natural phenomena (particle systems, flocking, plant growth....), collision detection and animation systems. • Learning Outcomes: After completing the module the student should be able to: • Explain various animation and visualisation techniques and select appropriate algorithms to generate motion and visual effects for 2D and 3D animated sequences. • Storyboard, compose, and render a 2D cel-based animated sequence. • Produce 3D models using appropriate tools and techniques. • Use 3D Modelling and Animation software tools (for example 3DSMax, Maya or Blender) to produce motion and visual effects for an animated sequence. • Implement animation and visualisation techniques using scripting language. • Report with appropriate documentation the stages and techniques applied for a given computer animation and visualisation product.

  3. CMPCD2048 – Computer Animation (24) • Outline Syllabus: • Computer Animation: Background and History • Principle of Animation (2D, 3D Animation) • Story-Boarding, scene composition and rendering • Animation Delivery Mechanisms: Flip-book, Cell, Object-orientated, Path-based and Tweened Animations • Computer Animation Software, Animation and Visualisation Hardware • 3D Modelling: modelling: Three-Dimensional Co-ordinates ; Polygon Model - characteristics, data structure ; Solid Models - constructive solid geometry ; Spline surfaces - Bezier, NURBS, tools, methods • Colour Science and Colour Models - RGB, LAB, CMYK, graphical representation. • Image Quality - colours, aliasing, dithering. • Real-time rendering, Animation languages - scripting • 3D effects: shading, lighting, texturing, … • Key-Framing /Track-based Animation • Character animation: Character development and modelling, Principles of character animation, 3 Using IK and FK, Pose to pose animation. • Motion specification: direct, goal directed, kinematics and dynamics, control hierarchy. • Physical-based animation • Advanced and Emergent Behavioural Animation: for example-Particle and flocks, plant growth, Cloth and hair animation • Procedural Method: for example-Kinematic, Rigid Body Animation,...

  4. CMPCD2048 – Computer Animation (24) • Assessment: • 40% Coursework 1: Individual Project involving 2D and 3D modelling and visual effects production and presentation • 60% Coursework 2: Group work covers: project using a 3D animation software with compositing of all the effects learned in the module.

  5. CMPCD2051 – COMPUTER GAMES TECHNOLOGY AND ANIMATION(24) • Aims: • This module can be considered as two parts. The first part is the Computer Games Technology which covers the theory and techniques used in the design and development of computer and video games. The second part is the Computer Animation. This part concentrates on specific technology used in computer and video games production which is how to create 3D models, apply animation and use them in 3D program using graphics API such as Microsoft XNA or OpenGL. • Learning Outcomes: After completing the module the student should be able to: • Describe the concepts of computer and video game technology and how they have evolved. • Explain the importance of the different technologies in computer and video games production. • Demonstrate an understanding of the technical issues that are common in computer and video games development. • Evaluate computer games design and implementation. • Explain various techniques to produce 3D model and animation. • Implement animation techniques using modern programming language and 3D modelling tools.

  6. CMPCD2051 – COMPUTER GAMES TECHNOLOGY AND ANIMATION(24) • Outline Syllabus: • Computer Animation: Background and History • Principle of Animation (2D, 3D Animation) • Story-Boarding, scene composition and rendering • Animation Delivery Mechanisms: Flip-book, Cell, Object-orientated, Path-based and Tweened Animations • Computer Animation Software, Animation and Visualisation Hardware • 3D Modelling: modelling: Three-Dimensional Co-ordinates ; Polygon Model - characteristics, data structure ; Solid Models - constructive solid geometry ; Spline surfaces - Bezier, NURBS, tools, methods • Colour Science and Colour Models - RGB, LAB, CMYK, graphical representation. • Image Quality - colours, aliasing, dithering. • Real-time rendering, Animation languages - scripting • 3D effects: shading, lighting, texturing, … • Key-Framing /Track-based Animation • Character animation: Character development and modelling, Principles of character animation, 3 Using IK and FK, Pose to pose animation. • History and evolution of technology in computer and video games. Evolution of computer games hardware and software. • Hardware for computer systems for game and multimedia: processor, memory, graphic cards, sound cards, input/output devices. Computer games platforms (Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii and PC). • Hardware considerations for gaming technology: PC and console-based systems. • Game development tools: programming languages, game engines, physics engines, graphics APIs, multimedia and 3D modeling packages. • Future trends in Computer Games technology (networking and multi-players game, wireless devices, palm, 3D, AI). • Principles of game design. • Games genres: implications for design. • Personal roles in game development: producer, designer, artist and animator, musician, programmer, tester.

  7. CMPCD2051 – COMPUTER GAMES TECHNOLOGY AND ANIMATION(24) • Assessment: • Examination: 40% one, two-hour, examination 2(hrs) • Coursework: 20% individual coursework (Computer and video games technology). • Coursework: 40% group coursework (3D model creation and animation).

  8. Main References • El Rhalibi, A. and Shen, Y. (2004) 'Animation :Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction. Volume 1. p. 13-17.' Berkshire Publishing Group. • Foley et al (1990) 'Computer Graphics: Principles & Practice' 2nd Edition Wesley 0201848406 • Griffin, H. 'Animators Guide to 2D Animation' Focal Press 024051579X, Y • Murdock, K.L. (2005) '3ds max® 7 Bible' John Wiley & Sons; 0764579711 • Bousquet, M. (2005) 'Model, Rig, Animate with 3DS Max 7' New Riders 0321321782 • Watt, A. Watt, M. (1992) 'Animation and Rendering Techniques Theory and Practice' Addison -Wesley 0201544121 • Thomas, F. Johnson, O. (1981) 'Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life' Abbeville Press New York 089659498X • Kerlow, I. V. (2000) 'The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Imaging' Van Nostrand Reinhold 0442018967 • Parent, R. (2001) 'Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques' Morgan-Kaufmann, San Francisco • Magnenat-Thalmann, N. (Editor), Thalmann, D. (1996) 'Interactive Computer Animation' Prentice Hall + The Internet

  9. Focus of The Modules • Full 3D computer animation + useful tools, algorithms and techniques to move objects in interesting ways. • Overview of the theory of animation or animation production issues • General techniques and algorithmic approaches used in computer-generated animation.

  10. What is Animation? • 'animate' == 'to give life to'. • Moving something which can't move itself. • Adds to graphics the dimension of time which vastly increases the amount of information which can be transmitted. • The animator has to be able to specify, either directly or indirectly, how the 'thing' is to move through time and space.

  11. What is Animation? • Series of pictures of objects/characters in Motion • The principle of “persistence of vision” and “phi phenomenon” has been known for some time. • According to the theory of persistence of vision, the perceptual processes of the brain or the retina of the human eye retains an image for a brief moment. A visual form of memory known as iconic memory has been described as the cause of this phenomenon. Persistence of vision is said to account for the illusion of motion which results when a series of film images are displayed in quick succession, rather than the perception of the individual frames in the series. • Displayed at some rate • film 24 fps • video 30 fps • Still work at 10-12 fps • Examples • flipbooks • stop motion (animatronics or claymation) • traditional hand animation (cel animation)

  12. Computer Animation Applications • Special Effects (Movies, TV) • Video Games • Virtual Reality • Simulation, Training, Military Applications • Medical Applications • Robotics, Animatronics • Visualization • Communication

  13. Digital Production Pipeline • Story • Visual Development • Character Design • Storyboards • Scene Layout • Modeling • Animation • Shading and Texturing • Lighting • Rendering • Post Production

  14. Physics Simulation • Particles • Rigid bodies • Collisions, contact, stacking, rolling, sliding • Articulated bodies • Hinges, constraints • Deformable bodies (solid mechanics) • Elasticity, plasticity, viscosity • Fracture • Cloth • Fluid dynamics • Fluid flow (liquids & gasses) • Combustion (fire, smoke, explosions…) • Phase changes (melting, freezing, boiling…) • Vehicle dynamics • Cars, boats, airplanes, helicopters, motorcycles… • Character dynamics • Body motion (FK, IK), skin & muscle, hair, clothing

  15. Character Animation • Animation • Motion playback • Keyframing • Blending, sequencing • Motion synthesis • Locomotion (walking, flying, swimming, slithering…) • Inverse kinematics • Procedural animation • Warping & retargetting • Physics (inverse dynamics, optimization…) • Motion input • Motion capture (& other motion input techniques) • Vision based capture

  16. Producing Animation Data • Motion capture (natural noise!)

  17. Animation Tools • Maya • 3D Studio Max • Lightwave • Filmbox • Blender • Many more…

  18. 3D Modelling and Animation Software • Autodesk 3DS Max 7 / 2009 : Available in School Labs - Free trial of version 9: • http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Editors/3D-Studio-Max.shtml • Freeware: Blender 3D • http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ • Other Freeware 3D Software: including Maya (PLE), Daz, MotionBuilder, Bryce and AliasStudio • http://freeartsoftware.com/

  19. Session 1 • Lecture: • Introduction to Modules specs and Definition of Computer Animation • Lab: • 3DS Max interface

  20. Session 2 • Lecture: • Principles of 2D and 3D animation • Lab: • Creating a Ping -Pong Table and Ball • This tutorial introduced you to 3DS Max interface, modelling and keyframe animation. You have also used light, material and render your first animation in 3D Studio MAX.

  21. Session 3 • Lecture: • Introduction to 3D Modelling • Lab: • 3D Space Scene • This tutorial will teach you how to make a scene (a view to the Earth). • 1. Modelling • 2. Lighting • 3. Materials

  22. Session 4 • Lecture: • Introduction to 3D Modelling (cont.) • Lab: • Different Modelling exercises: • Exploring the Platonic solids • Filling a treasure chest with • Creating a pie • Creating a bendable straw • Boolean Operations • Small Airplane

  23. Session 5 • Lecture: • Introduction to Modelling Techniques • Lab: • Modelling: • Pawn • Tour • Rook

  24. Session 6 • Lecture: • Modelling • Lab: • Modelling Knight • Create a knight for a chess set using custom splines and the Surface modifier. • Surface modifier makes a 3D surface from an arrangement of intersecting splines

  25. Session 7 • Lecture: • Line Drawing Algorithms • Line Drawing algorithm • Explicit form of line • Slope-intercept algorithm • Parametric form of line • DDA algorithm • Implicit form of line • Bresenham algorithm • Lab: • Turning a 2D Logo Into 3D

  26. Session 8 • Lecture: • Interpolation Principles: • Linear, quadratic, cubic, splines • Lab: • Completing previous exercises • CW: Modelling House, street and Furniture

  27. Session 9 • Lecture: • Find the equations for the following splines functions: • Hermite interpolation • Catmull-Rom Splines • Blended parabolas • Bezier curves • Splines with tension • B-splines • NURBS • Lab: • Researching information about Interpolation and Splines

  28. Session 10 • Lecture: • Introduction to Illumination • Lab: • House modelling and Camera Walkthrough

  29. Session 11 • Lecture: • Polygon Rendering Methods • Particles Systems • Lab: • Particle Systems: • Creating particle systems. • Using space warps. • Creating materials to make smoke. • Emitting particles from geometry. • Using Noise controllers. • Using motion blur to create the illusion of water. • Using PArray and PCloud systems. • Using parameter wiring. • Adding fog and volume lighting.

  30. CW1 • Modelling House, furniture, street, light, particle system (fire, water, rain, snow, etc..), flythrough,

  31. Session 12 • Lecture: • Semester 2 syllabus, Intro to Animation techniques • Lab: • Introduction to Animation with Keyframe and inbetweening

  32. Session 13 • Lecture: • 3D Transform and Homogeneous Coordinates • Lab: Bouncing Ball • Creating animation using transforms. • Copying keys in the track bar. • Using ghosting to visualize in-betweens. • Using tangent handles in the Function Curve Editor to control in-betweens. • Creating looping animation using Parameter Out-of-Range Types. • Animating using dummy objects. • Using Layout mode. • Applying Multiplier curves. • Working with the Dope Sheet Editor to speed up animation and reverse time. • Using Weighted List controllers. • Creating squash and stretch effects with the Flex modifier. • Animating using Set Key mode.

  33. Session 14 • Lecture: • Animation Techniques • Lab: • Flying a Spacefighter • Animating with Path constraints. • Using dummy objects for animation. • Using weighted list controllers to add turbulence. • Setting keys using the Set Keys button. • Controlling Euler controller rotations. • Substituting high resolution objects for low resolution objects by using XRefs.

  34. Session 15 • Lecture: • Orientation: Representation, Operation, Quaternion • Lab: • Working with the Walkthrough Assistant • Create a target camera • Adjust camera head tilt and angle • Use Set Key to animate a camera • Render an animation to a sequence of still image files • Create a movie file of your animation

  35. Session 16 • Lecture: • Interpolation of Orientation • Lab: • Introduction to Character Animation • The purpose of this tutorial is to familiarize you with: • Creating and posing a biped • Associating the biped with a mesh using the Physique modifier • Animating the biped using two different methods, freeform and footstep animation • Combining motions in the Motion Mixer

  36. Session 17 • Lecture: • Character Animation and Kinematic • Lab: • Character Rigging • Creating and placing bones • Editing bones with the Bone Tools dialog • Creating and using IK chains • Using custom attributes and parameter wiring to control character movement • Using list controllers to facilitate parameter wiring

  37. Session 18 • Lecture: • Character Design: • Modelling, Rigging, Boning, Constraining • Lab: • Working with both simple and complete character rigs • Animating with Set Key mode • Creating a character assembly • Using IK and FK in the same animation • Merging with XRefs

  38. Session 19 • Lecture: • Human Animation Methods • Bones and Skeletal Animation • Rigging • Mesh Skinning • Human Hand • Facial Animation • Locomotion • Dynamics • Procedural animation • Lab: • CWs

  39. Session 20 • Lecture: • Human Animation Methods • Human Hand • Facial Animation • Lab: • Creating Complex Character Rigs • Rigging the Legs and Feet, Rigging the Spine, Rigging the Arms • Rigging the Head and Neck, Rigging the Eyes, Rigging Wrist Twist • Cleaning Up, Rigging a Shoulder, Rigging Finger Curls

  40. Session 21 • Lecture: • Locomotion • Lab: • Animating a Quadruped with Biped

  41. Session 22 • Lecture: • Only lab • Lab: • CWs

  42. CW2 • Bouncing Ball: Rigid Body, Keyframe/in-between, interpolation, physics • Stunt Flight Animation: Rigid Body, Interpolation / Spline / TCB • Character Animation: Articulated Bodies, FK/IK, Skinning • CAV Students Only: Animation / Video: Story, Production, rigid / articulated / particle / behaviour based animation

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