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Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29 May 2009. CZECH PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 1 January 2009 – 30 June 2009 Council Working Party on Statistics Date: Fri day 29 Ma y 2 009, 1 0 h 00 Place: JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS

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  1. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29May 2009 CZECH PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 1January 2009 – 30 June 2009 Council Working Party on Statistics Date:Friday29May 2009, 10h00 Place:JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS Chairperson: MsHana Slegrova AGENDA: Adoption of the agenda Recommendation of the ECB for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC)No 2533/98 of 23November 1998 concerning the collection of statistical information by the ECB - Presidency Compromise(doc. ST 10204/09) 3. Any other business

  2. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29 May 2009 ECB Recommendation Progress (since the last CWPS) • Informal meetings with the ECB and the EC • EP opinion - adopted on 24 March 2009 • EDPS opinion - published on 20 April 2009 (ST 8789/09) • Consultations with the Council Legal Service  Presidency Compromise

  3. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29 May 2009 ECB Recommendation The texts in square brackets: • part of Recital 7d on cooperation between the ESS and the ESCB • the word 'determined’ in Article 1(0) • the word 'including’ in Article 2(1) • reference to the ESCB statistical work programme in Article 2(1) • the whole Article 2a on cooperation with the ESS •  related issues to be discussed as one package  necessary to discusswiththewholeArticle 2

  4. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29 May 2009 ECB Recommendation Recitals: • inclusion of consultations with the EDPS in Preamble • small modifications of Rec. 3,6,7a,7c,7d (elaborating) and 8 • Rec. 7  the prioritisation suggested as an alternative for CEA  the specification of sources to reflect the CWPS proposals • new Rec. 7b on statistical principles • new Rec. 9a (inclusion of EP AM1) • further improvement of Rec. 10 to reflect requests of MS • new Rec. 11 included to reflect the opinion of the EDPS • some recitals reordered for consistency reasons

  5. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29 May 2009 ECB Recommendation Article 1: • definition of 'European Statistics’ :  modified to better mirror Reg. No. 223/09  moved to the beginning of Art.1  reference to the Treaty (instead of the Statute) • definition of 'reporting agents’ improved • specific reference to the Council Regulation (EC) No. 2223/96 • definition of ’statistical information’ included (the EDPS conclusion) • def. of ’confidential statistical information’ incl. (moved from Art.8)

  6. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29 May 2009 ECB Recommendation Article 2: • simplification of the text in par. 2 • expression ’residing in a Member State’ added to par. 2(b) • inclusion of the new text in par. 4 to simplify the collection of consolidated statistical information from large and complex banking groups and enterprise groups Article 3: • specification of European and International standards

  7. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29 May 2009 ECB Recommendation Article 3a: • text on principles modified as proposed by the Council Legal Service • modification of the text on definitions of stat. principles Article 8: • new introductory paragraph suggested to make clear that it applies only to the confidential statistical information collected by the ESCB • reordered with small modifications • coverage extended to the ESCB tasks under Article 106 of the Treaty

  8. Council Working Party on Statistics/ 29 May 2009 ECB Recommendation Article 8a: • improvements of the text based on the outcome of the CWPS • the rules necessary for protection of confidential data provided by the ESS authoritiesexplicitly mentioned Article 8b: • formally modified Article 8c: • inclusion of the possibility to have access to administrative records • text partly mirrors the Reg. No. 223/09 on European Statistics

  9. Council Working Party on Statistics / 29 May 2009 Any Other Business • Recent and upcoming activities • European statistics - Publication OJ: 31.3.2009 • Intrastat - Publication OJ: 31.3.2009 • Extrastat - EP 2nd reading: 2.4.2009 - Signed: 6.5.2009 • Crops - Jurists-linguists: 24.4.2009 - SCA adoption: 1.6.2009 - Council adoption: June 2009 • Info society - EP 1st reading: 2.4.2009 - Jurists-linguists: 12.6.2009 (scheduled) • PPP/Pesticides - Adoption in EP ENVI COM: 31.3.2009 - EP 2nd reading: 21.4.2009

  10. Council Working Party on Statistics / 29 May 2009 Any Other Business • Recent and upcoming activities – comitology • 3 “fisheries” Regulations -Publication OJ: 31.3.2009 • Omnibus IV - Coreper: 20.5.2009 • Waste statistics - Publication OJ: 31.3.2009 • National and Regional accounts - Council: 5.3.2009 - Publication OJ: 21.5.2009 • Carriage of goods by road - Council: 23.3.2009 - Publication OJ: 21.5.2009 • Carriage by sea - Coreper: 21.4.2009 - Council: 23.4.2009 • EU-SILC - Coreper: 13.5.2009 • FSS - sent to MSs:2.4.2009 - comments by: 15.4.2009 - SCA: 21.4.2009 • Balance of payment - sent to MSs: 30.4.2009 - comments by: 15.5.2009

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