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ULCH Stormwater Fees

ULCH Stormwater Fees. An Equivalent Stormwater Unit (ESU) is calculated so 1 ESU covers the average impermeable surface in one normal city lot Given all our impermeable surfaces (roofs, parking lots) and size, ULCH is rated at 37.36 ESUs

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ULCH Stormwater Fees

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  1. ULCH Stormwater Fees • An Equivalent Stormwater Unit (ESU) is calculated so 1 ESU covers the average impermeable surface in one normal city lot • Given all our impermeable surfaces (roofs, parking lots) and size, ULCH is rated at 37.36 ESUs • City of Minneapolis started adding a stormwater fee on the water bill in March 2005 based on rate times ESUs

  2. ULCH Stormwater Fees • ULCH Formula is $Rate x 37.36 ESUs = Fee • 2005 (March thru December) • $8.72 x 37.36 ESUs = $325.78/month • 10 months x $325.78 = $3,257.80 for year • 2006 • $9.17 x 37.36 ESUs = $342.59/month • 12 months x $342.59 = $4,111.08 for year

  3. ULCH Stormwater Fees 2007 $9.77 x 37.36 ESUs = $365.01/month 12 months x $365.01 = $4,380.12 for year 2008 $10.26 x 37.36 ESUs = $383.31/month 12 months x $383.31 = $4,599.72 for year 2009 (projected) $10.77 x 37.36 ESUs = $402.37/month 12 months x $402.37 = $4,828.44 for year

  4. ULCH Stormwater Fees • Fee has gone up $2.05 since 2005 (in increments of 45¢, 60¢, 49¢, and 51¢), and we can only assume it will continue to do so • From March 2005 to March 2009, we have paid $17,555.83 in Stormwater Fees • Reducing and controlling our stormwater runoff will reduce our ESU number

  5. ULCH Watershed Timeline • Various members took Metro Blooms rain garden classes (Fred, Kathy, Marty L-H, Resa, others?) • In May 2008, Kathy attended first Metro Blooms school and churches rain garden workshop • In August Facilities learned the Rummage Sale was making a final distribution of funds; we applied for and received $1,200 for an initial watershed assessment of our property

  6. ULCH Watershed Timeline • Using contact information from Metro Blooms workshop, Facilities researched and then hired Emmons & Olivier Resources in September for initial assessment • Also in September, we learned about MWMO stewardship grant program, Fred contacted Nancy Dilts to ensure we qualified, and Fred and Kathy wrote and submitted letter of intent • In October, MWMO invited us to submit a planning grant proposal

  7. ULCH Watershed Timeline • In early November, EOR completed initial assessment and provided us with the costs we needed for the planning grant • On November 9 we submitted the planning grant proposal to MWMO • In January 2009 we received word from MWMO that our planning grant proposal for $10,000 was approved

  8. ULCH Watershed Timeline • On February 23, 2009 we signed the contract with MWMO • In early March we signed the contract with EOR, which has 3 tasks • Site Investigation, including survey, update of base drawing, soil borings, and confirming requirements • Preliminary Design & Cost Estimate • Final Design

  9. ULCH Watershed Timeline • Last Thursday, EOR personnel did the site survey of the property • EOR planning to have preliminary design ready for our review and comments on Sunday, April 26 (Family Forum) • We expect to have final design by fall so we are in position to apply for an Action grant • Letter of intent in September • Grant proposal in November • Maximum grant $50,000

  10. ULCH Watershed Timeline • Other ongoing activities • Applied for a $2,000 mini-grant from MWMO to be used for trees, materials, and native plants – will know in mid April if approved • Garden Club organizational meeting today at 12:30 (after Amnicon benefit dinner) • Subsequent meetings will be held to discuss and select project for action grant • Hope to create at least one rain garden this summer

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