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Chambers YE+2 base-line: ME+2 -- 5 chambers, timed-in and calibrated ME+3 -- 4 chambers, timed-in and calibrated Finalizing YE+1: ME+1 -- 12 me1/1 and me+1/2 timed-in. calibration in progress 6 me1/3 timing in progress, followed by calibration. LV review (1 st week of April)
Chambers YE+2 base-line: ME+2 -- 5 chambers, timed-in and calibrated ME+3 -- 4 chambers, timed-in and calibrated Finalizing YE+1: ME+1 -- 12 me1/1 and me+1/2 timed-in. calibration in progress 6 me1/3 timing in progress, followed by calibration. LV review (1st week of April) Maraton will be used for the MTCC One trigger sector (18 CSCs) on YE+2 including 2 Peripheral Crates are currently powered by Maraton unit FED 4 DDUs available, of which 3 currently in use 1 DCC with 1 S-Link 2nd S-Link will be installed next week Local DAQ Two DAQ PCs, each taking care of 2 DDUs using the DDU optical spy channel 3 spy channels in use Work underway to set up a central Local DAQ server FMM All sTTS outputs from the DDUs, DCC and SP are plugged in the FMM FMM output backk to EMu LTC Throttling tested and obsvered to work. Verified FMM and LTC read backs on dead time and efficiency. Global DAQ Two overnight runs Involved 15 chambers, 2-out-of-3 stations coincidence (cosmics) trigger, and FMM-based TTS 1.4M and 170k events, data available on castor (consult cms-emu-slicetest mailing list for more info) Long runs are useful: uncovered minor DCC and Local DAQ issues. Muon-CSC Status
Muon-DT Status • DT installation and commissioning • It was decided to find a time slot for installation of the last two DT/RPC sectors in YB0 before the MTCC. Scheduled for mid-May. • Chamber commissioning ongoing. A second set-up is under preparation to increase the commissioning rate (now 6 chambers/week at most). • MTCC and DT • Trigger DTTF (DT track finder) has been moved from Bat.904 to the Green Barrack. System is running at Cessy, Control PC connected to private network. TTCci and LTC to be provided by Tim (seems OK). Next step is the test of optical (128m) connection between DTTF and sector collector. • FED and DAQ integration ongoing in Italy, slightly delayed but not show-stoppers so far. Expect the system at Cessy in ~2 weeks. • Installation of services is progressing, HV is there, LV being installed. Plan to install the long cables between Green Barrack and tower electronics in week starting May 8th. HV patch panel arrives next week.