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Team Development Agenda

Team Development Agenda. Questions from previous session BlackBoard comments & questions Team building Developmental model for teams Rationale for TB Culture & norm considerations Stages of teams TB example & contrast Reflective learning

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Team Development Agenda

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Team Development Agenda • Questions from previous session • BlackBoard comments & questions • Team building • Developmental model for teams • Rationale for TB • Culture & norm considerations • Stages of teams • TB example & contrast • Reflective learning • Next week: teams present TB design & rationale for feedback • Team time on handbook

  2. Team Building: Design & Processes • Team development • Rationale for teambuilding • Assessing the context • Microlab structure • Tuckman’s stages of team development • Sample teambuilding sequence • Reflective learning

  3. What are the assumptions of a developmental model? (think human development) • What’s the difference between team building & team development? • When (under what conditions or events) do you think team building should be done?

  4. If you don’t know your team members, you don’t have a team, and it doesn’t matter how high you can jump!

  5. The Jo-Hari Window– a rationale for acquaintance & team building Risk-Taking

  6. Team building usually doesn’t just happen

  7. Considerations for Team Building • Background • History, norms, culture • Context of current request • Why now (not 6 months earlier/later?) • What happens if TB is not done? • What do you want to be different? • What’s prevented this from happening until now? • Design • Sufficient time (2-3 hours); protected time (retreat) • Homework, preparation • Legitimacy, authorization, support • Materials (handouts, surveys, facilities, A-V, etc.) • Structured exercises & processing • Evaluation • What are the immediate, short and long term indications that TB was successful? (e.g., Kirkpatrick Model)

  8. Laboratory Education or T-group (Training Group) X X Positive experiences X X X X X X X Key incidents Negative experiences 16 weeks Microlab # # # # # # # # # Sequence of structured exercises 3 hours

  9. Tuckman Stages of Team Development 3. Norming 2. Storming • Differences, influence, power, conflict, complementing • Team cohesion, norms, conformity, groupthink risk, team espirit Low Social Emphasis  High 4. Performing 1. Forming • Acquaintance, goals, roles, procedures, constraints, resources, schedule, etc. • High performing team: Task focus, quality, productive, reflective, espirit, etc. Adjourning Low Task Emphasis High Joining Reforming

  10. Stage 1: Forming Assessing resources & setting direction • What is our understanding of the goals and objectives which this team was organized to achieve? How can we ensure we are all going in the same direction? • What special skills, information, backgrounds, and expertise do each of us bring to this team? • What structure, format, style and schedule do we prefer for our meetings? • What roles do each of us prefer on a team? What are our strong and weak roles? Which do we over/underuse? • What are our preferred styles of working and relating? How can these differences be used to complement each other, and be sequenced for more effective problem solving? • What stresses each of us? How might our styles change under pressure? What can we look for as signs of stress? How can we give useful and acceptable feedback and support at these times? • About what are we most likely to disagree? What are our preferred modes of conflict and conflict resolution? How can we disagree constructively? • What can we do to enhance the identity and cohesiveness of this team? How can we create our own team culture? • What norms do we bring from other team experiences? What norms would we like to explicitly include or avoid? • How can we ensure a team culture in which we can freely question and update restrictive norms? • How can we best monitor and discuss our team processes so we can continue to develop and improve? Stage 2: Storming Positioning, influence, conflict, complemen- tarity Stage 3: Norming Identity, cohesion, monitor norms Stage 4: Performing Maintain high performance

  11. Using the MBTI in teambuilding

  12. For Week 3: Your team task is to— • In 30” present the design for a 2 hour team-building experience for a group and setting • Prepare a brief (20”) class presentation of your design (include outline of objectives, activities & rationale) • Plan for 10” of discussion, comments and audience constructive feedback • Reflect on and discuss your own team processes in constructing this design: • What did we observe about our own team processes? • What should we stop, start, or continue?

  13. Nose to the grindstone Vs Continuous Learning Dewey Interpretation Pfeiffer & Jones Kolb NTL Deming Reflective Learning Cycle Application Reflection ? Implementation Task Origin Task Completion

  14. Interpretation: What does it reflect/mean? • theory/schema • dialogue • systems thinking • Reflection: What do you notice? • awareness • vocabulary • risk taking • opportunity • Application: how • can we use it? • test hypotheses • action planning Reflective Learning Cycle Implementation Task Origin Task Completion

  15. The “Real” Learning Organization— All levels, all the time Organizational Learning Team Learning Personal Learning

  16. 3S Team Reflection STAY: What did we do that worked well for us and we should continue? STOP: What did we do that got in our way and we should discontinue? START: What didn’t we do that would make us more effective and we should start?

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