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Utilizing Course Management Tools for Expanding Discourse in Book Clubs. Ideas for Expanding Discourse Online…. Moves to expand d iscourse by creating a blended book club with Schoology. “Tell me more about…” Use ideas from your discussions…
Utilizing Course Management Tools for Expanding Discourse in Book Clubs
Moves to expand discourse by creating a blended book club with Schoology • “Tell me more about…” • Use ideas from your discussions… • “last week a few of you mentioned that Tally was a very relatable character. I would like you to give me some examples of how she is relatable for you in your everyday life.” • Choice Prompt • Students can select a prompt that interests them (prompts can be fun activities too…) • Find out about what engages them in the novel and use that in the discourse. • You Share too! • Brainstorm ideas for the discuss topic that day (poll and vote!) • Web2.0 tools • Create avatar in character image (voki.com) • Select words that describe plot/character then use a Word Cloud Generator (Wordle) • Use the “Blog tool” to write a blog post • Private message feedback (I really like how you did X in the discussion today…) • Digital “turn and talk” • Have a 2-way conversation in Schoology between two students about a specific topic. • Digital Scavenger Hunt • Hunt and post an image or piece of multimedia that relates to a character or plot • Others can reply and “guess” the plot/character
Taking on the role of a character for a Live Salon (names in a hat option too)
Let students use their own chatspeak or jargon (or make it up!)
Schoology • http://schoology.com • Similar to Edmodo • You will join your group (you will have a “student” role) • Discussions for book club under MATERIALS tab
Group Codes • Login to http://schoology.com • Click on JOIN (use group code) • First and Last Name • When you join go to Discussions • To see your group’s discussions you need to post. I recommend posting and then deleting your post (you have to click on and off of the Schoology page).